In Theaters: |
R | 1h 59m | Action, Adventure, Drama
Set in the ferocious Gobi Desert, the story follows two protagonists, Lieutenant Li (Jiang Wen) and Japanese emissary Lai Xi (Kiichi Nakai) - both first-class warriors and master swordsmen. After decades of service to the Chinese Emperor, Lai Xi longs to return to Japan, but is instead sent to the West to chase wanted criminals.
His only passport back to Japan is to capture and execute Lieutenant Li, a renegade soldier wanted for leading a violent mutiny when he refused orders to kill female and child prisoners.
Director: | He Ping |
Studio: | Sony Pictures Classics |
Producer(s): | Wang Zhongjun |
Cast: | Wen Jiang, Kiichi Nakai, Wang Xueqi, Zhao Wei, Hasi Bager, He Tao, Harrison Liu |
Writer(s): | He Zhang Rui |