Celine Dion will return to performing at Paris Olympics

Published By Alexandra Heilbron on Jul 23, 2024

Céline Dion in a publicity shot from the movie Love AgainCéline Dion, who has not sung in public since she announced in December 2022 that she'd been diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome, is returning to sing at the Paris Olympics.

In 2022, she had to put a stop to her tour, because the rare and painful autoimmune neurological disorder affects her ability to move and sing. She also suffers from muscle spasms that cause her joints to lock -- at one point, she broke a rib during a spasm.

Earlier this year, Céline told NBC interviewer Hota Kotb, "It’s like somebody is strangling you. It’s like somebody is pushing your larynx/pharynx." She added, "My fingers, my hands, will get in position… It’s cramping, but it’s like in a position where you cannot unlock them."

According to Variety, Céline will perform during the Opening Ceremonies on Friday. She arrived in Paris on Monday and is staying at a hotel near the Champs-Élysées.

During an interview with Vogue France this past April, Céline, who undergoes physical and vocal therapy five times per week, talked about a possible comeback, saying, "I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team. I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!"

The Opening Ceremony will begin with a six-kilometre (3.7 miles) parade along the banks of the Seine and will conclude near the Eiffel Tower. Over the course of the event 3,500 performers will take part.

The Opening Ceremony can be seen on NBC or Peacock in the U.S. and in Canada on CBC or CBC Gem beginning at 7:30 p.m. local time in Paris (1:30 p.m. ET). ~Alexandra Heilbron

Comments & Discussion

  1. Sue Touhey • 7/24/2024 12:24:19 AM

    How brave you are Celon - you were brave the beginning of your career and wanting children and what you did to conceive them. Now that you are a very brave and and an amazing women. Chin up Celine you will make it through the terrible disease -KEEp ON SINGING lots of love ?? zSue Touhey

  2. susan • 7/24/2024 12:24:06 PM

    Celine! You have a beautiful voice, a gift from God! Your desire to sing is also from Him!! Your strength thru all of this is unbelievable! So happy you are going to sing at the opening!!! I will be watching!! God is always Faithful??

  3. carol • 7/25/2024 10:21:10 AM

    Why doesn't this money hungry, attention craving spoiled so & so just be happy with the multi millions --- perhaps billions that she has already made & just go & enjoy her remaining years with her children??? Crying for pity from all her fans -- I just don't get it. How can anybody have pity for her, she's had a far more amazing & blessed life than most people. She should just get out of the spot light & stop feeling so sorry for herself & learn to be happy with what she has. She's always thought herself to be better than anybody else. I remember when she first made it big in the music world. Barbara Streisand asked her to join her group & she snubbed her!! That should have been a COLOSSAL honour!!! Sorry but I just can't have sympathy for this self centered self worshiping self acclaimed goddess that she considers herself to be. She even married the old man who had been grooming her since she was a pre-adolescent child!!! No respect from me ---- no way --- sorry.

  4. gail • 7/25/2024 11:46:29 AM

    carol, you are a very sick minded person, watch what you say about someone as it comes back to you 100 fold. Also she didn't ask for your respect or do you even know what that means. You also sound very jealous, you must have a very unhappy life.

  5. Jean Jacques John Ranger • 7/25/2024 1:25:02 PM

    A Quebec, Canada and world icon indeed. Great to see that she's never lost her drive! So proud of her, and all her progress & fearlessness. A true success story indeed. You ROCK Celine, you ROCK indeed ❤️

  6. Katy • 7/25/2024 2:47:14 PM

    YOU GO CELINE! MAY GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT LIVE IN YOU!?????? And you, Carol, please talk to a therapist or a good priest??

  7. Ruth • 7/25/2024 3:08:43 PM

    This news is a gift and I can’t wait to see her perform for fans who she adores and always put first - after her family! As for Carol, she sounds like an embittered sad soul who, indeed must be jealous of a REAL person who is suffering to lash out as she did. Life can be very short - you still have time to repent and get a life😔🙏🌈

  8. Alice • 7/25/2024 4:06:13 PM

    Celine your a brave women and God has been at your side throughout this difficult time. Please pay no attention of people that have nothing more to do..we will be watching you at the opening of the Olympics .

  9. Jeems • 7/25/2024 5:07:11 PM

    Bravo Céline!!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! Hope you're feeling better! You're an amazing source of inspiration!

  10. carol • 7/25/2024 5:23:25 PM

    Katy, Ruth, gail --- you celebrity (idol) worshipers are SO PATHETIC you obviously have no life of your own to adore & value. People like you always have to have someone to look up to - a hero of sorts - as you're no doubt such under-achievers in your own bland little lives. You people should really try to focus on having a little more self worth. I suspect you probably have subservient personalities in most or ALL of your relationships. Get a life --- literally!!!

  11. Connie • 7/25/2024 6:12:51 PM

    Oh my carol!!! How rude disrespectful and jealous can u be!!! I’ve NEVER seen or heard Celine ask for anyone’s pity!! I for one watched her recent I AM CELINE, and was so encouraged by her will and strength!! I don’t know you but I feel sorry for you

  12. carol • 7/25/2024 6:41:23 PM

    Keep drinking the coolade Connie.

  13. R Corbett • 7/25/2024 9:15:47 PM

    Brava, Mme Dion!

