Shocking revelation about gun used by Alec Baldwin

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Oct 27, 2021

Alec Baldwin photo from Still Alice. Courtesy Sony Pictures ClassicsThe gun that Alec Baldwin used on set while filming the Western movie Rust last Thursday was one of three guns used just hours earlier that morning by crew members for live-ammunition target practice, in which they shot at beer cans to pass the time.

A few hours later, first assistant director David Halls confirmed to Alec Baldwin, the star and producer of the movie, that the gun did not have any live rounds in it, shouting "cold gun." The three guns on the set were prepped by armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed. Baldwin fired the gun in the direction of the camera during a rehearsal, shooting cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, 42. The bullet went straight through her, killing her, then hit director Joel Souza, who is recovering from his injuries after being released from the hospital.

Many in the movie business are now saying there is no reason for actual guns to be used on a movie set. In the 1930s, real guns loaded with real bullets were used in movies and actors were just expected to duck. In one such incident, Oscar-winning actor James Cagney was asked to run up the stairs leading to a building and stop by a wall, while marksmen would shoot bullets near his head. The director promised none of the bullets would hit him -- that these marksmen were experts. Cagney refused. When the shots were fired, one landed in the wall exactly where Cagney's head had been moments earlier during rehearsal.

Since then, "prop guns" have been used that are filled with blanks, but they can also be dangerous and have killed people -- including Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee, on the set of The Crow. The "prop gun" was fired at him but contained a live round, killing him. Eliza Hutton, Brandon's fiancée, has spoken out in the wake of this latest tragedy, telling, "My heart aches again now for Halyna Hutchins's husband and son, and for all those left in the wake of this avoidable tragedy." She urged "those in positions to make change to consider alternatives to real guns on sets." On her Instagram account, she wrote, "There's no such thing as a prop gun."

Olivia Wilde wrote on Twitter: "Hollywood: It’s time to create 'Halyna's Law,' which will ban the use of real firearms on film production sets and create a safe working environment for everyone involved. - Sign the Petition!"

Director Souza told police he believed that the gun was safe after hearing Halls shout “cold gun," adding that there should "never be live rounds whatsoever, near or around the scene."

An investigation carried out Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021 by the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office found three guns and 500 rounds of ammunition on the Rust set in New Mexico. Santa Fe County Sheriff Adan Mendoza and District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said during a news conference today that the investigation could take several more months.

Production on Rust is suspended until the police investigation is concluded. ~Alexandra Heilbron

Comments & Discussion

  1. JOE • 10/28/2021 9:41:15 AM

    My heart goes out to Alex Baldwin. Peace be with you brother. With Love, Joe

  2. Dean • 10/28/2021 9:55:06 AM

    Mr. Baldwin for many years protrayed trump on SNL. I’m not accusing anyone or saying this actually is true or not… it’s just an opinion . I would not be surprised if the ex president set Mr. Baldwin up .. for revenge 🤷🏼, nothing would surprise me anymore (just saying)

  3. Paul • 10/28/2021 10:14:39 AM

    This tragedy should never have happened and should never happen again. Real guns on film sets, WHY? Create movies with props.

  4. Terry • 10/28/2021 10:17:12 AM

    Sorry -- but Baldwin should know better than to point ANY firearm at a human being or anything else alive whether blanks are assumed or not. He has to take some responsibility for this incident. What in the world would possess him to point the gun at the camera??? Is his head that empty?? The article also states people were using live ammo for target practice, shooting beer cans. Why was target practice necessary? There should have been NO live ammo anywhere on the set while using guns in a film. Before any gun is about to be used on set it should be up to more than one person to check the guns out to ensure nothing but blanks are inside. There should be at least three people that check & sign the guns out from a locked cabinet before being used on set.

  5. Kat • 10/28/2021 10:57:16 AM

    Totally agree Terry! Why would anyone point and shoot a gun at anything at any time! How careless and stupid of Alec Baldwin. That lady paid with her life because of it. 🥺

  6. Sarah • 10/28/2021 11:02:37 AM

    They were seriously using “props” (yes, even if real items used by actors on set or on stage are props) for target practice?! One of the things I was taught in theatre school and learned on set of films is that you don’t play with the props. Especially if that prop is a weapon or will be used as a weapon. So many people screwed up here.

