Superman Returns - User Reviews

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4.61 / 5

User rating: 4.61

Based on 162374 votes and 848 reviews

  • User rating: 4.61 81.04%
  • User rating: 4.61 9.53%
  • User rating: 4.61 3.49%
  • User rating: 4.61 0.97%
  • User rating: 4.61 4.97%

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Showing 251 to 300 of 848

User review rating: 0 July 23, 2006

Compared to the other movie we saw Lady in the Water, Superman is a 4 to 5 Star. This movie kept me interested.

User review rating: 0 July 23, 2006

amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go see it!!!!!!!!!! the best Superman movie ever!!!

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006


User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

the best movie ive ever seen!i can`t imagine myself being totally speechless from the start of the movie till the end...

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

well made withspecial effects and chacters story

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

Fast paced, the time flies by, Spacey is brilliant, with all characters paying homage to the original cast.

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

It`s a movie that respect the classic Superman myth...very well done. Routh and Bosworth are definitely not Reeve and Kidder, but Kevin Spacey is amazing, as usual!

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

overall I was a bit disappointed - I expected more conflict between Superman and Lex Luther.

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

Did anyone pick up on the reference to Gothom during on the the TV news reports. Do we see Batman v`s Superman in the future?

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

the superman returns movie varey good

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

It was like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang without the charm...

User review rating: 0 July 22, 2006

This year`s BATMAN & ROBIN.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

The effects is very good and it lack more conversation between lois and superman. It seems superman lost words to say to lois after being away for 5 years.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

Only 1/2 star from our family. was not worth the paper the ticket was printed on. Don`t waste yours.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

This was an AWESOME movie. Lived up to the older Superman movies very well, with fresh, new faces, amazing effects, and something for everyone.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

The special effects in this movie were truly fantastic! All of the flying scenes were phenominal and very realistic. The introduction of Superman`s son opens up the possibility of many sequels to come and we`re looking forward to seeing them. We absolutely loved everything about this movie.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

I applaud the casting crew...I almost walked out when the scene about 1 dog eating another came up....could you please explain to me what that had anything to do with the good and kind SuperMan or the evil Lex Luther? the writing leaves a lot to be desired and I`m not sure how it got past both the producer and ruined the whole movie for me and the person I was with felt exactly the same way....

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

I loved it. Brandon Routh is great! I loved how they used Jor-els voice from the first one. this movie, is totally on my top five, and im a harsh movie critic, especially when it comes to sequels, i totally reccomend everyone to go see it.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

I recommend it! Walked into the theatre with a lot of doubt that Kate Bosworth and Brandon Reuth could pull it off as Lana & Calrk/ Superman...walked out very impressed!

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

It was a fun movie.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

Nice twist.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

excellent f.x. spacey was amazing.

User review rating: 0 July 21, 2006

Love this movie! It`s just as good as the original ones. Brandon Routh is hot!

User review rating: 0 July 20, 2006

What did I think of Superman Returns? Not much. This boring relationship movie has Superman returning from a six-years search for remnants of Krypton. In his absence, Lois has moved on and married. She also has a baby. Half of this dull feature revolves around Superman the slimeball and Lois Lane sneaking around behind the poor husband`s back. If I wanted to go see a relationship movie - or a chick flick - I would have. If you are expecting action, this is the wrong movie.

User review rating: 0 July 20, 2006

it was a great movie I coulddiscribe it by useing one word suprising. Brandon Routh did a great job as superman. But Kate Bosworth was a little to soft for the lois lane part. 5 out of 5. I hope they make another one. can you belive superman has a son.

User review rating: 0 July 20, 2006

Nothing to special, certainly not something up to usual Bryan Singer calibur. There was NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Superman barely had a role. Give Brendon Routh a chance, i`m sure he could handly the role! I also found many of the action scenes to be obviously CGI`d.

User review rating: 0 July 20, 2006

Just beautiful. Wonderful special effects and cinematography. I think it is Superman as Jesus. I think Christopher Reeve would approve. I will see this one again and definitely purchase the DVD.

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

It was Okay. Nothing really special.

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

I sat riveted as I saw the amalgamation of the old and the new incorporated into a fun filled movie

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

definate 5 out of 5

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

By far the best Superman movie. The special effects were great, and the story was really good too.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

awesome! Bring on another Supermsn movie

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I think this was one of the best movies I have ever seen. There was so much excitment and never a dull moment. Some people just said it was bad because they have no idea who superman is or his history and whould rather watch some pointless comedy like little man! Definate Go SEE Movie

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

A real snoozer; you could actually hear people snoring in the theater...

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006


User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

not up to the hype

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

It was great.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Even better than THE PINK PANTHER!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I think that Superman Returns is a masterpiece in its own right. To better appreciate it, one has to revisit Superman 1 & 2, which are truly classics, due to Christopher Reeve`s impeccable performance. Nevertheless, I think that Brandon Routh was the perfect choice to fill in the shoes of the Man of Steel in this Superman comeback movie. Instead of departing from what has already been accomplished by the Salkind`s/Donner`s version of the film, Bryan Singer and the writers did a magnificent job in seamlessly adding a deeper layer to the love story between Clark Kent (a.k.a. Superman) and Lois Lane. Furthermore, John William`s original score

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I really enjoyed this movie. I didn`t think that Brandon Routh could come close to Christopher Reeve`s Superman but I was pleasantly surprised. Another great performance by Kevin Spacey but he never dissappoints. Enough action with a nice balance to the emotional side of the story of Lois and Superman.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

ok movie. should have come up with a newer costume.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Amazing. the bets movie o9f the yeal! a blockbuster! wee! ha whoo whooshxoakshhvds

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

It brought me back to when I was 12 years old reading Superman Comics and dreaming about a girlfriend like Lois Lane while eating chips and drinking R.C. Cola - yes, it was that good

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Tedious, boring, yawn, yawn! I couldn`t wait for it to end which it took forever to do. This was the WORST Superman I have ever seen in my life. Superman cartoons were more entertaining and to think I chose this over the Pirates of the Carribean because I like Superman. The most exciting part of the evening was the nachos with hot salsa and jalapenos that I had from the snack bar!

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Good movie - well done.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

I loved this movie. I especially liked how the references from the first two movies and Superman`s first appearance in action comics. Brandon Routh was a great pic and did a wonderful job. Kevin Spacey played a perfect Lex Luthor. 3 thumbs up.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Brandon Routh makes a great Superman.With all the problems in the world, wish there was a real Superman to rescue us.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Great Movie. Loved all the lines and lit bits paying tribute to the 1978 Superman Movie, ex. Pay Kents Picture on piano is the the picture of the actor from 1978 who played Pa Kent. And #d is the only way to see the movie.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Good movie, but much darker in places than I would have liked.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

I loved this movie. Having watched the first Superman movie with Chris Reeves and thinking that was good, I must say that the visual effects since then have advanced sooo much. The "new" superman did an admirable job, but the one who made the movie was Kevin Spacey as the evil Lex Luther. Well done, and well worth the price of a ticket.

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