Kanye West admits election defeat, announces 2024 bid

Published By Marriska on Nov 04, 2020

Kanye WestLooks like Kayne West has admitted defeat at the current run for presidency, but is already setting his sights on a 2024 presidential bid.

The rapper's name was on the ballot for 12 states, although he earned less than 60,000 votes. Early Wednesday morning, he tweeted a picture of himself in front of the electoral map, with the caption "Welp Kanye 2024." He later deleted this tweet and reposted the photo with the tweet "Kanye 2024." News outlets have interpreted his "welp" as an admission of defeat.

On Election Day (November 3, 2020), Kanye documented his voting process by posting a series of tweets. One of his tweets included: "God is so good. Today I am voting for the first time in my life for the President of the United States, and it’s for someone I truly trust ... me."

Fans believe that Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian, voted for Joe Biden after she liked several tweets supporting the Democratic nominee, although she refused to confirm that publicly.

Kanye appeared on the ballot in only 12 states because he missed the filing deadline for the other states. Some states even legally barred him from appearing. Kanye then proceeded to encourage voters to write his name on to their ballot papers.

As of Wednesday morning, Kanye earned 58,647 votes, as reported by The Associated Press. Now he's hopeful for a presidency run in 2024.

What do you think? Would you like to see Kanye run for President of the United States -- again? ~Marriska Fernandes

Comments & Discussion

  1. Jane • 11/4/2020 6:38:10 PM

    This is hilarious. Um, no thanks, we'll pass on Kanye running a country.

  2. Stan • 11/4/2020 7:38:18 PM

    Kanye is a gay fish.

  3. Joanne • 11/5/2020 9:44:05 AM

    Oh Kanye, thank you for being so funny when things are so tense in the States. WELP indeed.

  4. Jamie • 11/5/2020 10:02:19 AM

    Thank you, Kanye, for being the comic relief we needed in these tense times. Looking forward to 2024 and your new shtick.

  5. Barry • 11/5/2020 10:32:39 AM

    If I were an American I would be worried about 2024 in a land where the presidential race has turned into a reality show that the most famous person wins by default. Be afraid

  6. David Harding • 11/5/2020 10:48:37 AM

    Would I like to see Kanye run for President of the United States — again? Nope. I think he needs to get some professional help. The last thing America needs in 4 years time is another celebrity with a huge ego "playing" President like Trump has for the past 4 years (and may yet do for another 4 years).

  7. Danny • 11/5/2020 2:30:17 PM

    Well the united states voted in a man with mental problems already and the morons who wasted their voting rights on him( Kanye) already, go's to show how screwed up some of the people in the us are

  8. Terry • 11/5/2020 2:32:41 PM

    I don't think he has the mental capacity to deal with the stress and the economics of the work. He makes great-sounding music but maybe should be concentrating on his family and music. The President of the United States is not something you wake up one day and want to be just because you have money. He also wouldn't survive the onslaught of attacks from other people with a more educated background that lends itself to politics. And they would attack the mental disability that he lives with and use it against him. Sad to say, but stick to what you know in this case.

  9. michelle Jadaa • 11/5/2020 4:10:03 PM

    it seems the presidency really has become a mockery.kanye is as unfit and unqualified as Trump was.

  10. Alicia • 11/5/2020 6:08:45 PM

    Stop treating the Presidency as a joke, seek treatment first.

  11. Debra Wells • 11/5/2020 6:10:44 PM

    Surely you jest. This man has nothing of substance or knowledge to offer.

  12. Huy • 11/5/2020 10:34:38 PM

    admit defeat? common, he was defeated even before he started! year 2024? don’t waste your wife’s money...

  13. Tam • 11/8/2020 6:32:21 AM

    Umm no!

  14. Tam • 11/8/2020 6:33:10 AM

    Umm Huy, you do realize his net worth is larger than his wife’s, right?

  15. Terry • 11/18/2020 6:52:10 PM

    The POTUS position is nothing but a joke! The mere fact that they voted Trump in makes the whole country nothing but a joke & they should be embarrassed. Something similar to how Rob Ford made Canada the laughing stock of the world.

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