The Break-Up - User Reviews

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3.55 / 5

User rating: 3.55

Based on 6610 votes and 899 reviews

  • User rating: 3.55 19.05%
  • User rating: 3.55 41.90%
  • User rating: 3.55 22.95%
  • User rating: 3.55 6.79%
  • User rating: 3.55 9.30%

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Showing 401 to 450 of 899

User review rating: 0 June 22, 2006

I found the movie not too bad, after awhile I got tired of the arguing. I was disappointed in the ending, I thought they would get back together especially when he changed.

User review rating: 0 June 22, 2006

Not as good as I`d expected, but still OK

User review rating: 0 June 22, 2006

Nice date movie, but overall it was very much a chick-lite film. I also, was not a big fan of the ending.

User review rating: 0 June 22, 2006

Only slightly funny.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

I felt that it was a very emotinal movie, from laughter to tears it really moved me and it felt real.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

I thought it was great.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

I enjoyed the movie, however I would have liked to see a different ending.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

although this is more of a chick flick, but i was really impressed with it, great movie, good laughs, i give it a 5

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

I did not like the ending...although that is life. Not everything turns out storybook.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

I loved it, Jen and Vince are great together! The movie was funny and you could relate to it. The only thing that wasnt cool was the ending, it was lacking a bit in comparison to the whole movie, a bit disappointing.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

A really cute feel good movie!

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

I was not impressed at all. I found the movie was full of holes and was not consistant. My teenager of course loved it.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

Good movie, very funny.

User review rating: 0 June 21, 2006

vince vaughan is just too funny!! the way he`s able to ramble on about nothing, is priceless. not to mention jennifer aniston is extremely sexy in this film. but again, when wasn`t she?!

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

Wicked funny! Totaly well done!

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

Vince was super funny, it`s a cute date movie.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

Not as funny as the trailers.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

Although I don`t think I recommend this movie for anyone on their first date, I DO recommend this for couples as both my spouse and I saw this movie when it came out the first weekend. We both laughed, and as I especially wanted to see it, I was not disappointed. A lot of what goes on between them in their relationship is what any couple can relate to.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006


User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

the secondary characters steal the show. Very sad and real too.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

Cute couple movie. Lots of laughs also.

User review rating: 0 June 20, 2006

I did not think this is a very good movie. I didn`t see a clear message in the story. Some parts were slightly humourous but that`s all. I gave this movie 2/5 stars, I felt like I wasted my money.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

Good Flick - very Funny, very real

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

I was expecting it to be really light, but it was deep and true to life and human and I liked that the ending wasn`t typical "happy ever after." I cried.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

Real! It gives the audience a truth about relationships!

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

It was real and funny. How many movies have both?

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

It was awesome, funny and realistic.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

Very true!!

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

I thought it was funny I like both of the main charactors

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

great.........very funny

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

this movie is horrible!! i hate movies that have 2 do w/ ppl breakin up and y would ppl who have got dumped want 2 watch other ppl get dumped!! like seriously u losers!! haha tho that u got dumped!!!!!:P

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn both made the movie hilarious. Their chemistry was fantastic. Thought it was an amazing movie.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

I found the movie disapointing. Everything was predictable and the neding was a let down.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

I thought the movie had some funny parts but the last 30mins and the ending were not so good.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

The movie was realistic. I liked the movie because it shows real issues in real life and it`s not a fairy tale ending.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

Thought it was amazing. Kept me laughing throughout the whole movie!

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

It had some very cute scenes...Jennifer Aniston and Nince Vaughn worked really well with one another.

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

It was hilarious!! So many good lines...

User review rating: 0 June 19, 2006

Seeing Aniston from the rear in that scene was worth it!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Totally written from a womans perspective, sorry boys!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

I love Vince Vaughn, he is absolutely hilarious and paired up with Jennifer even funnier. Despite it`s comedic nature it also some very serious drama to keep it balnced. If you have ever been in any kind of relationship at all you will be able to relate to this movie!!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Impressive. It does not conform to typical romantic comedies, which have obviously been over-done. It is rare and refreshing to see something that parallels real life problems and which does not make light of such situations- by ending it with .. "And they lived happily ever after". Sometimes there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It becomes realistic; in showing how people really feel and react during this type of personal crisis. Definately a movie to watch... especially if you`re sick and tired of unrealistic, far-fetched, tacky love stories.

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

There were some funny parts, however I felt it lacked in many areas, Vaughn`s charcter was too over the top and not likeable at all. I left the theatre not too impressed with this movie.

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Had both some funny parts and some sad...really relates to real life! Great Movie!!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Not bad but not great..If not for Vince Vaughn this would be a dud..although Aniston`s butt shot made this worth seeing.

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

This is a great chick movie with a guys ending, HOORAY!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Quite funny!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Honestly... this movie was way better than I expected. Not like super super amazing, but I really enjoyed it, Jennifer Aniston was amazing, and the chemistry she had on film with Vince Vaughn was like like woww, I`m really impressed! I actually like them together, they play off eachother so well, I thought it was really funny here and there, and the story is so sad! At first I was so sad the way it ended, but now I like it because it doesnt end the way everyone think`s it will. I liked it!

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

I wouldn`t call it a romantic comedy, but it was well acted and a good movie. Classic communication breakdown problems in a relationship.

User review rating: 0 June 18, 2006

Enjoyable and fun.

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