The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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4.73 / 5

User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.59%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.13%
  • User rating: 4.73 0.29%
  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

An excellant movie which describes precisely according the description of the Bible. We should accept our faith in Jesus Christ since He paid such a heavy price for our sins. We should think TWICE before we want to sin against HIM. I enjoyed every moment of it. Pls pay tribute to the director Mel Gibson as he spent his entire savings to make this great movie. He was threatened not to make this movie too. May God bless Mel Gibson for his great testimony for Chirst.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

The BEST Movie ever made. Forgive us Jesus for what we have done to you. Thank you Jesus for your Cross. I had to be there. I love you Jesus.

User review rating: 0 March 03, 2004

When I thought of the crucifiction, in my minds eye, being nailed to a cross was unimaginable. For weeks I looked forward with excitement and anticipation to the release date. Christ had done this for me, He saved me out of my sins by His grace....His great love for me. After viewing the film however, I wept, I sobbed, I cried. I was cut to the core, I felt guilt, remorse in my spirit that I had actually looked forward to watching Christ be humiliated and crucified. It was my sin that killed Him. He paid the peanalty....I saw true love for the first time......I`m in awe........speechless !

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

I can`t believe how much God loves us. I can`t believe the fact that I`m worth that much. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me and saving my life. I love You.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

I thought that it was very well done but could have sprinkled in more of Jesus` very inspiring sermons and wisdom instead of just beating him for an hour. Jesus had a lot of great and timeless wisdom that is missing from this violent film.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

Make sure that you get a ticket for the Passion from offline if not!! like me and my friends you will be going home because it sells out before you can even get in to buy a ticket

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

Yeah, A sequel??? You want a movie about Easter?? Or Christmas??

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

Why are all the New York Jews against this filM????? Maybe we should get a collection going to pay for them to view the film and really see if it`s against Jews. This film is not against Jews. Please make them understand. This is all I hear about at school, how Christians are revolting against Jews. My mother is Christian and brought me to see Passion and I did not feel hate towards us. Please people see this film. Natalie 17

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

It was one of the most inspirational movies of all time. Doesnt push anything on you but simply allows you to see the story the way it really went down. All truth, no lies, all for the love of Christ for us. Great film.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

This movie will make some people fear and believe in God more. And some people must have gone to watch this movie to see Jesus crucified. Well, anyways VERY GOOD movie!!!

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

A bit of violence but very good details how Christ died. Very good film. Rated R doesn`t mean anything.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

Great Movie

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

I thought it was very moving and if anything, it strenghtened my Roman Catholic beliefs. I am very happy that Mel Gibson financed this movie, it will remain a timeless motion picture that will be enjoyed by all generations.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

The best Movie,I`ve seen. in years

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

I`m 13 and I went to see the film. Yes, it is gory but it`s worth it! It is only movie I have cried during. This movie definetly changed me. It made me a better person and taught me how important god really is. You should go see it atleat 5 times. The critics who are saying that it`s nothing but gore and violence al the way do not appreciate it at all and don`t see the real message. All in all it was and will be THE best movie EVER. I REALLY hope there is a sequel.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

A life centering and reflecting (altering?) experience. Impossible to file away as entertainment as the mind keeps drawing it back to the forefront where you can`t hide from it.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

i loved this movie. its so hard to beleive that this whole scene was really true. by watching this movie it made me a stronger believer in God and a better person. at the same time i learned that in order to be happy, we must do the right thing.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

Best Movie of ALL TIME! I have a greater appreciation of how much God really loves us. My sins and the sins of the world crucified Jesus, not the Jews or the Romans.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

The setting is powerful and really descriptive. It really shows Jesus` passion. But I find half of the film is showing the torturing scene. THAT`S TOO MUCH! Why waste your money seeing a person being tortured even if he is holy. The file really makes me feel that human are cruel beasts if Jesus was not there. But that`s not true!

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

Like most others out here, it changed my life. I`m not as religious as my family, but this movie brought Jesus` unbelievable sacrifice home for me. Yes, it was gory (be responsible and don`t bring your kids), but I think this is closer to what it must have been like than those romanticized versions of Jesus on the cross in other movies. Love it or hate it, you will not be the same after the movie. Trust me.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

It left me speehless. To think that Jesus loves us so much that He was willing to take on the pain and suffering of the world is beyond words. Well done Mel Gibson!! I`m sure more lives will be touched by this movie than you thought possible.

