Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo has never been afraid to speak out for what's right. She's often taken aim at disrespectful and unfair incidents happening in showbiz.
On Tuesday, Ellen blasted TMZ and its founder Harvey Levin for the way they handled the coverage of NBA icon Kobe Bryant's death.
The entertainment outlet was the first to report news of Kobe's helicopter crash in California that also took the life of his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, and seven other victims.
The news broke a little more than an hour after police had received reports of a downed aircraft, before authorities even had the chance to inform the victims' families.
Taking to Twitter, Pompeo wrote: "I wonder why police departments give @HarveyLevinTMZ all this sensitive info ? I wonder why @HarveyLevinTMZ puts out photos of women who have been attacked or assaulted. ...Who were victims ? Exploiting women who have been abused... why is this guy still in business at all?"
She continued: "So many questions I have ...if we are not tolerating abuse anymore... shouldn’t we be calling this out? Exploiting women who have been abused... exploiting the brutal sudden death of peoples loved ones is certainly emotional abuse... I call times up on his behavior.
"We should be furious about the history of this media outlet regarding women... it’s not news it’s exploitation." She added: "So many peoples lives will never be the same after this tragedy... but you got your scoop. Hope you sleep well at night @HarveyLevinTMZ I’m sure you do..."
Even the police were dismayed at how quickly the news broke through TMZ. During a press conference, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said: "It would be extremely disrespectful to understand that your loved one ... perished and you learn about it from TMZ. That is just wholly inappropriate."
Los Angeles County Undersheriff Tim Murakami tweeted: "I am saddened that I was gathering facts as a media outlet reported ... Kobe had passed. I understand getting the scoop but please allow us time to make personal notifications to their loved ones. It's very cold to hear of the loss via media. Breaks my heart."
Levin defended his actions in a KNX 1070 AM radio interview, saying that "Kobe's people" confirmed the crash news and he was told “very clearly that had been notified." He said that he was tipped off by a law enforcement source and that his staff held the story for a full hour before publicly releasing it.
Pompeo hopes her thread will "provoke thought" at how publications cover tragedies and deaths. She even shared a petition to boycott TMZ. What do you think? Sound off below!
Our thoughts go out to the victims' families affected by this tragedy. ~Marriska Fernandes
I wonder why police departments give @HarveyLevinTMZ all this sensitive info ? I wonder why @HarveyLevinTMZ puts out photos of women who have been attacked or assaulted. ...Who were victims ? Exploiting women who have been abused... why is this guy still in business at all?
— Ellen Pompeo (@EllenPompeo) January 28, 2020
So many questions I have ...if we are not tolerating abuse anymore... shouldn’t we be calling this out? Exploiting women who have been abused... exploiting the brutal sudden death of peoples loved ones is certainly emotional abuse... I call times up on his behavior
— Ellen Pompeo (@EllenPompeo) January 28, 2020
We should be furious about the history of this media outlet regarding women... it’s not news it’s exploitation
— Ellen Pompeo (@EllenPompeo) January 28, 2020
@HarveyLevinTMZ you are disgusting .... #BoycottTMZ IT'S TIME FOR FOX TO CANCEL TMZ AFTER WHAT THEY DID TO KOBE'S FAMILY - Sign the Petition! via @Change
— Ellen Pompeo (@EllenPompeo) January 28, 2020
WTF TMZ, not cool! signing the petition now
Absolutely terrible of TMZ to break news of a horrific tragedy before authorities were able to notify Kobe Bryant's loved ones!
There is a reason why I don't watch TMZ. I believe that the policy regarding leeks and and airing such sensitive news should be restricted.
That's awful for his family to find out through the media.
Harvey Levin has always been a douchebag
the problem lies with money and evil, as Trump says constantly, "fake news" Ellen as much as this is news worthy, their job is to report. If there were ordinary people on that copter, no coverage, does not make sense. People die everyday of terrible mishaps, not very published news, why? Reporters have a job to do, take the worst media on the planet, Great Briton, they would kill for a scoop of this nature. Leave Harvey Levin alone, he has a job to do no matter how gruesome it may be. Do we live in a free democracy, for now probably, if the media gets shut-down, might as well hang up freedom of the press, Ellen. Some of things that go on at Grey's is not exactly pleasant exposure, even if it is only on TV. Do we shut everything event down?.
the problem lies with money and evil, as Trump says constantly, "fake news" Ellen as much as this is news worthy, their job is to report. If there were ordinary people on that copter, no coverage, does not make sense. People die everyday of terrible mishaps, not very published news, why? Reporters have a job to do, take the worst media on the planet, Great Briton, they would kill for a scoop of this nature. Leave Harvey Levin alone, he has a job to do no matter how gruesome it may be. Do we live in a free democracy, for now probably, if the media gets shut-down, might as well hang up freedom of the press, Ellen. Some of things that go on at Grey's is not exactly pleasant exposure, even if it is only on TV. Do we shut every event down?.