  14. R Corbett • 7/26/2024 5:26:38 AM

    Brava, Mme Dion!

  15. David • 7/26/2024 2:21:41 PM

    Carol, You are indeed a truly sick and twisted individual. I feel sorry for those in your life that feel they must tolerate you.

  16. Rizzy • 7/26/2024 3:02:58 PM

    Carol, nobody really asked for your opinion. I think you need to stay in your lane and just enjoy your life! I am so thrilled that Celine has been working really hard so that she can perform again. Her voice and energy has been missed! I wish her all the best. Looking forward to hearing her!

  17. Tina • 7/26/2024 3:55:58 PM

    Yes, she is a great SInger and Artist.. And yes, many of us have medical difficulties BUT, we do carry onward with very little whinning. But do remember that Karma, does work in mysterious ways - Celine, did take someone's husband . Furthermore, has anyone ever heard her make any donations of any sort to any charity to help the less fortunate to share her wealth. No wonder this polite lady, Carol voices her opinion in a certain way. You all take it easy, enjoy tonight's performance!

  18. carol • 7/26/2024 5:04:42 PM

    Tina thank you very much for joining in with a voice of reason! Her lack of any useful donations is another point I meant to mention so also thanks for including that one. I agree that in her prime she was a talented singer -- I liked a few of her songs -- but in view of her great success I fail to understand her need for the amount of pity she is currently seeking from the public. She has managed to get into many talk shows to publicly complain about her medical condition. Look at poor me, I can't sing anymore -- rather than accepting the great wealth she has achieved & facing that it's probably her time for retirement. Some people are just never happy with what they have --- and pitifully never will be. I'm not jealous & I don't envy her. I think someone like her should be pitied much more than envied. She will never be happy. As for you, Dizzy Rizzy --- I'm as entitled to put my opinion out there as much as you are. BTW --- what would make you think anybody cares about what your opinion is??? After all --- nobody asked for your opinion either. As for your opinion of me ---- Pffft.......

  19. Emlyn Fletcher • 7/26/2024 5:50:19 PM

    Carol: I am 89 years old. With your attitude towards life, you will be lucky if you make it past 50!!!!! You are one sick person! See a Psychiatrist very soon. If you have a family or husband, take them &/ or him with you, because such hate usually runs in families!! Please reserve at least 10 sessions! Good Luck! P.S. Please don't contribute to these platforms! Save us ALL!

  20. D • 7/26/2024 11:56:46 PM

    To all, have you ever heard the expression "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I thoroughly enjoyed Celine's performance at the Olympic opening ceremony. Let's be kind to one another and leave it at that!

  21. Harmony • 7/27/2024 2:26:52 PM

    It was wonderful to hear Celine singing at the Olympics, what a fabulous voice, she has always been so talented. For some who commented earlier, try working on kindness, it makes the world a better place if you see the positive aspects of life and do not focus on the negative. Life is rich and filled with so much beauty, if you open your eyes and enjoy the lovely blue sky, gentle breezes and all the rest that life has to offer, then it would be difficult to be critical of others. Let us offer praise for the goodness in our lives and those around us, we are one human race and should support each other every day. Do you like what someone is wearing, tell them so, do they have a cute dog, offer some praise, a positive comment can make someone’s day better. Practice kindness every day!

  22. Mark Baker • 7/27/2024 11:03:01 PM

    Carol is just egging you all on. She's an internet troll. Stop wasting your time replying to her. She loves the attention She's getting. Celine is one of the most perfect singers ever born.

  23. Mary • 7/29/2024 7:04:30 PM

    I was blessed to watch ALL of the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. I also heard Celine Dion sing, and I cried and cried. It enriched my whole experience with the Opening Ceremonies. Thank You, Celine, for sharing your talents with us. I don't think ANYONE can know what it took on EVERY level for her to do that.

  24. Kelly • 7/30/2024 1:47:12 PM

    There's enough hate in the world that we don't need to attack one another in a comment section too. We do have a right to our opinions but maybe refrain from attacking one another or someone who can't defend or speak for themselves. You get 1 life make the most of it and spread kindness instead of hate and discontent. If we were kinder to one another the world would be a better place! Of you don't like her that's fine, you have a right to your opinion. But maybe try saying something you like instead.

  25. Jim Johnson • 7/30/2024 4:25:19 PM

    Absolutely beautiful performance! So proud of you. Praying for you.

  26. Gary • 7/30/2024 10:51:04 PM

    First time on this web site. Would have just read comments then moved on. This Carol creature reminded me of times when I read a terrible, nasty letter in letters to the editor about Princess Diana after her passing!!! It was beyond incomprehensible that someone could have such hate towards one so beloved! Another nasty letter appeared concerning Queen Elizabeth. The point is the world is filled with Carols. They REALLY DON’T HAVE A MEANING LIFE. Crave attention and most likely like Carol molested/abused by one or both parents. As one who studied Psychology in college I know what I’m referencing. God bless our beloved Celine. Have only seen her perform live 5 times. Truly an other worldly experience!! Shout out to all my fellow Celine Dion fans!

  27. Gary • 7/30/2024 10:56:45 PM

    oops..should have proofread. MEANINGFUL LIFE. P.S. One with much intelligence knows it’s BARBRA STREISAND… not Barbara!

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