User review rating: 0 March 02, 2004

It took my breath away..I have been a christian for 4 years and my life has never been better, I never knew the brutality and humiliation Jesus went through for a sinner like me. He gave his life for me...Jesus is the Amazing Savior. I thank you lord for dying on the cross for ME!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

DIVINE!No Words CAN be said but It touched you in your soul and everything... MUST SEE...Infinite praises 10 Stars

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

A very Powerful and Moving adaptation of Jesus Christ. I truly believe that Christ endured way more than what was seen on the screen. However, it was the most realistic crucifixion that I have ever seen in a Jesus movie. I cried like a baby when Jesus was being flogged and whipped. Jesus died who had no sin for man kind who had sin. God bless you Mel Gibson.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

I thought the film could have spent a little more time on the resurection, otherwise very well done. It seems to bring back the real meaning of easter, not the common idea of "Remember kids, Jesus died for our sins." "Ya I know! These chocolate eggs are awesome! And we have 2 whole days off school!"

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Incredible and accurate, it`s amazing what Christ did for us and this is a powerful way to explain what Jesus did for us.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

i cried!!!!!!!!! Jim is excellent

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

The best movie I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!! I will definately see it again. This movie was not violent as some critics have said. Violence is a senseless act- the cruxifiction and the torment Jesus went through was for a greater purpose. Therefore, this movie was graphic but not violent. The critics just need to read the gospels to know what HE (Jesus) really is all about before they give their uneducated opinion. I have toddler aged children and could definately relate to Mary`s feelings for her dying son. I came home from the movie and held my boys!!! Definately a must see movie by everyone!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

The best movie I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!! I will definately see it again. This movie was not violent as some critics have said. Violence is a senseless act- the cruxifiction and the torment Jesus went through was for a greater purpose. Therefore, this movie was graphic but not violent. The critics just need to read the gospels to know what HE (Jesus) really is all about before they give their uneducated opinion. I have toddler aged children and could definately relate to Mary`s feelings for her dying son. I came home from the movie and held my boys!!! Definately a must see movie by everyone!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Mel reminds us that the cross is no necklace, no ornament or decoration in your house. It`s a reminder of the slow and painful death Jesus suffered for all mankind; a symbol of love.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Awesome! It reminded me of the price Jesus Christ paid for me. Scourgings were something the Romans did; it was a horrible act. Christ, the innocent lamb, was willing to suffer an undeserved beating and death for all humanity. The violence in the film was a wake-up call for us. Sometimes people get complacent when they do not understand the sufferings Christ endured for us.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

The world is hungry for more of these movies.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Mel Gibson, please do more of these life changing movies. You`re going staight to heaven because of the number of people believed in Christ after watching "The Passion of Christ". God bless you.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Heart-Breaking... Makes me think twice to sin again.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

This is more than just a spectaculat movie, it`s actually a life changing experience. If everyone were to see this movie, the world would be a better place. It makes you realize who you should really love in life which is every person that is alive. How someone could be so giving, loving, caring, forgiving, and understanding is remarkable. I have found a new goal in life and this movie has been the source of it and has truly and honestly changed me.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Amazing! Life changing. Awesome to see scriptures come to life.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

This film opens your hearts and your minds. It an amazing experience and takes your breath away. This movie is in no way anti-semitic and reminds us all why Christ came to begin with.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

I thought it was a closer and more realistic version of the gospels and enjoyed it very much. I thought it could have gone even deeper and shown more more flashbacks of Jesus through His life and could have extended the ending by 20 minutes to show the Resurected Christ interacting with his disciples. Perhaps Mel will do a sequel to highlight His resurrected glory with more flashbacks giving a more thorough illustration of His human life.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Absolutely the best movie ever made. Spellbinding, riveting, life-changing. Give us more Mel!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

This movie retold one of the oldest stories with outstanding quality in all arenas. The focus was of the last hours of Jesus` life on earth and was very realistic. How else could we identify with the great love and suffering unless it was depicted? This movie feeds our minds and souls and has lasting power. TX,Mel!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Wonderful movie. A must see. Hopefully the Hollywood vultures won`t succeed in their propaganda against this movie and against Mel Gibson.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Finally a good movie in years!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Best Movie Cried

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

Who are Christ`s killers? We ALL are, with our sin.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

This movie is not anti-Jewish. Just like Schindler`s List wasn`t anti-German.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

powerful film, the only other movie I can compare it with is Schindler`s List -- thereto everyone left the theatre in silence

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

This film is no more anti-Jewish than a film about the Civil War would be anti-Caucasian. Its fact.

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

omgosh! one of the best movie ever made. i think Mel did an EXCELLENT job! this movie shows all that Jesus went through and it really gets us thinking...i loved every minute of it! moving, breathtaking, inspriting, the list goes on...this movie shows the power of love from Jesus to us. This proves Jesus is real because he can still stir a fuss 2000 years after his death. I CRIED FOR HOURS WHILE WATCHING THE MOVIE AND AFTER! HAS OSCAR ALLLLLL OVER IT!!!

User review rating: 0 March 01, 2004

i like cheese.

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