This British film examines the choices individuals must make when confronted with a romantic relationship which is rewarding but does not offer them everything they want.
In this sympathetic and psychologically precise drama, Alexandra Greville (Glenda Jackson), Alex to her friends, has a younger man as her sometime lover, the young sculptor Bob Elkin (Murray Head). Elkin is completely open about the fact that he is also the lover of her acquaintance, Dr. Daniel Hirsch (Peter Finch).
These relationships continue in some kind of equilibrium until Alex and Bob agree to house-sit the children of a couple known to the three of them.
In their roles, neither Head nor Finch swished, or otherwise catered to homosexual stereotypes, and theirs was considered to be a groundbreaking, sympathetic portrayal of this kind of relationship, not condescending in any way. One highlight of the film is a scene in which Dr. Hirsch attends the Bar Mitzvah of his nephew.
This critically well-received movie was unexpectedly successful at the box office. The film's director and screenwriter, as well as Jackson and Finch, were nominated for Academy Awards.