Batman Returns

Batman Returns Movie Poster
User rating: 3.71 16 votes and 5 Reviews | Write a Review

Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Tomatometer 82% 82% Audience Score 73% 73%

In Theaters:
  • June 19, 1992

PG-13 | 2h 6m | Action, Adventure, Fantasy

After delivering a smash-hit with Batman,Tim Burton was given creative control over the sequel and delivered one of the darkest and richest of super-hero movies. While Batman plays the central figure, the film could more accurately be called Catwoman & Penguin.

Danny DeVito's portrayal of the Penguin as a twisted body and soul done in by his parents' rejection and hell-bent on power and revenge, and Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman, a frustrated secretary whose death at the hands of her boss leads to a re-birth as a hyper-sexual avenger are full of layers seldom seen in fare this obviously intended for family consumption, turning Batman Returns into one of the strongest combinations of Art and Hollywood spectacle, and Burton's most daring film.

Director: Tim Burton
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Producer(s): Denise Di Novi, Tim Burton
Cast: Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Michael Gough, Michael Murphy
Writer(s): Daniel Waters
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