Uptown Girls - User Reviews

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3.82 / 5

User rating: 3.82

Based on 1052 votes and 71 reviews

  • User rating: 3.82 57.94%
  • User rating: 3.82 11.07%
  • User rating: 3.82 5.39%
  • User rating: 3.82 6.16%
  • User rating: 3.82 19.44%

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User review rating: 0 April 21, 2006

I absoloutely LOVE this film so much I memorised all the lines!!! Also, Dakota Fanning`s my fav actress, gotta meet her.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2006

the best movie of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 February 14, 2006

I love that movie because it has Dakota in it I LOVE YOU DAKOTA i want to become a famous actor like you guy Have to go love you Dakota BYE

User review rating: 0 February 09, 2006

OMG i love Dakotas acting cuz in the same age as her and especially love the movie uptown girls that is one of my favorite movies the Dakota acted on I LOVE U DAKOTA<33333333333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O and i also love the way you can be like a 4 year old and then a 16 year old. Dakota you were born an actress!! cool pictures u have the best smile in the world, i bet someday you will be miss america cuz your like the best if only i could meet you! luv ya fav actor your better than all the other actors!!

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2006

It was okay. Britanny Murphy was the bad part of the movie.If I was the casting director I would have chosen Katie Holmes for the role.

User review rating: 0 December 04, 2005

I loved Dakota Fanning`s previous films I AM SAM and TRAPPED but when I saw the previews of this film I was dissapointed because I thought she would be going chick flick. I entered the theater with no expectations. It was way better than I thought it would be. It wasn`t a sappy sugarcoted fairy tale like the previews say. It was funny, sad and even made me think a little. The only reason I didn`t give it five stars is because I would rather see more of Britanny and Dakota then Britanny and her selfish boyfriend. Otherwise:reccomended.

User review rating: 0 November 16, 2005

Wonderful! It will make you laugh, cry and think. I only gave it 4 stars because it was a little bit chick flick.

User review rating: 0 October 05, 2005

Mostly this movie was about the pathetic character of Brittany Murphy. The only reason Dakota Fanning got a starring role is because she was the narrator of the story and only had a supporting role when she was seen in the film. It`s a good movie but not Fanning`s best.

User review rating: 0 August 28, 2005


User review rating: 0 August 26, 2005

Uptown Girls is one of my favourite movies that i have ever seen!I love watching it!

User review rating: 0 August 03, 2005

Just a word fantastic ,I just love it and Dakota wasso playing really good that I cry an I swear it . So a question I`m eleven yrs old and I wantto know can I become and actress in hollywood movies I hope you will answer me .The color of my eyes are light brown,my hair too and I`m like 1.43 of tall. So girls you played very well!!!!! I born the august10 in 1993 !!! If you find an audition for me tell it to me please and for somme imformation ask it to me in my e-mail!!!!! Thanks for everythings !!! Hannah,Dakota,Fanning I love you has actress don`t change!!

User review rating: 0 July 13, 2005

dakota fanning rules

User review rating: 0 July 06, 2005

The good things about this movie are the performances of Dakota Fanning and that pig. I don`t like Britanny Murphy at all.

User review rating: 0 June 02, 2005

The only good thing about this movie is Dakota Fanning.

User review rating: 0 April 14, 2005

A very good drama with a wonderful message: All stories have an end. But in life, all endings are just beginnings. I also really liked the opening narration: Some fairy tales are real. But most of them are made up to help us deal with real life. If you enjoy films with alot of depth then I highly reccomend this. And if your looking for Dakota Fanning`s second starring role than this is it.

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2005

This movie rocks!!!I love Dakota Fanning. She is a great actress. It broke my heart when I read other comments about how the movie stunk. What were they thinking? This movie is soooo great. Dakota has great talent. I wish I were like her. Brittany Murphy wqas a great actor in this movie. In the beginning of this movie, you would think that Brittany was going to have a relationship with Neal, but she really has a relationship with Ray (Fanning). All in all, Uptown Girls was a great movie. I would definetly recrommend it to people.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2005


User review rating: 0 February 02, 2005

I was very surprised with this movie. I thought it was going to be a typical chick flick but it wasn`t. It was funny and dramatic at the same time. I really liked the pig too.

