Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - User Reviews

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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Movie Poster

4.31 / 5

User rating: 4.31

Based on 38186 votes and 692 reviews

  • User rating: 4.31 79.97%
  • User rating: 4.31 2.59%
  • User rating: 4.31 0.90%
  • User rating: 4.31 1.75%
  • User rating: 4.31 14.79%

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User review rating: 0 May 26, 2005

Although I knew the inevitable ending of Anakin becoming Vader, I still felt sad about the tragic turn of events. You can`t help but hope for happiness for his character who endured hardships from the time he was a child--no father, sold as slaves, loses his mother.... Hayden portrayed him well enough, I thought, but it was the actor who portrayed the Sith Lord/Chancellor whose slow, calculated seduction was very well performed. Pure evil, he is.

User review rating: 0 May 26, 2005

It completes the story!!!! I like it!!!

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

The best of the prequel trilogy! Not recommended for younger children though, for it is quite violent.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

I just want to say the move was great, and, for the people who said it was predictable. Of course it was predictable! it`s a prequal.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

overall the movie was so so good! =) just the dialog was a bit weak.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

the acting was amazing the plot great and the director sure had his work cut out for him too bad there isent going to be another. it was amazing as i said before and i think the actors suited there characters perfectley. are you glad that hayden is canadian and not to mention soooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

the movie was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! graet action, suspense and man was anikan ever cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved the movie you should see it to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

The overall movie was incredible! The special effects, the music, the cast, the dialouge and the plot! I would go again and again! My only complaint was for Hayden Christensen. He really is a terrible actor. Only his facial expressions saved him. He is superb at being hateful and ngry. -Nakoki C.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

The acting is shallow - some of the worst I`ve seen. The story is inadequate and uninventive, and the effects become boring.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

Hayden Christensen is a terrible actor! His facial expressions are the only thing that saves him some what.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

The overall movie was great, especially the sci-fi effects....the acting...Hayden cannot act. Yoda is the best!!~

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

Anakin was amazing and the story was sad but very good

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

the best movie in this series

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

I think too much time will have pased between this series and the next. There almost needs to be one more to tie it all together cohesively. However, this movie I thought was great. I think people get too carried away with taking it so seriously and forget, it`s just a movie and it`s for entertainment purposes. Relax and let it take you to a galaxy far, far away.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

The movie was great! It tied everything together so well. Some of the new characters, like General Grievous were very well done. The story behind the chancellor/sith lord was excellent and the fight scenes were fantastic!

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

It was entertaining. Good, but not great. Bad acting, but good imagination. Better than the first 2.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

It was as expected - escapist pabulum. They should have just animated all of the actors. The CGI was the movie. It is difficult to witness so many phoned in, wooden performances in one movie. At least now many of the geek fans can move on with their "lives." Perhaps a refresher course in basic spelling and grammar may be in order if this review section is any indication of the average fans ability to write a cohesive series of thoughts.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

I don`t usually use the words mindless and awesome in the same sentence.The visuals of this movie are truly amazing but the dialogue is some of the worst I have ever had to endure. Lucas didn`t write the first ones(4,5 and 6), his ex-wife did, and it shows.If you have no problem shutting off your brain you will enjoy this movie immensely.If you are a long time Star Wars fan, then you share my pain...

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

There was too much action and when they had dialog it was too slow. Hayden Christensen is a Terrible actor. George Lucas should Never be allowed to direct again stick with producing and writing. Leave Directing to the Professionals i.e. Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Michael Bay.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005

This was far better than the first two prequels. Better acting, awesome special effects (opening scene blew me away!) and lots of insight into what`s "really" happening with the Sith. Although I have issues with a couple of inconsistencies, I still think it was an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.

User review rating: 0 May 25, 2005


User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

I`m not a big star wars fan and I thought that this was one of the best movies that I`ve ever seen.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

This is the best movie I`ve seen yet, great special effects and it was the best way to link to the original trilogy, good job GL!!

