Role Models (2008) - User Reviews

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2.77 / 5

User rating: 2.77

Based on 866 votes and 133 reviews

  • User rating: 2.77 20.84%
  • User rating: 2.77 23.82%
  • User rating: 2.77 8.93%
  • User rating: 2.77 4.22%
  • User rating: 2.77 42.18%

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Showing 51 to 100 of 133

User review rating: 0 October 31, 2008

shouldn't it break our heart that the only men who are being role models for our kids are men who need role models themselves? Oh wait, real men are drunks and womanizers right? I thank God (yep I said GOD) for the men who know how to live passionate exciting lives without having to get wasted or check out every pair of breasts that walk by. Are there such men out there.... yup but not as many as could be. I am praying for you who read this comment that you would know the truth, and that if you are a male that you would be the most amazing male that God created you to be. And I am also praying that if you are a female that you would do everything in your power to encourage males to be what G

User review rating: 0 October 27, 2008

This one was alot better than i predicted, good raunchy fun, good job and thank you Tribute for the free movie passes!

User review rating: 0 October 25, 2008

Very funny!

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2008

good movie very enjoyable-fun evening. Thanks for the tickets

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2008

Role Model holds a few surprises for any movie goer. Raunchy comedy and surprising insights make this movie enjoyable, so sit back and be prepared to be entertained. Also watch for Augie as he sucks in Paul Rudd character into his world of pretend....

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2008

I have not laughed so hard in a movie in a long time. I thought that the actors did a phenomenol job. What a great show. One I will definately watch again.

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2008

Loved the movie! It was so funny and made you laugh out loud.

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2008

it was awesome so funny i love seann william scott & paul rudd together they are classic :)

User review rating: 0 October 24, 2008

One of the Funniest movies this year!!!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

This movie was very very funny, sure it had some coarse language but it moved right along, never a dull moment with two self centred idiots and a good lesson to learn for all of us.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

best comedy I've seen in a long time.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Pretty funny- althought the kid stole the show from the 2 lead actors

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I walked out in the first 15 mins. I was under the impression this was a comedy but after 15 mins I didn't lol once. Not much of a comedy

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

The movie was "funny" at times, the language (little boy) was not always acceptable. Overall, the two boys did respect their peers, the ending was quite good.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I laughed a lot. It was really great!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I found that this movie had a pretty good story and the actors were perfect, but there was a little too much swearing that didn't seem necessary. There was a lot of sexuality in the movie as well but that goes with an R rating as well as the cursing. I still really enjoyed it and a good movie if you like to laugh which I did throughout. Paul Rudd and Sean Williams were were great in this movie and I would recommend going to see it.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

though it was very funny and had some good lines. have'nt seen a movie that funny for a long time. My daugther an i talked all the way home about the different things we laught at.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

a little juvenile for my taste

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

not bad

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

A fun no-thinking-required movie, as would be expected from a Sean William Scott flick. While goofy at times, it was still highly entertaining.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

This movie was funny. It is definitely not suitable for kids but was great for adults. It was entertaining and enjoyable to watch.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

The movie was everything I expected. I enjoy both of the lead actors and knew it would be funny with these two. It's didn't dissappoimt. I laughed a lot and enjoyed the relationships between the two men and the boys. It was funny, warm, good story line and some x-rated comedy.......all around good.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

The movie was funny

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

It was a fun movie. Not alot of depth but enjoyable.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

It was not the best movie I had ever seen, but it kept my interest throughout and that is rare lately at the movies.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Enjoyed this show very much......tons of laughs!!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

My sides didn't ache from laughter but this film had some pretty comical scenes. The acting was bang on and the story seemed at first to be foreseeable but contained some surprises - great date movie

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Absolutly hilarious movie, the casting was fantastic and I haven't laughed that hard in a movie for a very long time.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Dragged on a little bit but overall it was a funny. Some laughs, a good time and I would see it again. Thanks for the tickets.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

This was much more of a movie than I had expected it to be. It had a good story, many laughs, and kept my attention. It had many more laughs and content than what you see in the trailer, which is a nice change compared to other recent movie trailers.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008


User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

the movie was funny

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Not great. Maybe I'm too old!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Surprisingly good! Plot was a little stretched in places, but hey, it's a comedy and it did what comedies are supposed to: Make me laugh. Great characters and some great lines.. would totally recommend it to a friend.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I felt that some of the content was inappropriate when dealing with troubled children but there where still several funny parts as well as a moral to the story

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

We thought the movie was so funny and had a good time laughing. Thanks!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I thought Role Models was a great movie, it's nice to see a comedy with a decent plot. Role Models also delivers a pretty good message too. The ending of the movie was fantastic, I was at the edge of my seat.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

This movie was hysterical,not too sappy about the power of enriching kinds lives by just being with them. Was pleasantly surprised by the writing and the acting. Just dragged a bit in places. Highly recommending it to friends.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Being of the "older" generation, we were not expecting to like this show a whole lot. We were pleasantly surprised, and got quite a few chuckles out of it. Thank you.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Role Models showcases the misadventures of two coworkers who after comically messing up big time are sentenced to community service in a mentorship program for youths. Danny (Paul Rudd) is in no shape to advise anyone, let alone an awkward 16 year old living in a world of fantasy and role play. His life is in shambles and he blunders through his days until realizing the important things in life. Wheeler (Seann William Scott) always the ladies man plays this part with conviction and outrageous humor so convincing you are sure this is Seann being himself. He leads his foul mouthed charge to no good but definitly builds an undeniable bond with him along the way. Jane Lynch plays the ce

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Was a great movie, my fiance and I, are definitely going to be passing on to friends and family to go and see this movie. Was funny and was just a great date movie.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Very funny movie. I had not seen the trailer, and had somewhat low expectaions with the way comadies had been going. This movie was far better than I expected. Would recommend this for a good time!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I liked the movie, but the part I liked the best is how the two little kids changed their two care givers into caring individuals from self centred idiots. I would also have liked to know who Wheeler ended up with.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Funny movie -

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

I was pleased to see that the humour in this show continues throughout the entire show. A fun watch. Really enjoyed it!

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

Amusing and at times very funny viewing but not my cup of tea! Ranks up there with American Pie and the old Porkys movies for humour style.

User review rating: 0 October 23, 2008

There were no real slow parts and the show kept you giggling the whole way through. It was a realy fun show to watch.

User review rating: 0 October 21, 2008

Very funny!

User review rating: 0 October 18, 2008

Funny and enlightening!

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