Tuesday - User Reviews

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1.50 / 5

User rating: 1.5


  • User rating: 1.5 0.00%
  • User rating: 1.5 0.00%
  • User rating: 1.5 0.00%
  • User rating: 1.5 50.00%
  • User rating: 1.5 50.00%

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User review rating: 2 June 20, 2024

Sadly, the most boring movie I ever seen. Actually fell asleep through most of it.

User review rating: 2 June 20, 2024

Sadly, the most boring movie I ever seen. Actually fell asleep through most of it.

User review rating: 1 June 19, 2024

Very dark and depressing

User review rating: 1 June 18, 2024

Dumb show. Angry mom & disabled daughter are confronted by a gigantic parrot. At the end, it turns out that the parrot represents Death. Save your money.

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