Jack Black cancels world tour after Trump assassination joke

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Jul 17, 2024

L-R Kyle Gass and Jack Black. Photo courtesy: InstagramJack Black abruptly canceled his comedy rock band Tenacious D's world tour this week after his bandmate, Kyle Gass, make a joke onstage about the Donald Trump shooting. Both are seen here in a photo from Jack Black's Instagram page, posted before the assassination attempt.

Trump's upper right ear was grazed by a bullet after a 20-year-old sniper fired at him from a rooftop. The sniper was quickly shot and killed by Trump's counter sniper teams.

Gass sparked a backlash on Sunday in Australia when a cake was brought onstage during the show as a large robot character sang "Happy Birthday." Asked to make a wish, Gass blew out the candles and joked, "Don't miss Trump next time."

Black wrote on his Instagram page on Tuesday, "I was blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding."

Gass also apologized on Instagram on Tuesday, writing, "The line I improvised onstage Sunday night in Sydney was highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake. I don’t condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone. What happened was a tragedy, and I’m incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgment. I profoundly apologize to those I’ve let down and truly regret any pain I’ve caused."

According to comments on the post, fans appeared sympathetic, with fellow performer Dan Finnerty writing, "Anyone who knows you knows you didn’t actually MEAN it, Kyle. You made a mistake, took accountability for it and apologized - which is more than we’re used to seeing from people these days." ~Alexandra Heilbron

Kyle Gass Instagram

Comments & Discussion

  1. Dan • 7/18/2024 8:59:50 AM

    Shame he has to apologize. My thought was, it's too bad he didn't aim an inch to the right. All this did was get the evil troll sympathy.

  2. Bonnie Park • 7/18/2024 10:03:08 AM

    Anyone who agrees with this needs to get themselves into a better.Having so much hate in yourself is unhealthy. May you get in a better place.

  3. brian • 7/18/2024 11:19:06 AM

    There are people who think Trump or his people set the " attempt " up to garner sympathy and support . In THAT scenerio the shooter was to miss Trump and escape capture . Unfortunately a supporter was killed & 2 wounded , plus the shooter was killed . It is not beyond Trump to do or approve such a ruse , and some things he had since done indicate the theory ( note : not a proven fact ) has merit

  4. Reign • 7/18/2024 11:37:30 AM

    Seriously ????? Trump can say anything he wants, including the fact that he could walk down any street and shoot anybody and get away with it ,and let's not forget his diatribes on women. Come on people !!! This guy was joking ,Trump wasn't .

  5. Debbie • 7/18/2024 11:48:32 AM

    I agree with 'Reign'. Ironic that Trump 'seems' to incite violence, and it came back to him. I like what 'Brian' said, also.

  6. David • 7/18/2024 2:49:04 PM

    It's because we don't see any other way out of this impending disaster that we wish for a quick 'deus ex machina' ending to the Trump era. People joke about not missing because the ballot box seems powerless to stop this new dictator, we are almost certain to suffer under his cruelty and pettiness, and the sadness about the demise of the United States is more than some of us can bear. Dark humour comes with dark times.

  7. J. • 7/18/2024 10:18:28 PM

    I definitely agree with most of what was said in these comments. "Dark humour comes with dark times" (@David). Indeed it does.

  8. Terry • 7/19/2024 1:29:11 AM

    I'm with brian & Reign -- exactly!! brian the exact same thought occurred to me -- that it would be typical for Trump to orchestrate that attack himself for publicity. Trump is the one who deals with everything with violence = like the attack on the Whitehouse for example. It would also explain why it took his private security over 20 minutes to discover the shooter on the roof in spite of some woman who kept trying to report his presence there. The shot happened immediately after Trump said "Look what just happened here" == as if it was some kind of "cue" to the shooter. Makes me also wonder what kind of bullets the shooter was using since it only pierced his ear rather than blowing the ear right off as one would expect.

  9. Lawrence • 7/19/2024 8:18:08 AM

    Conspiracy theories aside, people should learn what a joke is. Saying "when you wanted to assassinate the former president, but went on Fiverr" is a joke. Saying "don't miss next time" is not a joke, but a call to action, asking for violence on a person who, believe it or not, is not your enemy. I'm baffled as to why the voters would want him as president again after his first term, but I haven't succumbed to tribalism and emotion to that extreme as to want him dead. And if he is elected again, it is the will of the people. The ballot box decides, not fanatics with AR-15s.

  10. Loret Lee Stagg • 7/19/2024 4:26:16 PM

    I vaguely remember several years ago that Republicans like Sarah Palin made remarks or posted something about gunning for particular democrats. I assume it was humorous. The only problem with the remarks are that for some, it may have been untimely, or too soon. But no one seems to have a sense of humor these days, especially when guns are so prevalent and killing innocent people. Our former president should consider himself blessed that he wasn't harmed. Unfortunately, too many innocent school children are no longer here to say the same.

  11. Robert • 7/19/2024 10:37:30 PM

    Saddened. I used to like Jack Black. Sick Humor.

