War of the Worlds - User Reviews

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War of the Worlds Movie Poster

2.30 / 5

User rating: 2.30

Based on 23783 votes and 447 reviews

  • User rating: 2.30 30.62%
  • User rating: 2.30 1.59%
  • User rating: 2.30 1.13%
  • User rating: 2.30 0.77%
  • User rating: 2.30 65.89%

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User review rating: 0 July 10, 2005

Just an average film that had lots of hype. A good rental.

User review rating: 0 July 10, 2005

Cruise has gone crazy due to his fad cult. Don`t bother supporting his newest money maker. Horrible.

User review rating: 0 July 10, 2005

Stunning & Spectacular. Excellant Sci-Fi thriller. I don`t know what nay sayers are expecting...I was entertained the entire time, it was visually spectacular, great story line, great acting, a wonderful movie. I don`t understand who could not like this film...only uncreative, unimaginative people who don`t understand what a movie is...it`s a movie!

User review rating: 0 July 10, 2005

It was as I expected, I did read the book and I did enjoy the movie. It was better than the first. Most sci-fi has its quirks. Most people go for the "humans over-coming all odds", like "Independance Day" or "Armegeddan", both are severly flawed. With our current technology our bacteria is still killing us.

User review rating: 0 July 10, 2005


User review rating: 0 July 10, 2005

Steven Speilberg did a great movie of this! Tom Cruise and the rest of the crew were amazing! It`s a must see movie of the year, and for the ppl that havn`t seen the movie, get your butts over to the theatre and see it!

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

The movie was gud.....some ppl jus dun get the ending or don`t like it....for all those ppl who gave bad comments on this movie becuase of its ending.......i`d suggest u go watch it again....u jus have to open ur eyes and watch the movie then ull understand...jus becuase tom cruise is in the movie i bet some people thought that tom cruise would kill all the aliens or martians like what a hero does in ever movie....but he`s jus like the other humans.....runnin for their lives.....i guarantee u if u watch it again ull understand....

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

I thought it was a well put together movie, awsome effects, good story line and over all good feeling throughout the whole picture. Tom Cruise isnt my all time fav actor but he did a great job

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

This is truly a terrible movie. It was not even stupidly entertaining. I enjoy dumb movies every once in a while but this was absolutley aweful. I spent most of the movie looking for a chance to leave... and guess what I still didn`t miss any of the plot. DON"T WASTE YOUR TIME, the wasted 2 hours made me feel depressed. I could have better spent it watching a wall and better enjoyed it jumping up and down on rusty razor blades.

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

I believe it was an excellent movie but I can see it turn into a series and it is a good plot but I don`t know how much they can spread this out. I believe they could of had another type of weapon on Earth. But I can telll you now that the 2nd movie is going to be the return of Alien`s with new machines then the 3rd will be the world goign to there plant and it will likely be a 3-6 movie series. It`s a good plot tho and it deserves a 4*

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

It`s a good looking film, but there are plot holes big enough to drive a tripod through. And the characters... yikes! I spent the whole film hoping that all three of the "heroes" would get blasted by a death ray. Not one of them is likeable, and that screaching little girl gets more annoying by the minute. Fairly loyal to the original story, just not a very convincing or interesting rendition.

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!must see/rent/buy AsAp

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

I thought the movie, first off, had really well done acting. Tom Cruise, Justin Chatwin, Nd Dakota Fanning are super talented!! So I give applause to them for bein great actors. The other people in the film were great also. The special effects were also very well done!!:) Plus Justin (Robbie) Nd Tom (Ray) were totally handsome, cute nd gorgeous:) I think alot of people were confused by the film, cuz they didnt reely explain anything. BUT the film got saved for me, cuz of the great acting,special effects, cute guys, nd the other parts of the movie that did make sense. JUSTIN CHATWIN ROCKS!!

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

I really enjoyed it. Got a kick out of the Gene Barry cameo, and I was probably the only one in the theatre who got it. My one little complaint is that they never should have shown the aliens. My imagination had them so much more terrifying. They were too cutesy looking in the movie.

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

Great special effects.

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005


User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

umm of course dakota was screaming she was alittle girl and the world around her was coming to an end! I though it was very good and those of you that say the ending was stupid... watch again and this time pay attention unless your braindead and are incapable of that.. awesome awesome awesome!! im going to see it again!!

User review rating: 0 July 09, 2005

i though it was awesome! it was freaky but good Dakato fanning is an amazing actress! and tom cruise what can i say he`s awesome like always! You must go and see this movie!!

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005


User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

Extremely disappointing and waste of time. Scary No! Predictable Yes. The characters are never really developed. Scenes were disjointed. Tom Cruise is starting to believe his own press. His worse yet. He should be looking for movies that actually have a story to tell. I could say more but don`t want to spoil it for those who decide to see the movie. Spielberg - great Director with another bad movie. Remember AI. Wait for the release of the DVD and even then only if all the good movies are renting out.

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

amazing to think we`ve earned our right to live on earth, and to see the sort of desperation that would come with that sort of hopelessness, unlike most alien movies that show humans banning together to beat the bad guy.