  7. Allan • 10/28/2021 12:05:09 PM

    Disagree with Kat and Terry! Alec should not be tried by Judges such as yourselves. This was an accident predicated on poor and lax safety procedures. Real guns belong in wars and the police! Why in this day and age do we still have real explosions and burning of fuel into our air on set and even at Airshows. My thinking is to even ban fireworks and gas powered auto racing Now not too later!!!🤖

  8. Roland Schoenke • 10/28/2021 12:14:56 PM

    I don't understand why live rounds would ever be near the film industry, they never actually need to shoot anything for real and cgi can do the rest. Blanks aren't even required.

  9. Carol Jollymore • 10/28/2021 12:27:36 PM

    I was always taught never to play with real guns. I am not saying AB is at fault at all but since it is known that blanks are dangerous too, all guns on movie sets should be locked up when not in use and NO live ammunition should be allowed on site. This would be not have happened in Canada I bet! Carol, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  10. Jerry • 10/28/2021 1:33:02 PM

    No idea why you guys are pointing at AB. There is someone whose entire job it is to make sure this doesn’t happen, she is named in many articles. She didn’t do her job. AB’s job is to pretend… He was told he had a pretend gun that would make a loud noise for pretending.

  11. Terry • 10/28/2021 3:05:35 PM

    Oh Jerry get a grip, give your brain a shake. Baldwin wasn't even playing his role when he took the intelligent notion to point that gun at a person & pull the trigger. Anybody with two brain cells to rattle together knows to NEVER point a firearm at a person!! It's obvious --- well -- to SOME people it's obvious ---- that if he were performing his role in that script, the person he was "pretending" to shoot at would not have been behind the camera. His actions were that of a very stupid man.

  12. DUANE Peschka • 10/28/2021 5:24:50 PM

    Terry, your response totally confirms you are a Trump advocate and did not appreciate Baldwin's character on SNL. David Halls and Hannah Reed were responsible for making "SURE" the gun was "cold". Why have you Terry, not included in your suspicions, those two, WHO WERE THE PRIMARY TWO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GUN? Obviously, it is your Trump analysis that is the problem.

  13. Gail • 10/28/2021 10:03:41 PM

    Yes Baldwin was stupid for pointing a prop gun at someone when he was told it was safe. The people that need to be responsible for the death of a woman are the people who were careless in doing their job.Don't pass the buck as the saying goes.Mr.Baldwin will pay dearly for what has happened.It will be hard to live knowing you killed someone because you put your trust in a few who DID NOT do THEIR job.

  14. Terry • 10/29/2021 1:54:16 AM

    DUANE you are as dumb as Baldwin AND Trump!! Dumb as a stick. You just think you know all about people due to their responses to particular issues. You know dick-all about anything. First -- I don't even know what your reference to SNL is about. Next -- I am definitely NOT a Trump supporter in any remotely minuscule way, the man is a moron. In fact I am SO not a Trump supporter that I'm CANADIAN & couldn't care less about the orange clown. You obviously are one of those boneheads that relates every single thought, move, & blade of grass to political motivation. So you just had all that really figured out didn't you, what a very clever person you are. I did not mention the other people responsible for making sure there were no real bullets in the gun because my original response was to someone who eliminated Baldwin from having any responsibility for what happened AT ALL!! My post was to say he was just as responsible to mindlessly point that gun at anyone for any reason, never mind pull the trigger for gawd sakes. You seem to have a perceptual problem as you don't understand the points of what you read. You instead prefer to just twist all meaning out of shape & relate it to politics any way that you think you can.

