In this offbeat comedy from South Korea, Cha Tae-hyun stars as Nam Hyun-soo, a former teen idol turned radio talk show host, whose life turns an unusual corner when a young single mother named Jung-nam begins sending very personal stories to the radio station, with requests that Nam broadcast them.
The stories pertain to her father, whom she has never before seen, and when listeners catch wind of these tales, they help turn the show into one of the most popular programs on the air.
Circumstances grow darker and more sinister, however, when Jung-nam turns up at the station and Nam's house, with her 7-year-old son Gi-dong in tow - insisting that Nam Hyun-soo himself is her father. The claims ultimately threaten to damage Nam's public image and end his career.
Director: | Kang Hyeong-cheol |