Based on 20025 votes and 1274 reviews
Just saw the movie. still love the story to death but wow, TERRIBLE acting. I understand 2 hours is not enough time to squeeze everything in but it was way to choppy and they left out to much. the rest of the cast was funny and it had its moments but i think they rushed it. it had amazing potential, but the effort just wasnt there. very disapointing, but maybe they'll do a better job the next time around?
The book was excellent but the movie was subpar. It was akward, had bad acting, and didn't tell the story fully or properly. Don't let that movie stop you from reading the book. The movie's only saving grace was Robert Pattison's good looks. Dissapointing.
After watching the movie, I am eager to dive into the novel series. I hope there will be a sequel.
Seriously, the best movie of the year! Definately a must see, the chemistry between Kristen and Robert is amazing, you forget you're watching a movie.
amazing i listened to my ipod the whole time. 0outof5.
Very boring...for 12-year-old girls only.
Really well done. I was expecting a terrible movie but they actually got most of it right.
Awsome, that is all I have to say....who cares what any stupid movie reviewers have to say if you are a true twilight fan you know it is going to be great!!!!
It was awesome!
Saw the movie tonight... Terrible...Bad acting and so many flaws it was hard to get into the story.
awesome most exciting film ever just like the book hope we get to see more of the series.
Alright, I would like to point out something to Every girl out there in the world that is concerned the movie wont be as good as the book. Well Your probably right it wont be as good, or even really the same as you picture it. Bella is thinking about alot of things going on inside her head during the process of the book, which is what makes it complicated. You can be in the Cafertia one second to Edwards car the next. They have to add many factors to the movie. So before you get all Crazy and freak when its not what you think remember that and dont compare it to the book, or your bound to be disapointed. The movie is a seperate entity. Who says they cant both be amazing even if they arnt exa
as much as i love the books and what i have seen on the trailers. i am still going to have an open mind going into seeing this movie. there is just soo much hype around this that if could be a great disappointment to all, which i pray it will not be. but everyone just needs to have an open mind. it's just so easy to say we love it now but what will we be saying when we've actually seen it? will it be just as bad as how fans turned on robert pattinson without even knowing him as an actor?!?!?! either way...just keep an open mind that 500pages turned into 2 hours. i really hope everyone will enjoy it though and keep supporting it no matter what the outcome will be.
Ok, I have to say I love a good vampire book and let me tell you I've read so many it is not funny. I found it to be ok as vampire books go. Actually, I had to force myself to finish them. They were generic as stories go. Girl sees vampire, falls in love with vampire, vampire tries to deny his feels and finds out he can't. Place in bad here to add to the story. There you go. Sorry, but not the best and to place the author up there with Rowling... No sorry can't say that I agree. Then again the book is for 11 to 16 year girls.
Robert Patterson= Completely Gorgeous;D him alone will make this movie amazing. And before you see it you have to read the novel! I'm not positive that a movie will be able to do Edward Cullen justice.
I can't wait to see it soon!
I cant wait till this movie comes out!!!!I luvvv Robert Pattinson and I think that the movie is going to be just as great as the books
I know this movie is going to be amazing! I LOVE the books!
This movie will be just as amazing as the book, Can't wait!
Kaii, this movie looks like its going to be amazing. I cannot wait to see it there is only 7 days left! and i am absouloutly EXCITED i think who ever has read the books will love the movie no matter what. I think it will be the best vampire movie romance yet! I cant wait.
When I read the book I loved it. It was the first book I really finished. When i discovered that there was a movie comming out i was really exited. I can't wait to see it.
this is going to be amazing movie and looking at the movie tailers and previews it look very good and ROBERT PATTISON IS INCREDIBLIE HOTTT
as fan of both buffy and twilight if you read the books it's not a rip off though it is similar bella is just a regular girl who ends up in this situation while buffy is the slayer and already well aware of what goes bump in the night and can protect herself i know the movie wont be what i imagined but im sure it will be great for what it is - an adaptation
This movie looks dumb. It is just a ripoff of The Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV show. This movie should flop.
