Will Smith to return to big screen in Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Jun 06, 2024

Martin Lawrence and Will Smith in Bad Boys: Ride or DieSince he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards in 2022, Will Smith, who has been banned from attending the Oscars for 10 years, has been keeping a low profile. His Apple TV+ film Emancipation received poor reviews when it released in 2022, and he hasn't been seen on the big screen since King Richard (2021), for which he won his first Oscar.

He recently surprised fans at Coachella when he was brought on stage dressed in a black suit and black sunglasses by J Balvin to perform the song "Men in Black" and received cheers from the crowd.

His first movie since the public backlash from fans and fellow celebrities alike, comes to theaters this week. Bad Boys: Ride or Die is the fourth in the popular Bad Boys franchise. Smith is eager to show audiences he still has that winning touch, and has been making the rounds to promote the film.

Although Smith apologized for his Oscars outburst on social media, it's less clear whether he actually apologized to Chris Rock. Rock finally addressed the attack in his 2023 Netflix comedy special, Selective Outrage, saying, "Will Smith practices selective outrage because everybody knows what the f**k happened,” he said. “I didn’t have any entanglements. Will Smith’s wife was f**king her son’s friend, OK? Normally I would not talk about that s**t but for some reason, they put that on the internet.”

Smith seems to be back with his estranged wife Jada Pinkett Smith, who was seen at Coachella with their son Jaden Smith to cheer Will on during his performance.

The question is -- will movie fans welcome him back? Or will they hold a grudge? Are you planning to see Bad Boys: Ride or Die when it hits theaters this Friday, June 7, 2024? ~Alexandra Heilbron

Click here to watch the Bad Boys: Ride or Die trailer. Click here for showtimes.

Comments & Discussion

  1. John Merzetti • 6/6/2024 10:21:22 AM

    So (and I am only using her as an example, as she was the first to pop into my mind) J. K. Rowling is vilified and "cancelled" for having the temerity to suggest that cis-gendered women are different (yet equal) to trans-gendered women, but Will Smith PHYSICALLY ASSAULTS someone in front of a live audience of thousands and a TV audience of millions and he's good to go? I guess that old saying has done a 180: sticks and stones won't break my bones, but names will always hurt me.

  2. Tim Clark • 6/6/2024 10:35:49 AM

    Maybe I hold a grudge but will never go see anything Will Smith does ever again after that stupid deal at the Oscars and took for ever to admit he was wrong to do what he did. Just another spoiled celebrity.

  3. Dan Coventry • 6/6/2024 12:16:31 PM

    It seems to me, if you get up on the stage, during the biggest annual celebration of the industry which has made you, and not only make a fool of yourself, but make a mockery of that industry, you should be over! Finished! History! I hope no one goes to see this movie or any other movie this moron appears in. Let's just let him fade into oblivion where he belongs.

  4. Rafika Charania • 6/6/2024 1:49:55 PM

    I saw it last night and I just loved it. Saw it with my best movie Diva Nicole and those two just so rocked that movie. The audience was loving it from beginning to end. That movie franchise is going strong. Forgive what transpired at the Oscar’s. enjoy the talents of all those actors. Matters of the heart make all act a little off from time to time. Go to the cinema and catch all that movie has to offer…it’s one of the best action comedy of the summer. A lot of talented people worked tireless and devotedly to make this movie happen recognized and honor them and enjoy their collaborative creation for our view pleasure as well.

  5. Leigh • 6/6/2024 1:57:48 PM

    While what he did at the Oscars was wrong, I can't wait to see this movie. As an actor he is fantastic.

  6. Terry • 6/6/2024 6:26:29 PM

    This so & so repulses me & has done so long before slapping Chris on the stage at the Oscars. I wish everybody would boycott any and all of his movies, past, present & future. He has the personality of a Neanderthal. I have never thought of him as a talented actor. He has just had some lucky breaks in being asked to take on a role in some blockbuster movies --- just lucky --- not talented.

  7. Barbara • 6/6/2024 8:59:11 PM

    I can see both sides of the conversation. BUT!! I am of the mind to forgive Will Smith because of his crazy, controlling wife!! I feel for the guy always having to prove himself to her. While she runs around with other guys and calls him down in public it never ends. Why he stays with her is beyond me. His pent up anger and frustration must have boiled over by the time the Oscars show happened. Lets not forget she also egged him on to do something. So like Rafika & Leigh I am going to support Will Smith. I am a big fan as he has proved himself to be a very good actor. Despite what other people say. I loved him in I Robot, Suicide Squad, Pursuit of Happiness, The Men In Black and this Bad Boys movie series!!! I sincerely hope people will not judge him so harshly he has paid a great price personally and financially for his anger. Yet there are far worse people and I will name for one example, Mel Gibson. Look how he acted in a drunken rage spewing antisemitic remarks and people forgave him and still go to his movies!!! I hope Will Smith will finally make a comeback!!!

