The Boy Who Could Fly

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In Theaters: August 15, 1986 (limited)

1h 48m | Fantasy, Drama, Family

Jay Underwood plays an autistic boy who provides a source of fascination to a new family in town. Never uttering a sound, Underwood spends hours in his backyard, attempting to fly like the birds.

Lucy Deakins, the daughter of the new family, befriends Underwood; she is encouraged by teacher Colleen Dewhurst to try to draw the boy out of his shell, and to keep a journal on the subject.

Rendered unconscious in a fall, Deakins dreams that Underwood can fly. The boy is suddenly whisked away to an institution, and Deakins despairs that she'll never see him again.

Producer(s): Gary Adelson
Cast: Fred Savage, Jason Priestley, Bonnie Bedelia, Louise Fletcher, Fred Gwynne, Colleen Dewhurst
Writer(s): Nick Castle
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