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

I thought the movie was great there was alot of incredible action .I thought the movie could of had a stronger ending , but overall it!!!! was!!!!! awesome!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

This movie was useless. If Tommy boy did absolutly nothing, the invaders would have still

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

This is one of the most amazing movies made! Amazing Acting, eye-catching speacial effects, and a good story. Some people didn`t like the ending, but I thought it was awesome! The ending didn`t answer all the movies questions, but i prefer it that way. What is fun about all the answers given to you? Use you imagination, and make up how the son surivived and how the aliens could plant those machines without dying in the first place! I also can`t believe people don`t like the acting in this movie. The daughter was amazing, along with Tom Cruise and the rest of the cast! The only part I didn`t get is why that camcorder worked at the begin

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

Awesome movie! For those of you who did not understand the ending, read up on the original by H.G. Wells and that will explain everything. They probably should have explained it better for the people who do not know the story...however, despite that...it was a great movie...Spielberg did a great job!

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

I thought the effects were FANTASTIC, it was like a roller-coaster...you almost felt like you were running away from the aliens yourself! Complaints: lackluster ending, and did anyone else notice the `technical` flaws near the start, when all the electronic gadgets in the world stopped working, yet a lone videocam that a victim (presumably) dropped on the street kept working?? What up with that???? Must have had "alien-proof" batteries or something!

User review rating: 0 July 08, 2005

This movie was extremely entertaining! The effects were incredible, and I thought it was very relistic aswell. Everyone complains about the ending, ok so it wasn`t that great. The entire 2 hours before the ending were incredible so stop whining. To those people who trash the ending, I`m sure even YOU were entertained. I totally recommend this for IMAX or theaters because it won`t be the same at watching it at home.

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

Very poor acting by Tom Cruiz. Not worth the money.

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

OMG! it`s a must see movie! i could hardly breath during the show, it was awsome!

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

The movie was fine, but the ending left something to be desired. They ended the movie far too quickly with minimal explanation. Very anti-climactic.

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

Are all you crazy. Whenever I read user comments on here you guys praise the dumbest movies, but when an actual really fun and scary blockbuster movie comes around you all say it`s crap because of an ending, or expecations. Usually I`ll find something to critique in a BIG film but I didn`t have many negetive words for this because I enjoyed myself WAY TOO MUCH!! Yes I did feel cheatet by the ending by the time I got home but I don`t measure a movie by its ending. How many movie do you remeber that ended completely perfect? exactly. About 4 and half out of 5! If you enjoy exiting rides, GO SEE IT!!!!!

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

This movie was AWESOME!!! I thought the ending a bit weak, but the rest was amazing! And Justin Chatwin is totally hot!!!!

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

To the person who said that Tom Cruise can`t act, I beg to differ. He CAN ACT! I`ve seen a lot of movies with Tom Cruise in them and he has been awesome in every one of them. Every actor in every movie that I have seen in the course of my life CAN ACT! Here`s a thought: Why do you think Hollywood pays them the big bucks to do these movies? And I mean BIG bucks like millions of $$ to star in these movies. Stop trashing the actors because they can act. Thank You!

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

No good.

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

The acting was pretty good, Fanning always seems to amaze me with her talent. Great effects. The movie kept you on the edge of your seat but all together wasn`t all that entertaining. The ending just fell apart, seemed like it was rushed. I give it 3 stars at the most and wouldn`t rank it amongst my favourite alien invation movies.

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

I hope everyone noticed that the grandfather at the end was actor Gene Barry the star of the original War of the Worlds. Nice touch! Good movie. Enjoyed it and not as bad as all the reviews above.

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

Wate of time and waste of money... those two directors must thought this world is full of 3 yr old

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

Whats with you people that liked this movie? Its totally garbage... not even downloading

User review rating: 0 July 07, 2005

excellent movie. the movie exceeded my expectations. well worth the effort to see. 5 stars!!!!

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

One of the best Tom Cruise action movie.

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

Awesome movie! One of the best films I`ve seen in a while. Not as predictable as most Hollywood movies, tons of action, very cool visuals/sound and was just fun to watch.

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

I`m not one for a detailed movie analysis rating the actors or plot etc. I thought that this was a great movie period! It grabbed my attention the whole way through!

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

It was good enough, and stayed on the path of the original. Too much time in the basement with Tim Robbins, other then that it was very entertaining.

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005


User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

Loved the movie. I was captivated from the beginning, lots of action. Effects were great. A nice vacation from reality.

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

I LOVE THE MOVIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SEE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

ENTERTAINING. It was a pretty fun movie to watch. To everyone complaining that it was too "weird" or "not realistic" should just relax because it`s just a movie!! Sit back, relax, and have have fun watching this film, instead of constantly trying to find what`s wrong with it! (and last time I checked, aliens never invaded Earth, so how do expect ANY alien film to be realistic? there`s no such thing as a realisitc alien invasion! if you ask me, i don`t want a realistic alien film. I expect alien films to be really unique and weird.)

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

MOST SEE MOVIE OF THE YEAR ..... if you BORED out of your mind. Total waste of money. Bad movie. If you want to waste $10, give it to me.

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

Wow!! T. Cruise in a dud!! Lots of running, Special effects are good!! But story there is none! His Kids hate him then he acts like an idiot for an hour now they love him. Do not get it! Most do not get it, no hero in this one, only a lucky SOB. Do not go!! Wait and buy it for 1.99 then maybe you will only lose a buck over what it is worth to see it.

User review rating: 0 July 05, 2005

Meh, what can I say...kinda predictable, and there was a screw up...go see Batman :)

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