Better Nate Than Ever is the story of a 13-year-old boy named Nate, who dreams of being a musical theatre star. He loves musicals such as Frozen and Wicked, and whenever he gets a chance, he's singing and dancing in the privacy of his room. When his school holds auditions for a musical about Lincoln, he tries out for the lead role, but winds up being cast as a tree.
His supportive best friend Libby (Aria Brooks) discovers that an open audition is happening on the weekend in New York City for a new Broadway musical based on the hit Disney movie Lilo & Stitch. Nate wants to go, but he knows his parents won't let him. On the other hand, he's desperate for a chance to make his dream come true.
Rueby Wood, who was cast in 2018 in the title role in the U.S. touring production of the Broadway musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, plays Nate. He makes his screen debut in the role, and is the perfect choice to play Nate, with a winning smile, tons of charm and talent to spare. Lisa Kudrow from Friends also plays a role as Nate's Aunt Heidi, who's worked on Broadway and lives in New York City. He really admires her and wants to follow in her footsteps, but he's afraid to ask her to let him stay at her place because she might call his mother, who's her sister, and tell her what Nate's up to.
Better Nate Than Ever is inspiring, as not only Nate goes after his dreams, but over the course of the movie, Libby learns what her strengths are and discovers what she wants to do in life. It's also about accepting who you are, and realizing that you can be yourself and people will still love you.
Based on the first novel in the popular Nate trilogy of books by Tim Federle, who's also the screenwriter and director, the 90-minute film is funny and lighthearted, with fantastic performances all around and a story that's not just for musical theatre fans, but for anyone who wants to have a fun escape into the lives of two kids discovering who they are.
Better Nate Than Ever debuts on Disney+ Friday, April 1, 2022. ~Alexandra Heilbron