The Grudge (2004) - User Reviews

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3.93 / 5

User rating: 3.93

Based on 18485 votes and 334 reviews

  • User rating: 3.93 69.19%
  • User rating: 3.93 3.76%
  • User rating: 3.93 1.94%
  • User rating: 3.93 1.22%
  • User rating: 3.93 23.88%

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User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

It`s so stupid, you`ll develop a "grudge" for the movie itself.

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

It didn`t make much sense. It was bad, very bad. What a waste of time.

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

this movie was not scary, thought it was a comedy majority of the time. Also made no sence

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

I really HATED!!! this movie. I don`t understand why people liked it. It was boring and dumb. It didn`t go anywhere, and people were laughing at it in the theater.

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

this movie was very bad. this movie is right up there with open water. was a waste of time and money in my mind.

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

Ok I feel this is the best horror movie in a long time.Looks like the Ring but is soooo much better

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

I SCREAMED LIKE A GIRL, & I`m a 6`3 200lb man. This was EVERYTHING a scary movie should be: CREEPY, SUSPENSEFUL & GENUINELY FRIGHTENING. This is a classic "popcorn-tosser". Take a date (to cling to, or them to you) or just a bunch of friends to watch them quiver for laughs. The audience really enjoyed it but to be honest there was a little groaning at the ending, although I thought it was a good one. Even if you don`t fins this as scary as I, you`ll still have fun watching everyone else try to hide ubder their seats. Can`t ask for more !

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

Okay so what happened to the ending? that was the shortest supposidly scary movie ever. I hid my eyes a few times, jumped a few times, laughed out loud a few times....the story line was all over the place. i`d give it a 2/5

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

Okay... so it was decent? I mainly liked it cuz I got to cuddle with my girlfriend, but I have to say as far as "scary" goes, this movie is NOT SCARY. Do NOT be fooled by the comments! I rate it a 5/10 for scary and actual content. If you are under the age of 13, as the rating suggests innappropriate, perhaps you would find it a little perturbing. The acting was reasonable, but the plot was lacking in originality, and it seemed at times they were trying just a little too hard to create that "scary moment" with the music and long, "dramatically" laid out moments of "suspense". I wouldn`t recommend it, but I wouldnt stop you from seeing it

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

I think I speak for everyone when I say. I feel dumber after having wasted the last hour and a half of my life watching that.. whatever it was, you might call it a move. But i`d call it random thoughts slapped together with some scare factor. it proves that any dimwit can make a movie and idiots will go watch it. Some might evne like it

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2004

ehhhh not all that good, i jumped a few times but it isn`t very scary! nothing like the ring. 3 out of 5, go on cheap night to see it

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

Wasn`t impressed by the movie at all. Compared to the Ring...this was a insult.. 1.5/5 stars

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

I thought it was awsome. One of the most original movies in years.

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

This movie was jump-out-of-your-seat scary, but it was not suspensfully scary. Half of the time the audience was laughing out loud, the rest of the time we were jumping with fright. There are some truly shocking moments, but the special effects are really bad, and the "monster" is not scary at all. Worth a rental, but not 8 bucks.

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004


User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

Really Scary. The grudge, in my opinion was one of they scariest movies to come out in a long time.

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

I was on the edge of my seat through the whole movie! I went and saw it twice! It made me feel really jumpy and creepy! I love movies like that!

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

critics hate`d everyone else loved it... just like jason vs.freddy... this movie is awesome

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

Really really scary!!!! Best scariest movie of the year for me, made me jump out of my seat! You must see it!

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

I was really disappointed of this film. I was afraid with some recovery, but not much. There`s no end?

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

Gr-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra! It was pretty freaky!

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

For everyone who thought/think this movie was/is scary, please take note at the rating "PG"!! This is practically a family film. What family film you know ever TRUELY deserved a title as scary (in the adult sence). I am very disapointed. I`ve seen mosiqutoes that are scarier. Seriously why would you rate a movie of such a genre "PG"? Most were ready to walk after 10mins. I was ready after 5mins. I stayed hoping it would get better. Unfortunately it did not! Think twice before spending your money.

