The Last Airbender - User Reviews

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The Last Airbender Movie Poster

2.90 / 5

User rating: 2.90

Based on 849 votes and 222 reviews

  • User rating: 2.90 21.20%
  • User rating: 2.90 21.70%
  • User rating: 2.90 14.46%
  • User rating: 2.90 10.97%
  • User rating: 2.90 31.67%

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Showing 201 to 222 of 222

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2010

Can Hollywood be any more racist? Why do they have an all white cast for asian character's? I guess they feel they can only sell the movie that way.Before you label me a racist just think about it...If they made Twilight with an all asian/black or hispanic cast, it would sit very uneasy with the majority of it's fans.Piss on Hollywood

User review rating: 4 July 02, 2010

Although I found it difficult to sit through some of the obvious dialogue in the first half I would still say this is this the adventure movie of the summer to take your kids to.

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2010

This movie was terrible most of my family fell a sleep during it. Don't waste your money!

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2010

How can they take a series with such depth and colour and...make this. Plus what's with the names?? Did they not listen to the original series, or did they just decides to pronounce everyone different? As for the comment about the original characters having blue eyes. So? Its a cartoon. It isn't in a "future Earth" its a different world altogether. The characters looked more appropriate in the cartoon being of different races. Look at the Inuit, they are not white. That is what the Water Tribe looks like in the cartoon. Avoid this movie, watch the cartoon.

User review rating: 4 July 02, 2010

I never saw an episode of the cartoon, didn't even know it was a cartoon...I'm almost 40 and all grown up. It was a good time waster, I enjoyed it, and have no regrets. Don't listen to the die hard comicons that need every aspect to be true to the I said, it was enjoyable.

User review rating: 3 July 02, 2010

About the movie I give it a 5.5 out of 10. It was not the best but the film was not that bad. If the film was longer i think it could have been better introducing that world. By showing extended scenes as the characters talked about it. Example Aang caught in the storm, The agni kai, and the intro to the movie. OK everyone calm down. Remember there has not been a film to date that not been 100% faithful to the source material. Some examples are Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry potter, Dragon Ball, X men, Spiderman, Twilight and now The last Airbender. I look at all of these and see film fan fiction. True some are done better then others and some are just received by the audi

User review rating: 5 July 02, 2010

It's this summer's SPEED RACER!

User review rating: 5 July 02, 2010

The coolest movie of all! I never saw the twist coming!

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2010

the fight seens were way off from the organal cartoon, in one seen it takes something aroung 6 guys to slowly move one rock roughly the size of your head. in this movie the fire benders were not able to creat there own fire unlike the cartoon and need some sort of source to do any bending, the air bending wasn't to bad, allthough it made them look like there were moveing randomly, the only decent bened was water. in the story line they skiped out on alot of the episode from the cartoon, so you would have to watch it to under stand the story of the movie, if u didn't then its just down right confusing. but i guess for jamming something like 20 30 min episodes into one 2 hour movie they did a

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2010

Parents, children, teenagers, beware.... I saw this movie on a passing whimsy because we happened to walk by a theatre and I know people regard the TV series quite highly. Don't know what M. Night was thinking - don't waste your time and money, this movie is horrible!

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2010

Was this written by a 10 year old? TERRIBLE

User review rating: 2 July 01, 2010

previous comment is full of it... but the movie does skip allot of important stuff and fills it with unimportant explanations... acting is bad. Don't go see it in 3d, save ur money... this is coming from a huge fan of the show, movie had good moments but was overshadowed by the bad.

User review rating: 0 July 01, 2010

Okay so they can't include everything in the film that there was in the animated series, but this still has the right 'feel' to it. I read some dumb reviewer who was winging that Aang, Katara and her brother were caucasian. A little research would have helped that reviewer click into thefact that Aang and Katara have big BLUE eyes as does Sokka in the animated series, and that doesn't say Asian or Inuit to me, it says Caucasian. Why do some people think that a FANTASY film MUST relate only to our world?? The film is good and I look forwar to seeing the next two. And no I am not a tweenie or teenager, I am almost 60! A good story is a good story, so let us all sit back and enjoy it!!

User review rating: 2 July 01, 2010

Way too short to tell the story of Book 1, should have been longer, more development, disappointed in this, I did come in expecting more. Effects were well done, just too quickly done.

User review rating: 5 July 01, 2010

loved it.....i hope they make the other two seasons into movies!

User review rating: 5 July 01, 2010

WOW!!! Loved it! People give M. Night a hard time, but this movie was great. I have never seen the TV show, but still loved the movie. Great for kids and adults. There should have been more Momo.

User review rating: 5 July 01, 2010

The cartoon sucks! However, since my dad kept convincing me to see it (he hates the TV show, as well) cause he likes the special effects, the action and Chinese settings look cool, it's not "scary action" like most of the action flicks I like, it's reviews are negative, it's made by the guy who makes thriller and horror movies (M. Night Shyamalan), it's in 3-D, and I haven't seen a good Paramount movie since THE SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES (that was like 2 years ago; I only like Paramount movies from Nickelodeon and I couldn't wait til March 2011 for Johnny Depp's RANGO), I was left with no choice but to give it a chance. Then, I LOVED IT! I guess it was all worth it, after all!

User review rating: 1 July 01, 2010

very disappointing.. movie doesn't really flow as the story line is very weak and the acting resembles a grade school play. Special FX are decent in some parts but choppy for the most of it. Very predictable and unenergized story line, even some of the little kids in the theater were bored

User review rating: 1 July 01, 2010

Nothing like the TV series, or decent enough if you've never seen the series before. Will not see any sequels.

User review rating: 3 July 01, 2010

it was an okay movie

User review rating: 1 July 01, 2010

If you saw the original series you would be disgusted plus the acting is horrible Bravo, Mr Shyalaman more movies ruined...

User review rating: 4 July 01, 2010

the movie was good, but they change some stuff like appa he has horns and zuko doesn't have the burned mark on his face and not even the pony tail.

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