I agree that there should be publication of facts, but to argue Jozef's point, this isn't a matter of not doing their job. No one expects them 'not' to report it, but to do so in that kind of 'gotta be first' way is how you get a) family members being informed by the media instead of authorities, and b) misinformation of what's being reported. It was first reported that it was Kobe and all of his daughters. There was no way to get all the facts in that amount of time, so the only name they had was KOBE BRYANT and they ran with that because of the celebrity status. It's not a matter of shutting down the media. It's a matter of being respectful in reporting. When you have reporters and paparazzi causing harm to people via their actions, it detracts from the actual event and turns the focus onto the method. I doubt he got his clearance he claims. I'd like to see proof of that. THAT's actual reporting. Transparency. TMZ is not a reporting outlet. It's a gossip rag in live-time. It's about the splash effect, not effective, correct media reporting. That's been the problem with the media in general lately. It's less focused on news like it used to be and more focused on the wow factor. Media is attempting to compete with Hollywood. That's a shitty business model.
News reporters are not supposed to announce people's death until the authorities have contacted their next of kin.
@Jozef: It is TMZ's job to report the news but not exploit it. Imagine having to find out a tragedy involving your loved one from social media? It's not their job to exploit the situation, no matter the $$ involved. And stop hating on Grey's!!
I’ve always felt like TMZ is a televised tabloid.
Does anyone realize that there were also other, everyday people that lost their lives that terrible day? From what I understand, the pilot died as well as his wife AND daughter, a whole family? Or close to it. Kobe and his daughter losing their lives is definitely tragic but what about everybody else on board? It's just heartbreaking. My condolences to all.
I'd like to know who the "law enforcement" source was because when you think about it, TMZ wouldn't have even known had they not been tipped off. I have NO idea one way or the other if Levin is telling the truth or not regarding the fact that he was told that Kobe's wife had been notified, but if it's true, then he was just doing his job, however if he's lying, then he was definitely wrong in releasing the story so quickly
It's called news. If TMZ wouldn't have picked it up, some other news organization would have. There were people that actually witnessed the helicopter in distress. Of course, it would have leaked out by someone. What difference does it make who? This is the way of the world now especially with social media and everyone needing constant and immediate stimulation.
And yeah, ok, even if Kobe's wife *had* been notified. What about the families of those he travelled with - all of whom KNEW they were with Kobe?? Bet none of them were notified, but figured out REAL quick they were dead when they knew it was Kobe's helicopter who went down. But, of course, no one is talking or thinking about any of them...
"People die everyday of terrible mishaps, not very published news, why? Reporters have a job to do, take the worst media on the planet, Great Briton, they would kill for a scoop of this nature." This is such a cruel thing to do. You have a "job to do" so you don't mind being insensitive to the emotions of the bereaved? Then, Harvey Levin, you don't belong in media at all. That is so, so cruel. Put yourself in their place. Have you ever had a death in your family? Would you be okay if you lost a loved one in a tragic accident similar to this one, and you found that out from the evening news onTV? You are not only cruel, you are not even human. And your excuse is that " “Kobe’s people†confirmed the crash news and he was told “very clearly that [Kobe’s wife Vanessa] had been notified". How did you find THAT out. Because you called them? You had no business contacting them in the first place. That was the job of the authorities. You mean you took the liberty of taking over their job? Get off the media you evil animal. JOZEF MONTGOMERY, this is nothing to do with freedom of the press, but has everything to do with being human, with sympathy towards your fellow beings and respecting their feelings. Shame on you Harvey Levin and shame on you too Josef Montgomery for defending this guy who exploited a tragedy for money with no respect for the bereaved family.
TMZ is everything that is wrong with this world. Trying to make people think especially teenagers and kids that these superficial things they yap abouy, report and promote are important things in life when they are complete useless garbage that should not be reccomend. Use your platform to make a real difference. Harvey seems to to be obsessed with trying to be young when he's only 1 day younger than my Mom. I know your a nerd and weren't cool in school but guess what your still not so just do what you do on the People's Court stay outside and get lost.
Shame on you Harvey! Atleast this Tribute writer wrote this with sensitivity - thank you for that.
Harvey's released the news after Kobe's wife was informed?? Maybe so. But as no one seems to have mentioned, what about the other families!? Did he even think about them? Obviously not! He just released the info to be the first to air. How awful for them to have found out this way if they did. Shame on you Harvey. Totally despicable. Hope Karma gets you.