  12. Debora • 7/20/2024 12:02:39 AM

    God obligingly warned him (Cain and us), "if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door, and its desire is for you. You can let anger & disappointment fester and spread or take charge of your emotions and master the sin that is waiting to devour you. Satan is a co- conspirator with you. Satan, Jesus said, "was a murder from the beginning ". He is the silent partner in violence, the invisible instigator to brutality and bloodshed. It may sometimes appear that envy, jealousy, or anger are relatively harmless emotions. Normal. Expected. Tolerated. Even enjoyed. But when allowed to take root in our hearts, the results are usually disastrous. Jesus compared anger to murder itself. Insanity and lawlessness seem prevalent in your party. Human rights don't exist- only human wrongs. In the absence of righteousness, sensuality, violence, and demonic activity fill the world. God's magnificent creation of man has gone horribly wrong. This is the reality of life without God. Choose well.

  13. Laurel • 7/20/2024 8:06:56 AM

    Propaganda reigns. God bless you all with sight and hearing before your hatred consumes you, in Jesus name, Amen

  14. Judy • 7/20/2024 10:39:53 AM

    Such evil thoughts will spoil a person and can permanently separate you from God the father. Repent from your hate and don't believe everything the left are pushing.

  15. Joe R • 7/20/2024 1:57:16 PM

    After reading some of these comments, there is definitely no shortage of stupidity from many people here in America. Anyone who thinks that someone would stage an attempted assassination with a bullet flying by your head has to be a complete buffoon!! Where would someone think the bullet was gonna end up if this were staged in a bucket of water or ballistics gel bosom? FFS

  16. jon dowe • 7/20/2024 3:56:26 PM

    I am very confused . and I am very upset at our country as a whole ,I am a democrate and intend on voting for biden and hope he really wins ,that being said ,I alo think that it wasd traggic that TRUMP WAS SHOT AT ,IDO NOT AGREE WITH HIS POLITICS AND ui DON NOT LIKE HIM AS A PERSON bUT I DO NOT THINK HE DSREVES TO BE SHOT AT JUST DONT VOT FOR HIM!!!

  17. Amy J • 7/20/2024 11:19:23 PM

    Love Trump or hate him, wishing him dead is evil. I despise Biden, but I don't wish him dead. I just wish him out of the White House. Politics shouldn't have devolved into joy at someone's death. Grow up and show some human decency.

  18. Sherry • 7/21/2024 12:14:25 AM

    Reading these comments just confirms my beliefs -- democrats/liberals words & actions are evil -- full of hate and death and blind to all truth

  19. Rob • 7/21/2024 12:00:55 PM

    The comments from those with a raw itchy case of TDS is proof Liberals have zero morality!

  20. Samm • 7/22/2024 12:40:50 AM

    They learned nothing from Kathy Griffin. Dummies.

  21. Laurie • 7/22/2024 10:12:47 PM

    Sorry, apology not accepted. If you didn't mean it you certainly would not of been thinking it to make such a comment. You clearly do not know what is going on in this country to have made such a comment. I also do not understand why Jack Black would be apologizing for you either because I thought I saw him on a social media sight making the same comment.

  22. Roger • 7/22/2024 10:57:11 PM

    Obviously most of these very low class comments are from idiots who have been brain washed by the lame stream media propaganda. Why don't you waste your time puking into a strong wind since you are so sick?

  23. Ballparq1 • 7/23/2024 11:56:08 PM

    You people saying Trump will some how destroy America or will be dictator need a lesson in common sense and civility. Your views are idiotic and juvenile at best. Trump had 4 years in office and NONE of things you say came to pass. NONE. Your TDS is amazing and yet your perfectly fine with the authoritarian regime that currently occupies the White House. What exactly is a dictator. It's someone who does whatever they want against the will of the people and with no fear of penalty because they control everything. Seems likes the Democrats fit that description if you ask me. Gass's comment was hate speech and condoned violence. Had a conservative said this about Biden you'd be losing your minds. You're a bunch of hypocrites. What if I said I wish Covid would take out Biden. Too bad it didnt we'd all be better off as a nation. What? Dont like my comment? We should not use our words to incite hate or violence. Yet liberals have no issue when they do it. Grow up.

  24. Mary Morris • 7/24/2024 12:20:01 PM

    Ballpark. Your comments on this page inspire. Hate. Calling Biden a dictator is not limiting free speech. The dictator is in Florida. Those citizens cannot say “ climate change” without experiencing the worst of the office of the governor Look in the mirror and practice not saying the misinformation and hate you create v

  25. ray • 7/24/2024 12:57:03 PM

    mary morris, learn about djt and biden before you comment. All donald j trump has done is help our country and he did it without charging our country one cent. he talks about freedom for all he doesn't try to own us I could go on but talking to deaf ears.

  26. jon smith • 7/26/2024 1:50:14 PM

    How many of you are actually going to vote this November and if so, just do not vote for the person you dispise !!!

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