The Bikeriders - User Reviews

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3.20 / 5

User rating: 3.2

Based on 40 votes and 13 reviews

  • User rating: 3.2 30.00%
  • User rating: 3.2 25.00%
  • User rating: 3.2 10.00%
  • User rating: 3.2 5.00%
  • User rating: 3.2 30.00%

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User review rating: 5 July 20, 2024

Awesome movie! Great casting, great acting, great soundtrack, all around great. It was very consistent with the time period. The movie had me enthralled the entire time. I highly recommend this movie.

User review rating: 5 July 15, 2024

Very enjoyable.

User review rating: 1 July 09, 2024

maybe because I am not a biker or a gang member but this movie has zero interest for me. The women in the movie made it tolerable.

User review rating: 4 July 07, 2024

Excellent acting and script. A piece of American history that few see. This is the biker life before the criminal organizations and biker gangs we know today. Go see it and you'll like it. If you are looking for high action, this is not for you. If you like a well-done drama, you'll like it.

User review rating: 4 June 30, 2024

It's a biker it was as expected. pretty to watch Horizon. Not for men that don't like violence and need their mommies.

User review rating: 4 June 25, 2024

I thought this was a pretty good movie . Loved the older bikes from back in the day . Not sure if this was an accurate depiction of mc life in the early days but, hey it's a movie ...enjoy and move on .

User review rating: 3 June 24, 2024

Not really a biker fan, but i enjoyed the movie. The wife was the glue, she was fantastic in this.

User review rating: 1 June 24, 2024

It was too much like a documentary and not like a movie.

User review rating: 1 June 23, 2024

A movie for old middle-aged men in midlife crisis. Peter Pan syndrome.

User review rating: 3 June 23, 2024

Where was the story? The movie had no story.

User review rating: 1 June 21, 2024

I have to agree with the other review , first , Hardy , yet again needs to marry ,Anne Frank and a fifties cartoon voice Hearing impaired , squeaky , effected ,off putting, cringe . Other guy , smokes all slow , stares like a , lost boy looking for his mommy . BoyI am sexy , if only he believed it . And thats the rub , if only they believed it . Fake , ass , mean, stink. Its like a gay guy , pretending , he is hard . Faking a tough voice on a gay chat line . You work at Holt Renfrew . ???

User review rating: 2 June 14, 2024

The women in the film make this watchable. The expected macho posing from Hardy and Butler has grown tiresome and the picture never rises out of the ordinary because of it.

User review rating: 5 August 27, 2023

A great tribute to the famous Danny Lyon photography book

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