The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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The Passion of the Christ Movie Poster

4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.59%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.13%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.29%
  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 March 30, 2004

Too much of the whipping scene, but overall loved it!

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2004

You cannot understand the pain and suffering that Jesus went through.When you see it it makes you love the Lord that much more that he died for us. The gretest sacrafice of all time!!

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2004

powerful, moving , sad but ver ver true- god bless mel

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2004

For those who thought it was to bloody, in reality it was probably worse. It is hard for us with our civilized minds to concieve that anyone could be so brutal the Romans or anyone so loving as Christ to go through what He did for my sins!!!

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2004

a great movie

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

For those of you who say that the movie didn`t explain anything about Jesus`s life and did not have any spiritual meaning - well, all this is written down and has been available to everyone for nearly 2000 years, right? We are not kids to wait for someone who would chew it for us and put it in our mouths - go ahead, read New Testament, it`s all there, what else is there to add? But oh no, we are not interested, so maybe seeing WHAT He went through for us will finally force us to listen to His Word? And by the way, who said the movie has no meaning? It sure does. The meaning is LOVE - His Love for all of us and each one of us (for how else wou

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

The best movie ever made.

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

This was an excellent movie, and I pray that everyone in the whole world can see this! It really gives a deeper insight and appreciation of what Jesus Christ did and went through for us and our sins, even though he didn`t have to at all. This is definatly the best movie in years. THANKS MEL. God bless.

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

gore was too much to handle..impossible to keep focus on story when he is being so gruesomly tortured..

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

It was not a movie, in the sense that it had a plot, climax, etc. It was the telling of Jesus Christ`s last 12 hours, and boy was it wondefully done. I tried my best not to cry, but I failed as miserably as the rest of the theatre. It was a wake up call, and a life altering experience. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS ONE.

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

greet movie.

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2004

A surprise. After all the hype, I was expecting violence as pornography. Not at all. In fact, it couldn`t have been made any other way. I was captivated. Now, many hours later, I still am. That`s what movies should be. PS: I particularly liked the ending (not just for me - for all of us). Well done.

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2004

it really changed my faith and life

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2004

This was a fabulous movie - and I am Pagan and don`t even follow these teachings. I bawled and I rarely cry at movies. I think it was the whole mother reaching out to son thing that got to me. I just can`t imagine! Mel did a great job on this one. Kudos Mel! It was nice to actually see this whole story more as it most probably happened. Christians glorify it way too much - and I just can`t see how any mans death can be a wonderful thing to watch. I can see why so many are seeing it 2 and 3 times!

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2004

This movie was an absolutely amazing movie. I have seen it three times with different. It`s just a movie that you can`t get sick of. It has created much discussion in my family and with my friends, but that`s good and we all agree that it was a great movie. It really portrayed what happened to JC and did not exaggerate at all. It may have been really bloody, but that`s what happened. It really moved my friends and my sister. It got me thinking, and I walked out of the movies all three times thanking God for what he did for me and how much he loved me. Thank u Mel and thank u JC.

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2004

I saw it twice. It was superb. If only people could know that He suffered worse than what was shown. God Bless Mel Gibson

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2004

I don`t know...using Christ`s suffering as entertainment. I`m not comfortable with that

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

SIMPLY AMAZING!! I am not a very religious person, but this movie has made me think of someone greater than all of us. The images seem to have stuck in my mind and my brain wants to understand the passion of christ and how big IS his love for us to go through so much and not give up his love and his strong passion.

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

Between the overplayed gore on the screen and the sobbing `believers` on all sides of me in the theatre, an almost entirely unpleasant experience.

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

Regardless of what religion you may practice this movie will elicit some emotional response. Love it or hate it, Passion was cinematically beautiful and wonderfully directed. Mel Gibson did an amazing job taking on such a emotionally charged, controversial subject and delivering it to the big screen. Whether or not you agree with the message the movie was very well made.

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

I`ve seen Steven Segal movies with more plot; Van Dam movies with better acting. And Mandy Moore chick-flicks that moved me more.There was nothing passionate about the endless beating of Christ. Was I supposed to feel pitty and catharsis? Overall, this is a TERRIBLE MOVIE. I wasn`t reviewing this based on my belief in Christ and God. This is just a baaaaad movie. But apparently no one with the slightest bit of intelligence agrees.

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

I am not a Christian, first and foremost, and that isn`t the reason why I`m giving this movie a bad grade. I have nothing against the set of lies that Christianity is based upon, or that of any religion is based on. We all know the story.And we all know exactly what happens. But never, throughout that entire movie, was I moved enough to feel the "Passion". I tried to focus on what elements would make this a good movie. There were none. This isn`t even a movie.

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

It`s the most touching movie i ever seen, how can God do this to us. God so love us! He`s the Best!

