X-Men: The Last Stand - User Reviews

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X-Men: The Last Stand Movie Poster

4.13 / 5

User rating: 4.13

Based on 8036 votes and 1275 reviews

  • User rating: 4.13 42.77%
  • User rating: 4.13 39.74%
  • User rating: 4.13 10.19%
  • User rating: 4.13 2.67%
  • User rating: 4.13 4.63%

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User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

Very good. Stay until the credits end for a hint as to where they could take it next.

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

This movie was very good. I think the angel could have been a bigger character, and they could have devoloped more of the characters. The movie was very entertaining, and i could watch it many times more. Unfortunately there were alot of suprises that shouldn`t have happend :(

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

The story was a big letdown, which is sad becuase this is the last movie of the series. Oh well can`t get them right

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

The movie had major X-Men Cannon flaws. As an avid fan of the X-Men over all the movie was very well done with regard to portraying the characters as well as seeing the development of emotions. The only major detractors that were in the film were the history of some of the new characters. It surprises me that Stan Lee would allow to have this happen. My examples are: Colossus was played by an English speaking actor. Colussus is Russian. Juggernaught: Is not a mutant and recieves his power from a shard of an alien crystal. The Brittish accent is also wrong. Juggernaught is from Texas. James Maddrex aka Multiple man: Can not multiply himsel

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

It was ok. I was really looking forward to this movie as I am a huge Marvel fan. They should hire someone to pre-approve the movie and give it a thumbs up before they do the final touches and roll out. I`m up for the job if anyone is listening. Go see it, but not a must see.

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

Plz keep this director!!! AMAZING! 4.5 STARS!!

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

WOW! JUST WOW! Probably the best! leaves u hangin at the end and there`d better be a number4! GO GO SEE IT!!

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

Horrible movie. Script was very poor, a bunch of one line cliches. There was serious over action by Halle berry and some poor performances. Only highlight is kelsey Grammer who was solid, amongst a few others who held thier own.

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

Most definatley the best x-men to day. Make sure to stay right to the end of the credits because there is a a little foreshadowing to x-men4. There will be an x-men 4 right? Yeah probably the best movie ever made.

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

I think it was amazing

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

Great Movie!!! I luv Famke Jannsen

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

I was quite disappointed. My advice to the Xmen/Comic book followers, it`s a far cry from even being remotely similar to the comics (original story lines). I can understand the books/comics and movies are different, but there are at least some similarities, especially when they concern the main characters that the storylines are based around. The writers/directors of Xmen 3 when off on a tangent. I`m just hoping they find their way back inkeeping with the traditional facet of what Xmen and Marvel is all about.

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

this movie was actually really bad, do not recomend it, go see mission impossible III, AMAZING movie

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

the ending was messed all of a sudden bam! credits. it was still go though this is from a guy who was watching in from the 2nd row! my neck still hurts!

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

it was entertaining ! But the overall acting and dialogue should have been more taught. Story was engaging ...but be prepared to be shocked and shaken !

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

Very VERY VERY VERY Good movie .. It totally lived up to the first 2 and it only got better. SOOO many unexpected twist and turn. No spoilers but this movie was really fantastic. Really hope that this is not the last one. Speaking of that, what`s with that asian mutant that can stick things out from his face? what kind of mutant power is that? is that all he can do?

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

"Wow" that word really just sums up how i felt about this movie. It was AMAZING alot better than the first and second. Also if your planning to watch this movie, stay till the end of the credits

User review rating: 0 May 28, 2006

It was a rush of action but i think the director should have developed the plot and characters more.. but overall its a great action packed film.. a must see for all who watched the previous two..

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

I`d have to say probably the best movie in the series, not much of a story but amazing action, and don`t forget to stay after the credits for a special scene.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

It was good, but it lacked what made the previous two x-men movies great, character. This movie had far too many lame one liners. The action scenes were good but nothing special. I did however like the ultimate irony at the end.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

X3 was as great as I expected it to be. Although as a long-time X-Men fan, I found the adherance to the original characters/storylines not quite there, but it was a good plot nonetheless. Perhaps it`s because X3 had so many mutants in the plot I found that, comparing the film to it`s predecessor, X2 had better character development, but this one definietly had better action sequences and special effects. I can`t wait for the DVD to come out!

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Exellent movie................so many unexpected things :)

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

THe Best Moive canada than X-men 1 & X-Men 2.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

The movie itself was fantastic, but the story severely lacked the integrity of the true story of the X-Men. For the general audience it will be a movie to watch over and over again… for the fans of the original X-Men, and the actual story we came to love, this movie can be a tremendous letdown.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Kept me intertained to the end.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Definately a great movie. Although, I felt it to be a little rushed... they probably could have made it a longer movie and had more charactor development with Angel and Phoenix. None-the-less, its worth seeing more than once. I hope theres a fourth.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

This movie was alright but I really think they could of done much better. Nothing beats the 2nd X-men.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

heartburn?indegestion? go seee this sweet movie.....its soo cool. And i like keyboard pie.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Good movie, though I find it funny that ppl on here are comparing the movies to the cartoons. Do ppl not actually read the comics, this was more along those lines then a cartoon made for children. Especially the pheonix aspects, that was probably one of the best story arcs in the past, though a lot of the current fans may not have read it, it was a while ago

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

best x-men ever. go see it worth of money and time

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

The best X-Men movie to date, right down to the last credit!

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Great movie. Just as good as the previous two in the series. The screenplay does a good job in treating the Dark Phoenix story. Go see it!

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

it was da best movie i have ever seen so many characters u even get to see a senital it was so sick

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Awful! No where near the first two movies.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

A rushed script, a rushed production, and a lackluster director, Brett Ratner has no come nowhere near to what Bryan Singer and his team did on the first two X-MEN installments. Waste of a franchise.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

The best of the three....it was really good....very entertaining, and a must see. Special effects are out of this world. GREAT MOVIE!

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

I was disappointed. The acting was mediocre at best. For those of you who did not see the end, try to remember what the Professor was teaching in his class and you will know what happened in the end scene after the credits.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

It was the most exicting mkovie ever made. It just blowed my mind away. Also stay after the credits because the are some more footage after the movie.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006


User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

This movie was alright it wasnt amazing but it was pretty good speaking from someone that doesnt watch these kind of movies I gave it 3 stars

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

a well done movie. wait until the credits are finished there is something at the end.

User review rating: 0 May 27, 2006

Phenominal! Well done! Great cast! Fantastic fighting scenes! Amazing job! For anyone who hasn`t seen it yet, GO! P.S. Stay for after the credits roll at the end, there is an additional scene.

User review rating: 0 May 26, 2006

It was Grabage, that word sums it up

User review rating: 0 May 26, 2006

first off, SOMEBODY tell us what happened in the last scene with the credits!!! I hate it when movies do that!... Secondly... movie was great. and for the people who are complaining that it doesnt match the comics... it`s the same idea with movie adaptations of books: books always better. Analyze the film based on the film... if u want to reminisce of the comics, go read your comics and go watch the original cartoons. Truly enjoyable film... must-see.

User review rating: 0 May 26, 2006

It was a sick movie. It was hilarious at parts and sad at others. I thought it was really well done, and I hope they make a 4th. Go and see this movie, nooot at all a waste of money.

User review rating: 0 May 26, 2006

This movie is pretty good but not good like X2 bring back Bryan Singer for 4

User review rating: 0 May 26, 2006


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