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

I hate to say the Emperor has no clothes for I greatly respect the Lucas Star Wars legacy - however, while considerably better than Episode 1 and 2, the movie still lags behind episode 5 and 6. The dialogue is on the nose as can be, the relationship between Padme and Anakin is contrived and the Dark side of the Force does not seem to be all that dark. Lucas would of been wise to bring on a writer and stick to directing. I feel badly for the Actors as they had so little to work with and their performance is notably stilted. I could say that the VFX were monumental but of course that is to be expected of ILM and the Star Wars franchise.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

acting wasn`t bad, they just had bad dialogue to speak, apart from dialogue problems, there really isn`t anything else you can complain about. story was good, special effects were above perfect, loved the soundtrack and it was a good movie overall.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

it is to bad that star wars is over. i wanted more ?

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

Dark, dark movie, but very well done. I want to watch the next 3 just to know that everything ends up well in the galaxy!

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

it was the best from all of the series

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

All in all it was a pretty good movie. There were some pretty good action scenes. Lots of lightsaber fight scenes...thumbs up!. if there is anything that i wasnt too impressed with was anakin skywalker turning to the dark side.. i kinda pictured it to be a kinda stressing moment where he takes the time to think about what hes doing instead of just rushing.. other than that, it answered a lot of my questions, tied in with the rest of the episodes and definitely the best of the prequels. good work george.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

This is definitely the best of the prequels. Quite heavy on story and less reliant on childish lines and actions as in the first prequel. I just wish the first two movies had been written and directed in the same light as this one.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

Having watched the original Star Wars (Episode 4) as a 10 years-old and subsequently becoming a fan, it was with great anticipation that I watched "...Sith." I ignored the acting and concentrated on the simple yet universally-appealing story of good vs evil. The whole "Star Wars" saga is about the story-telling and George Lucas does not disappoint. I watched Episode 4 on video afterwards and saw it in a whole new light. The story comes full circle and I was thoroughly entertained.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

SIMPLY AMAZING BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

It was the best episode yet!!

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

This has been the BEST Star Wars movie yet. Finally tied all loose ends together and visually stunning. Had me on the edge of my seat for the whole movie.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

star wars is the best movie ever made and hayden is so hot

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

This was the best movie i`ve ever seen! I will watch it 3 more times!

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

The movie was great.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

If you are a true Star Wars fan, you will thoroughly enjoy this one!!! It answers a lot of questions and bridges the original three to the last two. ld - Barrie

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005


User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

the m ovie wasn`t bad but it had a poor dialog and i thought that when anikan goes on the darkside is that is stupid because it would be better if he stayed on the good side so he can kick some bad butt. and whats with the pg-13 man like i thought it would be better not for like little kids. and i agree the guy that said about yoda being the best actor and plus he is computer generated.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

I thought it was the best one because all the others have been centered around this and I think the film itself is marvellous. fazlur r.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

I don`t know if it is because I`ve been waiting since 1977 to understand who Darth Vader really was, but I found it disappointing. The transition occurred in under a minute - I expected a slow, emotionally stressful slide to the dark side - more like Gollum`s struggle with the power of the ring. I expected to FEEL torn for him and understand his pain and the difficulty of his struggle. I suppose that intellectually it is there - his life as a slave, the brutal dea

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

The best actor was Yoda and he was computer generated. Dialogue was very poor. Saving grace was the visual effects that Lucas Industries is known for combined with the action scenes. This one will not be a classic movie on anyone`s list.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

Great action sequences, but poor dialog.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

It takes a lot for me give any movie a four star rating, but over all the movie was FUN and the special effects were great. I can see references to our own politics in North America, but people come on. It`s not meant to be a movie like "911" It`s supposed to be FUN, entertaining and the story, well we already new what was going to happen didn`t we? So for those who were expecting more-get off your high horse and just relax into the scenery of the Star Wars movie Universe.

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

I think that the movie was very good, however, I feel that tying everything in together at the end seemed a bit rushed!

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

the best of all star wars...

User review rating: 0 May 24, 2005

it was great

User review rating: 0 May 23, 2005

This movie was much better than the previous two episodes. I would definitely recommend seeing this movie. It`s almost as good as the original Star Wars.

User review rating: 0 May 23, 2005

Something was missing. This ending raised a few questions rather than providing answers. Anakin`s metamorphosis was vague and lacked substance. The same can be said about his relationship with Padme. The battle scene between Obi Wan and Gen. Grievous was dragged out. A must see only because it completes the others and you are a fan. Entertaining though.

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