This movie is going to be inevitably amazing. I cannot wait. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have perfect views on Bella and Edward [from what I've seen at least]. ONLY 18 MORE DAYS
This... twilight is the most amazing thing ever! i loveee the books and i cant wait to see the movie!! <33
Kristen Stewart is hot. Twilight is awsome
I'm completely and hopelessly in love with these books! I think about ti 24/7!
I've read alot of these comments and i think this movie will be true to the books. I read the books during the summer and the entire cast of this movie is my vision of the characters.
TWILIGHT is going to be an awesome movie. The trailers and sneak peeks have me wanting for more. Robert Pattinson is not only beautiful to look at but an amazing actor too. The chemistry between Kristen Stewart and Pattinson screams Edward and Bella. All the lovers of the books have to keep an open mind. Remember that a movie can never top your own imagination... that being said, I think this movie is going to meet the expectations of Twilight fans.
Once you guys see the movie, I'm sure you figure out that the adaptation is rough and poorly executed like with every other book-to-movie. The Edward is not what I expected, honestly my main reason is his eyebrows. :P Then again, the only perfect Edward in my mind would be if they could go back in time and grab sixteen-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio. But, being impossible, I still wouldn't have chosen this guy. I don't see why he's cute at all. I thought the Bella was very good, though her eyes are supposed to be.. slightly protruding? I thought? =shrug=. Don't set your hopes too high, it's likely to be average.
I love these books they are the best books i have ever read in my entire life but for the movie i dont like the actor that is playing edward "he's suppost to be HOT"
I cant wait for this movie! I would definitely date Bella, dunno what the hype with Edward. But both actors are good for the roles so it would be interesting to see. I hope they make adaptions for the entire series. Bella's hot.
i think Twilight is going to be a great movie it has everything like romance between bella and edward and action with the evil vampire james it looks amazing i can't wait till it comes out!i love the book! and i love edward he is sooo hot in the movie!
This movie is going to be amazing. Robert Pattinson will make a perfect Edward Cullen. And Kristen Stewert is perfect for Bella. They are both amazing actors, and i can't wait to see the movie!
Well, I have read the books and am completely in love with Edward. But I do agree with a lot of the comments in saying that first of all the movie will NEVER live up to the movie but, personally, I think it will still be one of the best movies I have ever seen, and secondly Kristen Stewart executes next to no passion in the few clips I have seen of her in the trailers, Bellas love is passionate and fierce in the books and this "Bella" is completley wrong...however the Edward, though not nearly as beatiful as the one in my vision, is a pretty good choice, being Robert Pattinson. All in all I think this movie will be amazing and euphoric but has a high standard to live up to considering the bo
Edward is perfect so true to the story!
this looks like one of the best vampire movies ever going to be made but if it not as good as the book it is going to be a big le down
I dont know ... to be honest i thought the book was pretty crappy. It was too lovely dovey and mushy w.e lol. The ending sucked. The whole story line i think is pretty darn retarded and cliche in a way. Its more of a book or movie-soon-to-be for young girls between the ages of i dont know... 11-12? to like 16-17? i've read alotta books and seen lotsa movies. The 3 books that ive read and they should deffinitely make a movie out of it were "Blaze", "Rage" and the "long walk". They all have original stories that u have never read or even heard about it anywhere. Thats the kinda thing im into. Unique stories. Not stupid cliche, unbelivable crapp. annonymous
Just finished reading 'Twilight' (am working on 'New Moon' now) and I was really REALLY excited when I found out they were making it into a movie...But the trailer leaves...I dunno...*something to be desired*. It looks kind of cheesy, actually. I mean, I still want to see it but I think Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is going to be better than this movie will be :(
i love the book i read abt 10 and i am going for the 11 th i cant wait to see the movie
omg!!!this book is freakin' awsome:)
I heard so much about this book so I just had to buy it....I am on page 101 and I just got it last night and I cannot put it down. I cant wait to see the movie and read the second book!!!!:):D