Based on 244 votes and 79 reviews
I think it would have been more captivating with less singing. My husband used that time as an intermission to get more refreshments, just like they use to have. Lol
A bit over the top. Singing was good but there were too many songs. It did get better in the second half but I was tempted to get up and walk out during the first 25 minutes. At least we only had to pay $5 per ticket!
just a bad movie not worth the ticket I walked out.
I saw the play Wicked so know the story but this adaptation of the play is astounding. Great scenery, singing and dancing. Must have Costco’s a fortune to produce and this is only Part 1. I had never heard of Cynthia Ervo but she is just as great as Arianna Grande. As you can tell I enjoyed it and watched in Panavision which I had never seen before either.
I saw the musical of "Wicked" years ago and liked it, but this movie adaptation blew me away. Everything looked amazing from the costumes to the sets and felt real, no fake CGI feeling. You could see all the production value up on screen just like a classic movie musical. As for the music and the singing--- wow! I went in never having heard of Cynthia Ervo and only knowing Ariana Grande from pop music. Both of them are fantastic. The range and emotion is just unreal. The secondary characters were excellent too. I loved how the music and visuals compliment each other and the dancing is so innovative. There aren't a lot of movies that I want to watch all over again the moment I leave the theatre, but this one I immediately wanted to experience all over again.
Only PART 1 and was almost 3 hours long, as soon as they get into any kind of excitement and action is the last few instances of the film.
After seeing the Broadway musical, this hardly compares to the incredible stage version. The voices were amazing but it stops there. It was way too long for my grandchildren (11 & 14 ) they barely made it through the end. If the musical was only 2 hours long why did they have to extend this to what will be a 5 hour movie. I don't plan on seeing part two & I don't think it deserves an Oscar.
This movie was wonderful. To those who think it is a 'remake' of the 1939 original are sadly mistaken. The whole point of this movie is to give some background about "why" - why she's green, why she's 'wicked', why people turned out the way they did, etc. - like we say, it answers questions you didn't even know you had. The casting, acting, directing and singing were A+ - can't wait for 'part 2' next fall.
There was nothing I liked about the movie.
The one who played the wicked witch was spooky, She looked nothing like Margaret Hamilton. She looked more like Grace Jones at the end of VAMP. Spooky.
It has to be the worst Movie of The Year. I don't know what the big fuss is,,,,
Those looking for a modernized version of the original will be disappointed, but this spin on the original story was well made, well acted and good fun! I'm a critic of Disney's woke-ness, but they managed not to irritate me with it this day and I would be surprised if an Academy Award for Best Actress doesn't come this way! The music was amazing too!
So obviously anti-racist no one dare critisize this woke adaptation of Oz. Challenging if you are a moron. Needed captioning to understad song lyrics. Embarassing to even try to compare with the 1939 original. I really am concerned with the intellect of our youth when this gets a 95 user review. Waste of time. Go see Red One if you want an entertaining Holiday movie! That movie was a pleasant surprise and did not try to imprint wokish agendas.
Was boring and not great. How did it get a 3.6?
Complete reversal of the original as far as charactors. The Bad witch was made to be actually a good honorable witch, the good witch was not made to be bad, but not really good either. Made her to be completely self-absorbed brat. And the wizard, who was a kindly old man willing to risk his life to take Dorothy home, was made out to be an evil fraud who wanted to rule the world using the bad witch's powers. Wow. How screwed up is that??
WOW! This film did wow many & rightly so. Not a spoiler just a clue Elphaba is not wicked. MUST SEE
The end of the movie was the best part. The bad part is getting to the end
Sets and costumes were fabulous—otherwise boring.
Play was a very good Screen Adaptation. Play is 2 hrs 45 min, movie for Part 1 is also 2' 45". Assuming Part 2 is same the total length is 5 hrs 25 min. Not surprising as the movie covers/explains things not in the play (but in the book). Elephant in the Room is "OF COURSE the Book, Play, & Movie are about racism!" And overcoming it. I was at first a bit disappointed that a Black actress was given the part of Elphaba. It seemed a touch WOKE'ish to me. But my disappointment lasted about 5 minutes. Cynthia Erivo is INCREDIBLE as Elphaba!! If she doesn't get an Oscar for her role, it's just proof that someone in the Academy was paid off!! While the MORON/WOKE crowd just can't conceive of 2 women becoming close friends without having sex, there is nothing implied in the storyline. The fact that both (heterosexual) women are infatuated with the same man, and yet are friends, adds to the tension of how the situation will work out, and what choices each makes to achieve what they want. For those who don't know the story, that's all I will say; don't want to give it away. It is worth watching! For those reluctant because they dread just how much of the play was cut out to make the movie meet it's pre-determined run-time: Answer is not very much! and what was added was a plus! Michelle Yeoh and Jeff Goldblum are both excellent, as expected for 2 veteran actors with incredible talent. Used to seeing Mechelle, however, play one of the Good Guys. She makes a Great Villain!
How stupid to play this at Christmas. How stupid to play this at all!
Amazing. I literally wake up in the morning hearing the songs in my head. LOVELOVELOVE!
I loved everything about this movie but maybe a little bit kinda disliked the green color witch with the black hat on they should have just kept her black instead of green color but she is still beautiful though and a good actor!!!
What is that thing that plays the green witch? Ugh…creepy…
Beautiful adaptation of the musical. A movie for the whole family. Loved it beginning to end.
I WOKE up to this masterpiece
looooove it. The sexual tension is a palpable hue of anticipation
its an allegoric tale of racism and hate
It's like having a kielbasa forced down your throat. But at least they kept James Corden out of this.
The whole movie from beginning to end was terrific. The way it starts with lots of dislike because of being different (green) to the end with respect, dignity and capability. The characters evolve into best friends encouraging each other. Beautiful colors and fantasy the was so enjoyable. I thought because of all the publicity it would not live up to it, but it did.
WOW Gotta see this one! Five star film forget the one star critic. Must see the whole film. A love for animals is a big part! HAPPY HOLIDAYS 😀
spend your money on this.
Don't waste your $ on this trash, so woke that it doesn't even deserve 1 star. I'd give it 0 if it were possible. They can't make a decent movie without contaminating it with homosexuality and perversion. Such garbage.
I got chills during this movie several times. The vocals were outstanding. The casting couldn't have been better. Everything about this movie was incredible. Can't wait to see part 2!!
So good. Don't listen to the haters.
the movies title writes it's review.
this was a maudlin cringefest. the message of the movie is so cliche and its as subtle as a ton of bricks. tired of movies that only appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Nothing Sad about it! Pure Joy and LOVE for all. 😀 Plenty of talent here want to see it again!
Wicked was an excellent musical but this new movie version has decided the characters needed to lean more homosexual. It’s sad that Hollywood has to do this to everything.
Can't wait for part two!
Did not like the ending.
The costumes the sets the acting the Actors it was a beautiful work of art
Tired of hearing people say it was too long. The last Avengers movie was over 3 hours and did not hear any complaining.
This is a Great Musical, and the dancing was fantastic .I like the story line. Myself and wife will be there for part 2.
Loved it! What a beautiful film! Loved all the songs, dance and great acting!
very good movie. the only thing is i found it was a little to long.
No guns? Not one dead body being dissected? Humor that's actually funny? Song and dance that's entertaining? What's this world coming to?
The energy! The costumes! The story! The acting! The filmography! Outstanding!
There is a reason this film is number one at box office and going strong. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT. 😀 So good and so much to see. Actors delivered their best performance ever. MUST SEE.