User review rating: 0 March 26, 2004

I loved the movie, one of the best movies I`ve EVER seen. I cried, and almost lost my lunch. And the suffering was very gross, I don`t know if I could handle that again

User review rating: 0 March 25, 2004

To all the people that say "THIS IS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED", HOW WOULD YOU KNOW???? were you there?? how do u know the bible is even real and not a just another legend that was written 2000 years ago? if God created us 6000 years ago, how come we find evidence of us walking the earth 3.2 million years ago? and about how gory the film is, there are much worse things on the news nowadays. Jesus was not the only one who was crucified, and he was not the only one who was scourged, there were many MANY people that experienced the same punishments. The acting was very good, although the storyline was weak. MS, 17

User review rating: 0 March 25, 2004

As I read through the comments others have written, I think about the difference between Christians and the rest of the world. To the nonbelievers it was just a "stupid pointless" movie, much the same opinion as they have about their Creator. To us christians it is the story of God coming to earth to save us. Yes it was gory, but so are hundreds of other movies. I give it two thumbs up. God Bless You All!

User review rating: 0 March 25, 2004

this movie was very powerful and life changing. It was very hard to watch and but i think its something we all needed to see. I thought I knew the whole story, but after watching this movie it really made me see all that Jesus went through. It was definitly an eye opener and an amazing experience and has changed my life in many ways...God Bless

User review rating: 0 March 25, 2004

it was very powerful and definitly an eye opener. i think it was accurate amd well done..

User review rating: 0 March 25, 2004

to that guy who claims the Bible was written by a drunken idiot, remember, it takes one to know one. Just because people don`t agree with you and enjoyed the film and have such strong convictions, doesn`t mean they`re wrong. Wake up and realize that it`s a free country and people can believe in the Bible if they wish! By the way, God bless you!

User review rating: 0 March 24, 2004

I thought it was an excellent portrayal of the life of Jesus Christ. This is definitely the most powerful movie of all-time.

User review rating: 0 March 24, 2004

It`s so good for the world to see what Jesus did for you and I. I pray that this movie will continue to touch hearts and make the world have the knowledge that we all have a savior who forgives each of us. He is waiting for each of us to acknowledge him as our Lord so we may be given eternal life in heaven.....

User review rating: 0 March 24, 2004

The movie was fantastic, it has open up my eyes and showed me what faith i need to look towards in becoming. Great movie Mel Gibson, you are a great man :)

User review rating: 0 March 24, 2004

Great synopsis of human nature.

User review rating: 0 March 23, 2004

Facts that prove evolution? Please. Someone smack that guy in the mouth. It takes more faith to believe in Darwin`s theoretical mess than God. Keep your idiotic and offensive comments to yourself. The movie was fantastic by the way.

User review rating: 0 March 23, 2004

I was totally blown away by this movie, it was a very moving experience.

User review rating: 0 March 23, 2004

I was totally blown away by this movie, it was a very moving experience.

User review rating: 0 March 23, 2004

I loved it , you can not walk out of the theater without being affected in some way it was great.

User review rating: 0 March 23, 2004

I loved it , you can not walk out of the theater without being affected in some way it was great.

User review rating: 0 March 23, 2004

I found this movie to be very accurate. Prior to watching it, I re-read the account in Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. It made me appreciate afresh what Christ went through to purchase my salvation. I was glad it did not leave Him on the cross, but showed the grave clothes and Christ leaving the tomb. We do, indeed serve a risen Saviour. People leaving the theatre were very quiet.

User review rating: 0 March 22, 2004

It was life changing.

User review rating: 0 March 22, 2004

it was a good movie and worth seeing

User review rating: 0 March 22, 2004

i enjoyed it overall, take it for what it is and remember, it`s only one persons perpective. I`ll definitely buy it when it comes out on dvd.

User review rating: 0 March 22, 2004

it was a good movie and worth seeing......but some parts i wasnt sure if i wanted to cry or hurl from the graphic beatings ...

User review rating: 0 March 22, 2004

Amazing, accurate, real. God Bless Mel Gibson !

User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

All this movie made me aware of was the fact of how many stupid people there are in the world... 3000 years of evolution with facts to prove it people... too bad no one will accept the fact that the bible was written by some drunken idiot.

User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

This movie is God sent to the world.I believe it is an accurate account to the world of what Jesus did for all humanity. The Word of God tells us he will pour out his spirit in the final days before his returning and I believe he is going that today. God sent his son to die and raise again that we might have life also. I encourge all to go see this movie it is what Jesus did for all of us.

User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

greatest play ever made

User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

Very powerful. Shows what Jesus really went through

User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

I was moved beyond words! It was so powerful and touching! Mel really did a spectacular job on this movie! I just hope it touch and moved many to salvation! It made me think.. and I realized how much Love is so important and I was touched by the pain and anguish Jesus took on our behalfs! It was extroadinary!!

User review rating: 0 March 21, 2004

The most truthful movie I have ever seen no holding back. Showing it like it was, holding back nothing I loved it.

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