The Incredible Hulk - User Reviews

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The Incredible Hulk Movie Poster

3.54 / 5

User rating: 3.54

Based on 3576 votes and 191 reviews

  • User rating: 3.54 40.61%
  • User rating: 3.54 15.30%
  • User rating: 3.54 16.36%
  • User rating: 3.54 12.73%
  • User rating: 3.54 15.00%

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User review rating: 0 June 22, 2008

Best marvel movie ever. A thriling movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat. And with great actors.

User review rating: 0 June 22, 2008


User review rating: 0 June 22, 2008

Action! Action ! Action! From beginning to end. Awesome!

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2008

The Incredible Hulk was will Incredible.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2008

i just like it because i love action movies and it had lots of action

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2008

This Movie was great, i don't see how it can be only 3.3 stars out of 5! And another thing i thought its profits at the box office would be HUGE, its still did pretty good, I just thought it would be iron man huge! Well i'm still giving it 5 stars

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2008

Overall a very boring movie. Yea it was better than ang lee's garbage, but not by much. Couldn't stand the guy playing abomination. Why did they choose a 5 foot 90 lbs weakling with bad acting skills? CG looked like it came out of a bad video game. A lot of PS3 games look just as good if not better. Even Edward Norton couldn't turn the horrible script around.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2008

thank god Ed Norton helped save this francise..really good pace to this move; good action...i'd interested to see the 70 minutes they cut from this film.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2008

Not a bad film, except that every time the Hulk appears, you feel like you are watching a cartoon. VERY bad CGI. Even worse than the first film. Spend less on mid-grade actors, more on CGI.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2008

the fight scene was shot in hamilton, not toronto and the movie was awesome. i love how they are connecting the marvel movies together now. something big is going to come of them. ;)

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2008

amazing! best version in a long time.Anyone who doesn't follow the comic world may not enjoy it as much. -silver

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2008

THE BEST MOVIE OF 2008 BY FREAKING FAR. I don't see what could be wrong with this graphical masterpiece. 5 freaking stars

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2008

This Movie Was Awesome! These comic book movies are getting better and better!

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2008

crapest movie ever

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2008


User review rating: 0 June 19, 2008

fantastic movie, didn't know it was shot in Toronto until I realized that I was standing on yonge street and watching them shooting the explosion scene last summer. Though I didn't see any actors on the Ed Norton!!!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

Great movie!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

great film, better than the first one in 2003

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

I think I'm one of the few who really enjoyed the first movie..This one was a little bit quicker paced but not as good of a story..But it was very enjoyable..

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

its a very good movie i liked it alot!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008


User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

One of the best comic book movies of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

A thousand times better than the first one. About time!..

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2008

pretty awsome movie jsut came form it and was amazing better then the first one ang lee shyt made a shyt movie this one was grade comedy,romance, really great gc and awsome fights loved this movie gona buy on dvd for sure!!!

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

better then the 1st

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

I thought the movie was pretty good. It was much better than the other Hulk movie from 2003. I really liked the fight scene towards the end of the movie and wish they would have put scenes like this earlier in the movie. I can hope for this in the next one.

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

the movie was great; special effects were dazzling and it was a nice update of the hulk

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

best movie of the the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

This adds nothing to the idea of the Hulk. It is shallow with next to nothing in character. it is at the level of a Saturday morning cartoon.

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

im a girl and i enjoyed the movie! nuff said!

User review rating: 0 June 17, 2008

the same as the first, BAD. the only light at the end of the tunnel is the battle scene its the only thing that saved the movie.

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

Movie was very good in some aspects -- not as good in others -- action and pacing was excellent, as were the CGI effects ( end battle was awesome)-- not so good was the one dimensional portrayal by William Hurt who for me with his limited range was miscast for this movie -- also, we kept seeing the same camera angle shots of Liv Tyler when she was in an anxious situation -- the script limited her effectiveness, but she gave it a good shot anyway -- Ed Norton was terrific -- hopefully the next Hulk will be even better than this one, which was significantly better than the first one.

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

Went with my my son we both loved it. We enjoyed all of it and told many of our friends.

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

Not Incredible and not horrible. The narrative of this film is very flimsy but the action is pretty intense and exciting.

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

Too Awesome!

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

great movie! the special effects were great and we get a sneak peak at a sequel. def must see on the big screen!

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

Great Great Movie!!!! HULK SMASH!!!!

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

I would fully recommend this movie...its much better then the first one. It was worth every min.

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

Great movie, much better than the first. The character development could have been a bit better but was still extremely entertaining. The tie in with the mention of Nick Fury in the opening credits ans Tony Stark at the end left fans feeling excited for what is to come!! 2 thumbs up for this cat!

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

hi i'm a big big fan of hulk since the tv series, but this one was definetly awesome, lots of cgi effect, lot of action, storyline was great from the beginning at the end, this is truely what marvel is all about,and i hope they'll make sequel again, all i can say great work guy, way 2 thumb up.. i love it and best marvel movie i ever since.

User review rating: 0 June 16, 2008

MUCH better than the first one.

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

was great!adaeffinately better than the first one.Go see it!

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

Excellent. Don't be afraid to take younger children if they like action movies. Glad they cut short the steamy romance. I was worried for a few seconds then relieved that they found a clever way to abort. No need to wait until you have the remote control in your hands. Norton and roth were both great. So pleased not to see a single split frame or screen swipe (incredibly irritating in Hulk 1). Very high quality entertainment.

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

A must see!

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

Solid story line amazing ending! I had my doubts but this movie shut me up! It was good. 5 stars!

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

Great movie, better then the last. Full of action, good story and cg.

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

worth seeing in theatres for sure. and i love the ending with tony stark.

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

it ok, more action than the first one, but story got to be more develop, first one has more detail story than second.. it best to watch both, this one just have more ACTION

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

yup!!! its heading for an Avengers movie watchout ..

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2008

To much of a love story. Needs more action for this type of movie.

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