User review rating: 0 October 26, 2004

It was a good movie but in no way was I scared. After hearing friends talking I was hoping to experiance an childhood like fear. Under my blanket shaking like a leaf. I haven`t seen a movie like that for a long time. It was captivating but didn`t hold up to the hype of being scary. 2.00 / 5.00 = scariness 4.25 / 5.00 = story

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

This is the ultimate horror movie since the Exorcist. I was hiding my eyes!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

With a special guest appearence from Michael Jackson! (Vlad BTW!) :D

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

i`m not scared that easy because i watch lots of scary movie`s but there was a lot of freaky scences that made your hair stand up especially the last two scary scenes at the end of the movie!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

The Grudge was awesome,and really scary too. I screamed through the whole ending part practically. I think I might have nightmares!!! If you like scary movies(and Sarah Michelle Gellar) you should definatley see this, just make sure you don`t have some rude old people sitting behind you who remind you to shut up every two seconds(but even with that happening it was still a really good movie and I can`t wait to rent it when it comes out)!!!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

that movie was and my friend went home and saw the same person up in her addic. her cat was jumping and running after us and we went up stairs to her room which is in the addic and she turned on the christmas lights she has in her room...she turned the one on and it worked and she turned the other on and it didnt so she went around to all the plugs in her room it didnt work in till she went in to the corner one....i would recamend this movie it was really good and you could pridict of whats going to happen next.

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004


User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

That was the scariest movie I have ever seen and I am a horror movie addict! I screamed out loud 3 times, along with the rest of the theater........I recommend it!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

i loved the movie and hope there sequill

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

hol y mutha the scariest movie ive seen in my life and it was rated pg!!!!!! who woulda thunk man i seen a rated r movie in grde 3 and it wasnt nearly as creepy! but it was good rock on chika

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

IT DIDN`T END!!! How much do y`all wanna bet there is gonna be a "Grudge 2" sometime next year??? Other then that I did think it was awesome!!!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

oh my god i was terrified to take a shower or bath after i saw taht and im afraid of cats too !! im afraid of anything related to that movie!!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

Maybe, it could have been decent, but it became stupid and boring. People began to laugh and make fun of it in the theater. It was interesting as first but until the end, nothing really changed, not even after the climax. It`s worth seeing, but don`t expect a good movie. Expect a laugh or two and maybe a scare. Basically, it`s dumb.

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

The scariest movie I`ve seen since The Sixth Sense...definitely worth seeing!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

YOw YOw YOw , Go & watch thiz Yow U wOnt sit straight on ur Seat. Scary as Scary If u know wat I`m say`in. zeEsh-

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

A good movie! Scary! Go see it!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

i have to say i was very surprised at how good this movie was ,it was very creepy and i promise you`ll jump out of your seat a few times

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

This is one really scary movie...the whole theatre was either laughing (coz there`s some funny scene) or jumping out from their seats.

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2004

it was ok, very scary at parts other parts was just waiting

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

This movie is extremly scary!! I had a great time watching it and will see it again some day!!

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

are you guys on crack man that movie is so pathetic not even scary! TOTAL copout of the ring!!!!!!!!! SAVE YOUR MONEY

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

This is one of the most scariest movies I have seen in a long time. Even the strongest at times will want to squint at the screen.

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004


User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

wow, i was actaully really impressed it was so scary i`m definately having nightmares for sure...i didn`t know what to expect but go see it for creepy

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

horrible movie. no story at all. makes you want to go and watch Raise your Voice instead lol. which is just pathetic

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

WOW! that was not scary at all.. everyone who thought that was scary should leave there computer and video games and experience the real world... way to predicable and basically made no sence..i would not recomend wasting money on this.

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

SCARY... I screamed like a 4 year old...

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2004

I watched the grudge with a few friends at the movie theater and we all loved it, it was the scariest movie any of us had ever seen!

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