Kim Kardashian was one of the speakers at The Roast of Tom Brady live event on Netflix Sunday night, and when she took to the stage, she started to tell a joke about comedian Kevin Hart, who was the host of the evening at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, but she was interrupted by booing from the crowd.
However, Netflix quickly exchanged the booing with applause for anyone watching the replay.
In the live version, after Kevin Hart introduced her, Kardashian began, "I know a lot of people make fun of your height," but she was immediately interrupted by a surge of boos. Hart shouted, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," while Kardashian seemed bemused and said, "All right, all right, all right," while looking around at the crowd.
Others began cheering to drown out the boos, including Brady and Hart, then Kardashian began again, saying, "All right, Kevin, I know a lot of people make fun of your height, but what people don't know is you're also pretty mean, which makes you the smallest black d*** I've ever seen."
She also addressed rumors that she'd dated Tom Brady, saying it would never work out, because "an ex-athlete, high cheekbones, silky hair -- you remind me too much of my stepdad now."
Tom Brady gave as good as he got, saying in his monologue, "I know Kim was terrified to be here tonight. Not because of this but because her kids are at home with their dad ."
The Roast of Tom Brady is now streaming on Netflix. ~Alexandra Heilbron
Why does the media follow this person around- not like she has anything of note in her actual accomplishments. Riding off the last name of her lawyer father. The whole family are disgusting ,opportunistic plastic people. What is wrong with those who follow them? Are they mentally deficient. Same with the media who made them famous. All peabrains.
Why is this woman still news worthy. She has NO talent what-so-ever but some people still watch her and buy her products. Is that all it takes to be a Hollywood star - BIG butt & big breasts. Very sad.
Clearly, yet another slow news day in La La Land!! Not that there is ever much to report from there to begin with :) I never understood the appeal about that family either, but I admit to tuning in to their reality show just to see Scott Disick once in a while. Quite entertaining.
The answer is yes, in that the people from all walks of life who follow crap are mentally deficient. If you do your research you will find that globally only 10% of the population have a IQ worth mentioning. Then there is only about 4% of the population that are actually considered to be smart. Stop breeding with stupid people and smart people need to pop out more babies. Or smart people can ignore the behaviour of dumb people and focus on making the world a better place.
Yes, there are many stupid people in the world, but IQ tests are ultimately meaningless. Do you know what it means when a person scores high on an IQ test? It means that they can do IQ tests well, and that's all. That said, Kim is gross and she probably gives herpes to anyone who gets within a 10 yard radius of her.
I AGREE with ALL these comments about Kim Trashian!! The media needs to stop making any of them important as they are moronic figures with fake bodies from plastic surgery!!! I have never watched an entire episode of their fake lives!! All they ever talk about is their lust for money!! I remember they went for a fabulous vacation while the rest of us were stuck like prisoners in our house during Covid. Or the time Kim "wannabe" decided she would be the next "Marilyn Monroe" wearing her "iconic dress". She ruined the dress by faking she fit into it while her and Kanye strutted around the awards show. She wore a stole to cover that the zipper had completely split, and tore the material in the back. I would have sued her for the damage!! BUT they let her get off with NOTHING. This family is sooooo out of touch with other people's suffering!!! All they care about is their next camera appearance and how great they look!!! Sickening!!
I saw the roast after the fact, and the booing was in there. Might explain why her delivery was so robotic and flat, she was probably rattled. That said, like it or not, she's a public figure. She has a show that millions of ppl watch, she was several clothing companies, she helped promote criminal justice reform. So she's gonna be in the news from time to time.
Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend (Hollywood) the becomes. Dostoevsky
As not to offend the imbeciles