Hollywood Stars Who Made $1 Million Per Episode

Published By Tribute on Dec 19, 2019

Stars earning $1 million per episode

Ever wonder how much money big stars like Kerry Washington, Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman make per episode? Well the results are in, and it's looking quite green...leaving me feeling quite blue.

According to Variety, Apple TV+ raised the bar when they agreed to dish out $1 million per episode for Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon to star on The Morning Show. Since their big payout, more stars have been hopping on the same $1 million dollar boat.

Nicole Kidman in Hulu's Nine Perfect Strangers, Jeff Bridges in The Old Man on Hulu, and Steve Carell in Netflix's Space Force are all earning over $1 million per episode. Not long ago it was also reported that Kerry Washington was earning $1.1 million, and Chris Pratt was looking to gain $1.4 million while Harrison Ford was looking to receive $1.2 million for upcoming projects.

Showtime Networks entertainment co-president Gary Levine commented, “There definitely has been some dramatic salary inflation, in part as new services try to buy their way into the business,” and, “We’re paying more than we have, for sure. And that’s fine. But we have not had to give in completely to the hysteria of the marketplace.”

Reese Witherspoon was quick to defend herself, stating, "There seemed to be a resentment, as if we weren't worth it or it was bothersome, and I thought, 'Why is that bothersome?' I guarantee these companies are real smart, and if they agree to pay us, they're doing it for a reason. They probably had a lot of lawyers and a lot of business people decide on that number because they knew that they were going to make more than that back."

Reese went on to ask, "Does it bother people when Kobe Bryant or LeBron James make their contract?" Forbes listed LeBron as one of the highest paid athletes, earning $92 million this year alone.

If that's not enough, an agent further explained to Variety that if big stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, or Brad Pitt were to star in a streamed television series they would break the bank, possibly racking in $2 million per-episode. ~Emily Chavez

Comments & Discussion

  1. Devin • 12/19/2019 11:30:32 AM

    It's all too much money. Lebron, Mayfield, Witherspoon, Kidman. Aniston, it doesn't matter it's all too much money. It's good Reese can defend herself by using examples of others making way to much money. NOBODY IS WORTH THE KINDS OF MONEY WE, ME INCLUDED, PAY THESE CELEBRITIES

  2. Anthony Grissom • 12/19/2019 1:53:38 PM

    When is enough enough. We have people dying from Medical issues because they can't afford medication because of homelessness families being torn apart but we don't have my new spend on that because you were too busy paying people to entertain us too busy watching people play sports 50 million dollars to hit bounce what's the weather ball how ridiculous is that. How children suffer the poorest education because we don't have the money to put into how's schools our children of under-educated Because people in power don't want them to know

  3. Anna M • 12/19/2019 8:37:38 PM

    It is obscene to pay anyone millions of dollars to play professional sports, sing songs, dance and/or act or talk in movies, tv shows, on the stage or in the arena while teachers, medical professionals, police officers and others who teach our children and look after our health and safety just get by after putting in years and thousands to train for the privilege of doing so. I refuse to attend live concerts because the inflated ticket prices are beyond the price of most regular people. Call it what you will - greed, vanity, narcissism - they're not worth it! It actually disgusts me that anyone would give in to this kind of behavior, as it becomes a vicious circle.The advertisers have to pay more to put their produc/brand out there, which means the product becomes more expensive to purchase, which means the consumers get stuck paying for those $1m per episode sports and entertainment inflated egos!!!!

  4. AJ Eden • 12/20/2019 7:58:58 PM

    Self righteous Reese sounds drunk with fame and a Hollywood lifestyle. Her and Aniston are mediocre actresses who are getting paid 100x of what they’re worth. Who can’t wait to pay and see either overrated Hollywood lefty elitist in a film. No one that I know. I wouldn’t pay a dime to watch ChiCom LeBron and the nba morons who couldn’t care less about the citizens of Hong Kong’s plight against the nba’s puppet master of China. Speaking of Reese, exactly when was she EVER worth $1 million per episode. What a joke !!!

  5. AJ Eden • 12/20/2019 8:02:46 PM

    Kerry Washington gets paid $1.1 million for her anti- American and slander against our great President. Good reason why I wouldn’t pay a nickel to watch her and a good reason why I don’t subscribe to Netflix or any other leftist funded propaganda crap !!!

  6. marilyn stoltzfus • 12/21/2019 7:43:01 PM

    I am a retired nurse , I made $13.00 an hour and i had peoples lives in my hands. I didn't get do to a second take !! Where are our priorities??? I get $40.00 a month pension!

  7. Robert Brannigan • 12/22/2019 8:22:59 AM

    We the people are too blame for this disgusting and obscene scenario. When we quit paying to see these overpaid and predominantly socially and culturaly non-productive useless citizens engage in their "craft" or area of "expertise", they will continue to be grossly overpaid instruments of the 1% successful exploitation of a moronic and bored herd of miserably disappointed "individuals". Get a library card and learn to read, volunteer to help people who can't afford to pay $ to be distracted by the plethora of ubiquitous mediocre events that can be summoned with a click or a voice command to a non existent entity. How about nature? At this point, a trip to a pet store is an exotic trip for the average citizen. Grow up and get a real life and stop spending $ on mediocre distractions. Oh I forgot that this country bought "pet" rocks, paid to see Rocky 10, accepted the Kardashians as "art" and ranks in the lowest 10% in creative and independent cognitive performance. Pro-life & pot heads.

  8. Bob Wilson • 12/22/2019 3:51:46 PM

    It's what ever the market will bare in the past called capitalism works when in your favor good for the Goose good for the Gander whining doesn't look good on u

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