The American - User Reviews

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2.30 / 5

User rating: 2.30

Based on 752 votes and 269 reviews

  • User rating: 2.30 14.18%
  • User rating: 2.30 11.00%
  • User rating: 2.30 10.76%
  • User rating: 2.30 18.58%
  • User rating: 2.30 45.48%

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Showing 201 to 250 of 269

User review rating: 1 September 07, 2010

1 word---BORING kept expecting it to pick up & get better but it never did. You don't really feel much for george in this

User review rating: 4 September 06, 2010

Not a movie for the simple minded or the action junkies. Although not my type of movie it was well acted. Clooney was amazing. Kudos to a great actor.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

I would rate it lower than 1 star if I could. Terrible movie. How can anyone rate it as a 5.

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2010

A sophisticated and original treatment of the hit man line of stories. Not the cheap thriller that appeals to most moview goers (if you like Pierce Bronson 007 films, you won't like this). George Clooney and Thekla Reuten deliver sterling performances. Brutal and poetic, yet credible.

User review rating: 4 September 06, 2010

Finally, a movie worth watching, and you do have to pay attention, The Italian scenery is eye-filling and the atmosphere is tense, all the way through. The teenagers behind us complained bitterly, but I thought it was a stylish, edgy, entertaining two hours.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

No plot, not worth the time.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

Don't waste your time and money, I wish there was zero star rating.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

did not like at all!

User review rating: 2 September 06, 2010

i don't understand why the critics liked this movie so much. The ending was terrible.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

One of the worst movies of 2010. 90 minutes of my life gone that i cannot get back.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

SLOOOOOOOOOW. The only redeeming feature was the scenery and it felt as if there was more action in the snow than in the characters. About the character development...oh wait there was no character development. Absolute torture.

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2010

Super suspenseful!

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2010

Great movie!

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2010

I enjoyed the entire movie--it was very suspenseful and gripping. The acting was was brilliant--especially by Clooney and the leading lady. I would recommend it to friends!

User review rating: 0 September 06, 2010

it was soooo slow and borning . i want my money back

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

Terrible. No plot. No emotions. No action. No drama. No jokes. mMny useless scenes. I rather watch 105 mins of telletubbies.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

Will something ever happen,I`m waiting, I`m waiting.oh movies over,thank goodness

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

That's alot of boobs for 14a. The story was pretty good.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2010

Expected to be better movie. Very slow at times and not much happening exept starring at Clooney's face and his motionless face expressions while chewing the gum throught the movie. It was nice to see the scenary and the music was OK. Is there any desent movie this days that we can really enjoy??

User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010

so boring, I ended up sleep walking out of the theatre

User review rating: 0 September 05, 2010

Moody Clooney walking...Moody Clooney driving...Moody Clooney making a gun..Moody Clooney in bed..Moody Clooney walking...Moody Clooney driving...Moody Clooney making a gun...Moody Clooney in bed...

User review rating: 2 September 05, 2010

Long boring and not the action packed movie I wanted. If you are looking for a character study, with some tension thrown in, then this is the movie for you. I kept waiting for something to happen, the grand finale, but I was left wanting much more. This is really "Men who stare at goats and have guns".

User review rating: 5 September 05, 2010

Clearly I saw a different movie. :D I thought it was brilliant and so suspenseful especially in spots it was hard to take. Clooney is an amazing actor, and it was very atmospheric.

User review rating: 5 September 05, 2010


User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010


User review rating: 4 September 05, 2010

Clooney as angst-ridden American killer seen through European eyes - interesting and beautifully acted. Not a good date or teen movie.

User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010

crap, crap crap, what do they think by showing a woman frontal naked having sex must make for a great movie, well i was highly offended are woman cows so that we can show them of for auction now. This was the worst movie of the year so far to me. The rest of this movie is crap to, dont waste you money on this pease of garbage film. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP

User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010

one of the worst movies we have seen. George embarrased himself to be in it. Only draw was to see him, what a waste of money and time. We thought too slow to start, when was the story going to start , it never did. There was no plot, very few words were uttered from anyone. Alot of staring. Boring, boring boring. So glad when the credits rolled.

User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010

lots of silence and pregnant pauses before little talk or action

User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010


User review rating: 1 September 05, 2010

Unfortunately this website has 1 star as a minimum because "The American" is a negative star. This has to be one of the worst movies in history. What was George Clooney doing putting his name to such a awful movie. Avoid this movie at all costs. Not even worth a rental.

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

Tell you how the movie is, slow, boring, nothing ever happens, and very low budget film. just overall a bad film, don't even rent it

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

too quiet, drawn out sex scene,for what?? no action, boring, boring, boring..

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

the viewers should launch a class action suit against George Clooney to get their money back, simply terrible showing

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

Terrible movie. I think they spent all of their money on George Clooney and so had no money for writers etc, so there was probably just a director and a camera man who was told to follow George around as he walked very slowly through the movie.

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

snoozzzzzze fest. Has to be the worse movie Clooney has ever made. Save your money. Would have given it no stars if I could've

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

BRUTAL! Stay away, one of the most boring I've ever seen - the Italian chick was nice to look at - thank God, otherwise I'd have demanded my money back for causing me abuse and torture, and reported them to the cops for mierepresentation.

User review rating: 2 September 04, 2010

Waste of money and time.

User review rating: 2 September 04, 2010

Waste of time.

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

what I'm steamed about (besides the 2 hrs I'll never get back) is that they cleverly disguised this 'art film' as a 'espionage thriller'.. what a pantload. Save your $$ and your time - someone should be held accountable for the misrepresentation & exploitation of a good actor to make a buck.

User review rating: 3 September 04, 2010

For those viewers who like action packed this will kill you. It's one step above crawling but I think that intensifies the suspense. The camera action, so often focusing on the back of Clooney's head kept me waiting to see him get blown apart. The dialogue is sparse. I liked it, but it won't hold the attention of the majority of 9 second, attention deficit viewers.

User review rating: 5 September 04, 2010

slow but worth the watch.Dvd maybe!

User review rating: 2 September 04, 2010

Wow! What a disappointing film. No plot, no character development and little dialogue. I would have given it zero stars -- except George Clooney is nice to look at.

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

TERRIBLE don't waste your money.

User review rating: 1 September 04, 2010

Don't waste your money, the worst George Clooney movie. No story, boring and very slow-waiting for something to happen, never does.

User review rating: 3 September 04, 2010

I'm very surprised by the low stars. Yes the movie was slow but it's an "indie". Aren't they all slow? A little In Bruges with out the laughs.

User review rating: 1 September 03, 2010

ZERO stars. Run don't walk AWAY from this one!

User review rating: 1 September 03, 2010

If there were zero stars I would have given it zero (even a negative amount)! SAVE YOUR MONEY it's wouldn't even be worth rental money.

User review rating: 1 September 03, 2010

Great cure for insomnia!

User review rating: 1 September 03, 2010

How can this movie possibly be rated 14A? I'm sick that my son and a bunch of his buddies saw this!

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