Kevin Spacey rushed to hospital fearing heart attack

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Oct 04, 2023

Kevin SpaceyKevin Spacey, 64, was rushed to the hospital on Monday after he experienced symptoms of a heart attack while touring the Afrasiyab Museum in the city of Samarkand. He felt his "entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds."

He was rushed to the Innova Diagnostic Clinic, where he underwent an MRI scan and was examined by doctors, who couldn't find a problem with his heart. The Oscar winner went on to attend the 15th Tashkent International Film Festival's closing ceremony in Uzbekistan, where he spoke about his health scare.

"I experienced something here today that was unexpected," he said during his speech. “I was looking at these extraordinary murals on the walls and I suddenly felt my entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds. I shook it off, but I immediately told the people I was with and we went immediately to the medical centre."

Spacey, who was at the film festival to host a masterclass for aspiring filmmakers, described his afternoon at the hospital, saying he'd had "a variety of tests," adding "Everything turned out to be completely normal, and I’m grateful it’s not anything more serious. It made me really take a moment and think about how fragile life is. For all of us."

The actor, whose career was put on hold as he faced charges of sexually assaulting several young men over the course of a number of years in the U.S. and England, was eventually acquitted. He told the audience his best roles are ahead of him. ~Alexandra Heilbron

Comments & Discussion

  1. Carrol • 10/5/2023 12:52:56 PM

    Another rich creep that bought his way out of the system.

  2. Chris • 10/6/2023 5:29:04 AM

    He was acquitted because he is innocent. The creeps are the boys who tried to take him down.

  3. Bernadette Rogers • 10/6/2023 4:36:43 PM

    I pray for the unfortunate young men that were sexually harassed by Spacey. For those who refused his advances countless roles & opportunities were lost. Very sad for the world & the criminal goes unpublished!

  4. JustMe • 10/6/2023 7:32:05 PM

    Good grief! Those 'young men' were adults. They could take care of themselves. He is still one of our greatest living actors.

  5. Kathy Romero • 10/7/2023 8:21:37 AM

    I had the same with my arm and it was corral tunnel! Had surgery and it never happened again!

  6. Kathy Romero • 10/7/2023 8:21:37 AM

    I had the same with my arm and it was corral tunnel! Had surgery and it never happened again!

  7. Howerd • 10/7/2023 9:15:28 AM

    Still a great actor ! All of Hollywood is hiding their proclivities !

  8. Jen • 10/7/2023 9:49:31 PM

    To “Justme” they were over 30 allegations against Spacey and they were not adults. Their ages were 14 to 19 years old. So you can keep your “good grief“ to yourself.

  9. Jen • 10/8/2023 8:29:23 AM

    To “Justme” they were over 30 allegations against Spacey and they were not adults. Their ages were 14 to 19 years old. So you can keep your “good grief“ to yourself.

  10. T • 10/10/2023 12:31:22 AM

    Hes a sexual predator a serial child molestor who had over 30 charges on him for sexual crimes involving minors ,like Michael Jackson he bought his way out He's a nasty filthy creep to bad he didn't croak . And OJ Simpson was also another classic example of a celebrity using his status and money when he was 100% guilty .

  11. Carrol • 10/10/2023 11:53:28 AM

    To �Justme� --- I boggles me to no end trying to imagine how the mechanisms of minds like yours work!!! THIRTY sex crime charges on him!!! THINK!!! Slowly say to yourself......T-H-I-R-T-Y...... Your mind would somehow have you believe that THIRTY boys who don't even know each other, who live in different houses in different towns & cities just all woke up one morning & said to themselves --- "I'm going to "GET" Kevin Spacey --- yep --- I'm gonna make up a big story about him and make him pay for my dirty little lie. Even if it only happened to ONE boy ---- there were TWENTY NINE other boys who all woke up with the very same idea. Imagine THAT!!! Poor, dear Kevin!!!

  12. Arlene • 10/10/2023 12:49:45 PM

    Spacey grew up with a father who was also a predator. I believe he did pay off these teens so he doesn't have this reputation so he can go back to acting.

  13. Patty • 10/11/2023 5:10:23 PM

    A number of Spacey's accusers have turned up dead. Read into that what you will.

  14. Hollywood • 10/13/2023 12:58:05 PM

    Get out of drama that isn't yours . If you want to do something constructive. Read your Bible and pray for those that are lost.

  15. henrytree • 10/13/2023 2:34:32 PM

    GOOD i hope he dies

  16. Carrol • 10/19/2023 10:57:21 AM

    To Chris (Oct. 6) ---- Acquitted doesn't mean he wasn't or isn't guilty. Acquitted simply means they lacked enough evidence to put him away --- or that they weren't allowed to submit some of the evidence that was available to be presented because of certain loopholes. Acquitted means he had the money to pay for a top notch lawyer. Acquitted doesn't even rhyme with the word "Innocent". BTW --- what is it about you that makes you get on board with child predators??

  17. Kelryth • 10/29/2023 4:45:13 PM

    Carrol, Just because Spacy could afford a better lawyer doesn't change the law. The accusers should have picked a better lawyer. Also, Acquittal can be rendered in a bench trial (i.e., in front of the judge) or a jury trial. In other words, “acquitted” means that they found the defendant not guilty after a jury trial or a bench trial. A partial acquittal is when a defendant is found not guilty of one charge but guilty of a different offense. That Spacy was acquitted means he is NOT GUILTY. This is fact. The following is conjecture, my own personal opinion. I think Spacy made a drunken mistake coming on to Anthony Rapp. That alcohol loosens inhibitions. Is a well-known fact. After Mr Rapp came forward and publically accused Spacy other people started coming out of the woodwork metooing him. Now whether or not those others were legit or just opportunists I'll never know as they don't consult with me so I'll never know the truth. About Michael Jackson, I too thought he was guilty. Right up until he died. The boy he allegedly messed with was asked whether MJ was circumcised and he answered yes he was. The Medical Coroner said otherwise. Using the Molestor Card is the same as using the Racist Card. You've already lost the argument.

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