User review rating: 0 November 19, 2004

i love this movie it is fun

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2004

i loved it

User review rating: 0 June 08, 2004

i loved it. It was so good,they did a very good job on it!

User review rating: 0 May 08, 2004

I loved this movie , just finished watching and it is the type of movie that teaches, makes you laugh, cry and feel good after you watch it.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

i loved it! its like my favorite movie ever

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2004

I thin kthis movie was pretty awesome, Dakota fanning has always been one of my favorites!

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2004

this is such a funny movie...its the BEST!!

User review rating: 0 January 14, 2004

I thought this movie was funny and touching. I thought it would suck because I hadn`t seen I am Sam so I didn`t know how awesome Dakota Fanning is. ONLY 9 YEARS OLD AND OSKAR MATERIAL NOW THAT`S AMASING. Some may say this is just a dramatic movie and it is a dramatic movie but there is humor in it if you really focus on it. I thought Dakota Fanning as an 8 year old with a really bad temper was very funny.

User review rating: 0 January 06, 2004

umm, i liked it, but I thought it would be better than it really was. Brittany Murphy and DAkota Fnning did pretty well in it though.

User review rating: 0 December 26, 2003

omg that movie rocked im sooo gettin it!!!! it was juss soo awesome Dakota is just so CuTe!! and Bri8ttany is a good acress well they both are !!!!!! that was 1 awesome movie 5 thumbs up!

User review rating: 0 November 23, 2003

It was great!!!!

User review rating: 0 November 21, 2003

it was so cute!

User review rating: 0 November 04, 2003

It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 October 14, 2003

its soo funny

User review rating: 0 September 23, 2003

i think that uptown girls was a good movie for its topic and you couldn`t really do a better movie. The realtionship between "ray" and brittany murphy was good and can teach others a great deal of information. i did think that it was going to be funnier but it was still a good movie i liked it a lot as it was a good movie i give it 3.5 stars because i`ve seen better movies.

User review rating: 0 September 19, 2003

its awsome!

User review rating: 0 September 06, 2003

ok this movie was alright, but i know that they could have made it better

User review rating: 0 September 01, 2003

It`s Amazing i love their acting and the way the directors put it all together.

User review rating: 0 August 31, 2003

Brittany is most charismatic & charming in this comical & tear-jerking chick flick. Dakota is very convincing as the girl who grew up too fast. They have a chemistry; the role reversal between the main characters is quite believable. There are life lessons galore here, but all filtered through a disneyland-style haze that blurs any grit to the messages. In other words, it`s a modern day fairy tale. Ladies, you`ll love it.

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2003

I thought it was so good. The acting was great, the stroy line was great. It was a funny movie but it was also so sad. I would go see this again.

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2003

I really liked this movie. Of course you can`t expect a movie with Brittany Murphy in it to be oscar calibur but this was a very good movie. Very light n fun for those who need a bit of reminder that life may seem to be going downhill but things do get better. I thought Brittany was great in this movie and I dont normally like her. Dakota was amazing as well. I give it 5 stars. My mom cried at the end.

User review rating: 0 August 28, 2003

it how you say...sucked

User review rating: 0 August 28, 2003

i thought it was the best movie , but anything with brittnay murphy or dakota fanning is good.

User review rating: 0 August 28, 2003

i loved it! it was so funny

User review rating: 0 August 28, 2003

it rockkkkkeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ya

User review rating: 0 August 28, 2003

It was an absolutely hilarious film!

User review rating: 0 August 27, 2003

Uptown girls was awesome!!!! I mean, like 5 star awesome!!! Great movie!

User review rating: 0 August 27, 2003

I liked it it made me laugh and it made me cry. I thought it was a very cute movie and I would see it again. The two main actresses were very good.

User review rating: 0 August 25, 2003

It was the best movie ever. I went with my dad and at the and cried on his shoulder. It was a great movie. Go see it.

User review rating: 0 August 24, 2003

I liked this movie because it was sweet but not corney. It had a point and made that point clear. The plot was light (like a feel good plot). Go see this movie if your a sucker for happy endings.

User review rating: 0 August 24, 2003

i think they should make a part 2 called downtown girls!!!

User review rating: 0 August 24, 2003


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