  15. doug • 10/29/2021 7:42:40 AM

    There should be an inquiry About the accident ,there are 4 people that should have there weapons license revoked and not allowed anywhere near a set that has a gun on it. The 3 people that took the guns out & the guy who certified cold Gun & Alec Baldwin is NOT any of the 4 he was a dupe in a very terrible accident. The guys that were shooting the guns did they tell anyone before hand they were using THOSE Guns for target practice . They should have double checked all ammo was gone the gun breech should have been left open to show no ammo. It sounds like the guy that said cold gun was also duped but he should have double checked sounds like as far as he new the guns had been locked up since he checked them earlier. Having said all that the inquire should check on whether anyone had a grudge against the poor lady was she pregnant at the time or a bad break up in the end it was sad But Alec Baldwin should not be Blamed

  16. Christine Maimon-Duclo • 10/29/2021 3:03:40 PM

    If people would ALL stop watching movies or anything else with a gun, it would slow down the interest in such stupid and dangerous items would pr3vent o many deaths... anyone watching a gun somehow somewhere, should feel responsible.

  17. Darkansauce • 10/29/2021 5:09:45 PM

    Dean, your an idiot!

  18. Darkansauce • 10/29/2021 5:11:27 PM

    Second thought, your all a bunch of liberal commie idiots!!?

  19. Jim • 10/29/2021 6:15:00 PM

    First, lets not make this a political football. A gun or a bullet knows no political preference. Second, any basic firearms course will teach even the most naive, and uneducated person. that whenever you pick up a firearm the first thing you do is to check and ensure yourself (personally) that the firearm is NOT LOADED. You check the chamber (in this case the cylinder) for any "live rounds"(blank or otherwise-as blanks can kill at close range also). If its a semi auto firearm, you remove the magazine, ensure no ammo is present, and the chamber is clear, locking the slide to the rear. This is done by each and every person that a firearm is handed to, or picked up by (YOU NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING- To assume makes "an A-- out of you and me!" ) If you don't have a basic knowledge of firearms safety. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER pick one up or handle one. They are not a toy. If you don't have a respect for them, you have no business around them.

  20. greg cole • 10/30/2021 1:10:54 PM

    Why is Hollywood the first to fight against gun ownership but puts out the most violent movies with guns that you can imagine?

  21. Jeanine • 10/31/2021 4:02:14 PM

    Leave the Trump crap out of this. No conspiracy here. Just many tragically careless people responsible for an even more tragic death. And I do have to say that Mr. Baldwin is equally to blame. He is experienced, he knows the rules. And as one of the movie's producers of the film he must also be held liable.

  22. Kris • 10/31/2021 11:37:10 PM

    Baldwin was rehearsing for a bit in which he was supposed to fire at the camera. He was practicing drawing and pointing.

  23. Ronnie • 11/3/2021 11:52:57 AM

    Baldwin had the final responsibility to confirm, check and NEVER point a real gun at a person. He is without a doubt one of the people responsible. He was also th eowner, producer, ...... The deep pockets will pay and those responsible should be banned from the industry. Why were live rounds on the set? Target practice to kill time? Who was in charge of this operation? Baldwin. How can he not only pay huge $$, but he should spend 18 months in a federal prison along with the other morons on the set that were responsible for the "COLD" gun.

  24. Terry • 11/4/2021 10:04:38 AM

    Jim, Jeanine, Ronnie --- THANK YOU!!! You have echoed my point EXACTLY!! Nine out of ten ppl on this thread want to point ALL blame away from Baldwin. They are blinded hero worshippers & want to protect their movie god. One moron even going so far as to accuse me of being a Trump supporter as the reason for my logic!! Ya -- as a Canadian I whole heartedly support the orange clown -- that would make all the sense in the world. Baldwin is without a doubt very EQUALLY to blame!! Everyone --- EVERYONE knows better than to put all their trust in others when it involves the lives & safety of others. Everyone is responsible for their own choices & actions. His choice was to risk the lives of others by assuming everyone has done their job properly & by NOT doing his own job of inspecting the gun that was handed to him. His own job was also to not allow live ammo anywhere on the set - as one of the film's producers. And -- how ANYONE could confuse this tragic event with having one iota to do with politics is ludicrous!!

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