  8. Heather Fluetsch • 6/7/2024 7:19:30 AM

    I will NEVER give a penny to support anything Will Smith or his entitled wife are in ever again! In front of the whole world he perpetrated black on black violence knowing how many look to him as an example when he had just given a speech on peace. He refused to leave when security tried to usher him out after his public assault because he thinks he is above laws and rules. And all this because a comedian was hired to make jokes that he LAUGHED at until his wife decided she was offended..and he had sat on a talk show and mocked a band leader for his baldness the year before!! The whole family thinks they are so much more than they are!!

  9. Heather Fluetsch • 6/7/2024 7:20:43 AM

    I will NEVER give a penny to support anything Will Smith or his entitled wife are in ever again! In front of the whole world he perpetrated black on black violence knowing how many look to him as an example when he had just given a speech on peace. He refused to leave when security tried to usher him out after his public assault because he thinks he is above laws and rules. And all this because a comedian was hired to make jokes that he LAUGHED at until his wife decided she was offended..and he had sat on a talk show and mocked a band leader for his baldness the year before!! The whole family thinks they are so much more than they are!!

  10. Karch • 6/8/2024 12:58:21 AM

    I just saw the new Bad Boys movie and it was awesome. Very funny and packed with action! As for what happened at the Ocars? Well, let me put it this way. Everybody asks for forgiveness from the man above, so he forgives. It’s all good, right? So why is it Will Smith apologizes but no one can forgive him? So if people can’t forgive him, then I’m pretty sure the big guy in charge ain’t gonna forgive any of those people crucifying Smith . So I say stop being hypocrites and let the past be where it belongs. He apologized and now let’s move on. Let the man live and redeem himself.

  11. Kelryth • 6/9/2024 8:24:06 PM

    I haven't been able to watch anything with Will Smith in it since he assaulted Chris Rock. I really don't know why this has affected me this way. It's not like this is the first time a celeb has gotten violent and assaulted anyone before.

  12. Lawyer John • 6/10/2024 3:30:09 PM

    Loved the guy in Baggar Vance but nothing else

  13. Evelyn Sprehe • 6/10/2024 8:31:24 PM

    Will Smith laughed at the Chris Rock's joke. why not? It was funny; right? We make fun of everything! If not; We'd be grumpy. Then his wife is poutting,. uh oh Will Smith must " be the man" so he slaps Chris Rock like his wife would LOL! I thought it was a prank! When does a man slap a man? I dare you! <SLAP> LOL. Just like a girl! LOL Sorry Chris, Sorry Will,Sorry Jada, Were we being serious here? Snicker snicker. You big bad man; you! LOL. NOW, the world is bent out of shape because of "THE SLAP" and Will has been banned from the Oscars because of "THE SLAP"! Good Grief! Get a life everyone! Go see a great movie with a great Actor, Will Smith! Not so much a man... but a great actor! I enjoy Will Smith in Bad Boys & in Men in Black. I won't give the movies up because of some poutting wife who couldn't take a joke. She can get over it. I've heard the jokes about Toxic Shock Syndrome, paralysis, having a stroke & disabled folks. I'd be all broke up if I took it serious!j

  14. CDubya • 6/11/2024 6:30:33 PM

    Wow, people are really vilifying him. It was a bad thing, but really, he's paying his penance that the Academy dealt him (10yr ban) and there were no charges laid. It's between him and Rock and Rock is saying all he wants about it in his stand up. It's the #1 movie because people are willing to look past that incident and watch the movie because it's a decent series. How does what he did affect anyone else in anyway? Especially all these bible loving people who are supposedly taught to forgive. Move on and since you are on this site as apparently people who enjoy movies, then just sit back, relax and enjoy the movies.

  15. Penny • 6/12/2024 2:28:47 PM

    Will is between the (Chris) Rock & the Hard Place, and rightfully so, just because the man himself didn't live up to the public expectations of high integrity and character from a star of this calibre. You can't play nobel heroes in movies , then go out, behave like a jerk in real life, after that come back, and expect to portray believable, lovable characters. Part of the stardom is that people see you as a positive model who displays many of the best qualities of the screen characters you play.

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