The Karate Kid - User Reviews

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2.98 / 5

User rating: 2.98

Based on 2556 votes and 410 reviews

  • User rating: 2.98 31.38%
  • User rating: 2.98 17.31%
  • User rating: 2.98 8.83%
  • User rating: 2.98 3.15%
  • User rating: 2.98 39.34%

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Showing 351 to 400 of 410

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2010

good movie

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2010

A movie that is really well made, anyone who gave a negative rating would probably have never seen the movie at the first place!

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2010

The kid was too young. The original was better, with a teenager in the lead.

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2010

Fell asleep ten minutes in -- not a good sign.

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2010

Boring and dumb. Ralph Maachio, where are you when we need you???

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2010


User review rating: 1 June 15, 2010

I felt embarrassed for Jackie Chan.

User review rating: 3 June 15, 2010

It was good, haven't seen the original so I can't compare but liked the comedy & the serious area too.

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2010

I just saw the new "Karate Kid" remake. Good movie but they should have called it "The Kung Fu Kid" because there was no Karate :-)

User review rating: 0 June 14, 2010

First, this movie is much too long. Second, there's too many subtitles! Third, this kid is so unlikable that you want him to lose in the final! Last but not least Forth, the ending move was not believable. Terrible movie!

User review rating: 3 June 14, 2010

In the original Karate kid I remember wanting Daniel to beat up the other teenagers. In this one I was really hoping the "Karate Kid" would continue to get beat up! The finishing move was so dumb!

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2010

Jaden smith is cute <3

User review rating: 2 June 14, 2010

In a bad summmer movie season, this is probably the best of a crappy bunch.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2010

Everybody just jealous because they dont get an acting job like jaden smith who did really really good. Only part i didnt like was her dance, it was really awkward considering shes only 12

User review rating: 3 June 14, 2010

why is the title KARATE KID and in the movie hes teaching KUNGFU. lol this movie is confused. =D it should be KUNGFU KID. lol

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2010

I love this movie!

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2010

Excellent for parents and kids

User review rating: 4 June 14, 2010

7.5 out of 10 would be fair. Good movie! Any kid would love this movie.

User review rating: 2 June 14, 2010

Was the editing crew asleep? Great concept, but SOOO drawn out! SLOW moving.....2 hours long!!!!! Felt like FOREVER to get to the final competition, then it was really good!

User review rating: 4 June 14, 2010

I was expecting this to suck from reviews. I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2010

The movie is entertaining and excellent done. You can enjoy perfect acting and the developeming story line. The boy is naturaly talented and this is a fact. Do not allow the well known human malice to lead the opinion for the movie, which is deligthful.

User review rating: 1 June 14, 2010

Not bad...not every movie so far this summer. Take the kids to the zoo, more bang for your buck then at the cinemas this year.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2010

Have to give it 5 stars~~ Definitely going to watch it again~! I cried at the end~!!

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

It was an awesome movie. We really need this movie in society these days. Well plotted and well acted.

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

Best movie Ive seen since Gran Torino and Blind Side

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

This movie is awsome!!!! I want to see it again!!!'

User review rating: 1 June 13, 2010 waste of time and money.

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

Wow - this movie was great! I wasn't expecting the fight scenes to be as intense. There were lots of chuckles and plenty of cheering and applause and, by the end of the movie, I felt I was "in" the movie sitting with the rest of the crowd at the tournament!!! I had preconceived opinions about Jaden Smith being a little boastful during his interview on Oprah about the movie, but I have to say, I hate on the kid because he did a really great job.

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

Even better than KARATE KID III!

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

this movie was top leval sick!!!! if the don't make part 2 I will walk from canada to will smith's home and demand one

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

This is soooo COOOOL~ I have to say, Jackie finally knows how to act. Almost cried when seeing tears on his face. Jaden Smith is awesome. He's not only talented, but also cute~!

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

What a fantastic movie! Everyone cheered and clapped!! We loved it!

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

As an Asian, I went into the theater expecting to see a poorly made film that would perpetuate a common stereotype. But, the plot was handled delicately and the stereotype became an inspiration with principles applicable to our everyday lives. I loved the movie and Jaden Smith was nothing short of amazing. The talent of that boy is in his blood. Nicely done!

User review rating: 4 June 12, 2010

It was a good kept me chuckling...only thing was he didn't learn karate...he learnt kung fu! Two totally different styles of fighting! Karate originated in Japan, kung fu is Chinese.

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

amazing movie

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

LoVe It!!!!!!!!!!! BeTtEr ThAn FrIsT

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

this movie is awsome

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

As a Karate instructor of a Chinese based style I thought the movie was great. Jackie Chan was perfect in this role and he was a pleasant surprise. V.S. Can.

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

i can watch it 100 time more. it was crazy

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

Excellent remake of a great movie! Loved, loved it. Everyone in the theatre, young and old gave a standing ovation at the end of it. Will definitely recommend it!!! Great job.

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2010

I find it funny how all of the negative reviews so far, have nothing to do with the what the movie is about. I am a fan of the original Karate Kid movies, and I can say this one is as good, if not better, than those ones. This was the first time I've seen Jackie Chan in a purely dramatic role and he drew tears to my eyes. I thought Jaden Smith played his role very well, it was very down-to-earth and realistic. By the way, it should be called "Kung Fu Kid". ;) 5-stars

User review rating: 1 June 12, 2010

You can describe this remake in one word..."blah". It's not as awful as the A-Team, but it's pretty avaerage all around. Maybe interesting to kiddies 12 and under.

User review rating: 4 June 11, 2010

Great movie!!

User review rating: 1 June 11, 2010

The series has hit a new low.

User review rating: 5 June 11, 2010

Ok for anyone who has the desency to care the kid has years of martial arts experience and is actually a high ranked martial artist in reality and he was probably chosen to be in the movie because of his skill and maturity so stop baggin on te kid just because he is living a much more fulfilling life than you losers who say he sucks becuase he is a very skillful and mature young individual

User review rating: 5 June 11, 2010

Loved Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith and it was very cool to see parts of China.

User review rating: 0 June 11, 2010

it is a great movie

User review rating: 5 June 11, 2010

How can you hate this kid hes just a kid so stop hating, anyways the time he spent training he was learning kung-fu to fight good in the movie.

User review rating: 5 June 11, 2010

Really good.

User review rating: 1 June 11, 2010

Are you kidding me... the only way this kid got cast was because mommy and daddy produced the film otherwise he wouldn't have even been considered. Now take some of that $ and take YEARS of acting classes.

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