Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews
It was very good....I liked it because I liked it! :>
It was a very well made film..Director Mel Gibson certainly have done his share of homework. On the side note, God is Cool ^^
I can`t wait till the book comes out!!!
The Lord is moving in powerful ways! My prayer for everyone who has seen this movie, is that you will believe in Christ, and the sacrifice He made for all of us...for YOU!!!!! Whoever you are reading this, consider Him, remember Him. BELIEVE IN HIM! Invite Him into your heart, seek His forgiveness, confess your brokeness. God bless every one of you!
Thought it was fantastic and very real. I have never gotten so into a movie in my life.
..its a nice movie i like it.
Amazing movie! I didn`t expect it to be as good as it was. A bit difficult to watch at times, but all in all it was great. It changed the way I think of people. I`m very glad Mel made the film.
A must see..., for everyone.
very good
Mary shud have sried more! but it is an amazing film which everyone shud see! I`m onli 13 but it touched my heart and for all those ppl hu think this movie is anything below amazing is not a true follower of God~it was not a movie of his life, itz was of his suffering for us!
Difficult to watch at times - but historically accurate and very moving.
great movie, thank god he made it, made me think a lot
If you like the `Itchy and Scratchy` shown on the Simpsons, you`d like this movie too!! There was no story line, just the same boring scene dragging on for 2 hours.
I found it totally riveting that someone(Jesus) will giveup his life to save us - sinners!
Mel Gibson did it. This is a Masterpiece. Everybody should see it.
I got used to the actually makes the movie seem more real so if you`re kind of not keen on seeing PotC because of that, get over it because it`ll feel natural after about 5 lines, seriously. =) I was wondering if it really was that violent although I wouldn`t be surprised... It`s really well made and directed, and worth the watch.
This movie has renewed my faith. I recommend to anyone that believes in the Lord to watch this, if you have not yet seen it. I too, was born into christianity, not knowing the importance of believing in a unknown spirit. After watching this movie, it had made me appreciate the sacrifice Jesus went through for us. Now, I go to church again, it is the least I can do for the Lord and Jesus.
Bloody, Violent, Gruesome, yet a masterpiece to no other film can be compared
I thought it was AWESOME and really made me think. It was very hard to watch all the blood and torture but makes me aprreciate what Jesus did for mankind even though we don`t deserve it! Another MASTERPIECE from the GREAT MEL!
GOES BEYONG RELIGION!!! To those who state that Gibson`s "Passion" is more focusued on violence than humanity, they have failed to realize Gibson`s focus. We live in a world of violence - and this film at the end is only a representation of a story. With that, the films violence should be secondary on the minds of cynics, for the world that Jesus with his passion ( Greek for Pain and Suffering) died for is overun with the violence he wanted to end.
Auful Movie! It made me convert! Im thinking of Hindu or Jewish.
Very violent, but necessary in order to be able to fully understand what Christ truly gave for us. Excellent acting, should win considerable amount of Oscars next year.
this was the greatest movie ever and I really
One of the best movies that I have seen in a long time. It makes all other moves pale in light of the Passion. It was very intense and very personal, as it should be. I have spoken with Pastors and they believe that this is the closest depiction to what really happened to Jesus and how severe the punishment was. It really brings home just how much Christ truly suffered for us, which makes our own troubles seem so unimportant. Thank you and God Bless you Mel Gibson for taking a stand. Excellent movie.
It`s the best movie i have ever seen in my life Proud to be a Christian++++++++++++
Honestly anyone who watched the film with half of a brain understood that was NOT anti-semetic it was HONEST! Also to all the ill educated fools that place there comments on this message board with no regard for talent should go back and watch it again! My thoughts are that this film was AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE and there wasn`t 600 lashes in the movie!
The most eye-opening film I have ever seen!
Way to go Mel!! For those who say it was "gory" or it was "the worst movie" they had ever seen, are just to dense to grasp the concept of what one person endured to save the rest of us. This movie wasn`t Gory to me...I found you had to look past the blood and guts and feel his pain to understand. Truly amazing! More people should be so passionate!
This film was truly a work of art. If asked to explain it, the words escape`s just one of those films you MUST see for yourself. It contains huge lessons...It`s amazing....Thanks for this film Mel!!
Life changing movie. The best movie I have ever seen.
The movie follows what the bible says, but it shows too much of how he was being tortured so it seems to lose its original purpose here.
Ok first i need to say to the people who think this movie was to violent they must not know what a scourging is its not some walk in a park if people read the bible they would see that it says after they got finished hitting Jesus with the catonine tales he didnt even look like a human so this movie was tame to what really happened to Jesus but Mel said he didnt want to make it as gruesome as it really was cause he didnt want people leaving cause it was so bad and i heard someone say after watching this movie they felt like they have been blamed for something they didnt do hate to tell you but your sins are what put Jesus on the cross as well
The movie was the best I have ever seen in a long time. Watching the movie brought on lots of emotion. When I was leaving the movie, I was awe struck. I know other people must have felt the same way because it was very silent when leaving the movie. It could have also been out of respect of the events of the movie. The actors looked exactly like I pictured them when I hear the stories from the bible. Mel Gibson did an EXTRAORDINARY job by capturing all details in the story and relaying the powerful message at the same time.
i thought it was a really good movie, it made me cry:`( but it was great, other ppl should see it definatly
Many of the comments on here are personal opinions on whether people believe the Bible or not...I think that if you go into this movie without any predjuices you will not only find it very true to the text but also true to history. Yes the movie is very grafic but then again the Romans took pleasure in your history books before making will sound smarter
Every man, woman, child should see this movie!!!!
If you haven`t seen this movie, you need to. In no way was it against the Jewish people but what it does show is that we are all guilty of sin. Jesus blood was the only sacrifice that could redeem us from that sin. There is no way around that. It stayed true to the Holy Scriptures and for me that was important. Yes it was bloody and violent but if you read this account in the Bible you will see how thats the way is was. It isn`t a watered down version at all. It`s not like going to see just a movie, it`s witnessing Jesus last days on this earth. I would give it a 5 star rateing.
The most amazing part of this movie for me, was not that He suffered in the movie, many people throughout history suffered, but that He had the power to destroy them all, but He chose to forgive them, so that we can all be saved in Him.
Awesome movie, the best movie of all time - did not get the raven part or the child demons - but the rest was accurate, true and I felt it right in my spirit.
I know everyone or most of the viewer must have said too much violence and too much beating, but that the real too that Jesus did went through extreme pain and torture. The movie did send us a message that no matter how much violence to give, the believe is still the same...thank you Mel..
i never saw something like this before .
It is very touching movie but mostly sad! I do love its movie because it is so real! I`m sure Mel Gilson would deserve an Oscar year...for sure! Jim Caiezel played a great character of `Jesus`!!!!
Wonderful production. Stayed true to the character of the narrative, and spoke depths through amazing visuals.
A truly amazing movie. I highly recommend it. Yes, its gory at times, but that`s how it was. This is a very inspiring film.
very good movie... really makes you think and appreciate life a little more. extremely touching
i thought it was incredible, and so well done!!! i think mel gibson and the rest of the cast and crew did an excellent job.
It was a movie that made you think that jesus christ did this for our freedom even though he did not even know us. made me see life in a different way I`m and really seek to know this Jesus who loved me so much and pay such a price for me.
Don`t miss it! Very moving, and very well put together movie. Deepened my relationship with HIM. Praise ALMIGHTY GOD for Mel`s courage. Praises to LORD JESUS for suffering for our sins.