Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - User Reviews

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Movie Poster

4.23 / 5

User rating: 4.23

Based on 15712 votes and 1582 reviews

  • User rating: 4.23 62.08%
  • User rating: 4.23 19.89%
  • User rating: 4.23 6.78%
  • User rating: 4.23 1.53%
  • User rating: 4.23 9.72%

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Showing 1001 to 1050 of 1582

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

Most the time when there is a great movie, like Pirates of the Carabean the black pearl, and there is a follow up I get worried because when there is a bad sequal to a great movie it always seems to ruin the first one for me. But no worries for Pirates of the Carrabean Deads man Chest, this movie is just as good maybe even better then the first one and if your like me and you loved the first one then you`ll absolutely love this one.

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

great action, lots of fun

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

I loved it a lot but I found the ending came all of a sudden.

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

It was an awsome movie! You could tell by the ending that there is going to be a sequal.

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

I thought it was very entertaining. Johnny Depp was amazing.

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

I thought it was an awesome movie. Lots of action and very humourus. The cast was excellent. Johnny Depp was amazing as always. He is definitly the best actor in the business today. I actually thought it was a little better than the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Definitly a 5 star movie. Larry Fugard

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006

I love it. Came wait to see the next move and jonny good job love you guys, bye

User review rating: 0 July 19, 2006


User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Can`t wait to see the next one. Hope it`s better than Dead Mans Chest.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Absolutely one of the best movies I`ve ever seen

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I LOVED it and i cant wait until the third one comes out. over all it was a really great movie but at some points i found it a bit confusing but i still liked it ALOT!!!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

It was awsome, I can`t wait for the next one.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Great movie...action packed...good family fun

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Best movie of 2006 and possibly best movie EVERR!! It had all the qualities of a good movie:: comedy, action, lil bit of romance and everything you can imagine!! Two VERY big thumbs up!! [J]ohn [C]ena [L]uver

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Movie dragged in a few spots, but overall I loved it. So did my kids! Can`t wait for #3!!!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I thought that the movie was an absolute Best. I LOVE Johnny Depp and also he is cute! I Loved the first and second movie! I Hope they make a third movie...!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

The movie was great however there was some really gross scence that are not suitable for children. That is the only reason I gave it a 4 out of 5.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Good Entertainment! Looking forward to the third one.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

There were some laugh out loud funny parts, but not as good as the first movie.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I was disappointed in the movie. Not enough Johnny Depp in the movie and some scenes were stretched out too long. I thought it was not worth the ticket price and was better for a rental. I loved the first one though

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

good, but toooo long...needed more laughs....way too much Orlando..in fact, 2 minutes would be too much....# 3 will be better..

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I absolutely loved this movie. Johnny Depp is amazing in his role as Jack Sparrow. I look forward to next May when #3 comes out.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I thought that movie and thge story line were great but i thought that the special effects were overdone as well as unnecessary. The ending was not what I expected

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long, with no closure.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

The movie was very funny and enjoyable! It has a different feel from the first Pirates of the Carribean though... The first movie was more dramatic while the 2nd movie takes on a bit more of a goofy atmosphere... Still a great movie though, and worth paying the admission to go watch!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

THis movie was awsome! Great cliffhanger!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

absolutly the best movie in esistance

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006


User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Special Effects were amazing. The movie was awesome. The ending perfct. Can`t wait for the 3rd.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Awesome movie, just as good as the first. Loved it.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

I thought it was done very well but I was dissappointed in the ending.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Very funny and what a cliffhanger!!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Johnny Depp is the best pirate. Great movie. Very entertaining.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Johnny Depp is amazing again in this movie. It was a great cast. Can`t wait for the 3rd one!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Great family movie! Johnny Depp is absolutely wonderful, he`s witty, funny and carefree, a true pirate. Even though the story is a little weak but I guess they have to save the best in the last of the trilogy. Looking forward to the third installment.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

This was way more entertaining that the first movie; however, the ending was not very good.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Great Movie, Better than the first. Didn`t expect the end to lead into another sequel!!!

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

Very very funny, fun, and fantastic! I don`t think I ever liked pirates as much as I do now. The villians are just sooo well done, and have a some-what detailed backstory. Jack is better than before...hence those three F words I mensioned earlier. The acting has improved bunches in both Keira and Orlando, though you can`t help but think Orlando can do a lot better. The story is 100 times better than the first, and makes you want to see the third movie coming out less than a year from now. Go see it (I have 3 times now), it`s worth your money...times 3.

User review rating: 0 July 18, 2006

It was amazing, and very entertaining. Ithought the charectors could have more depth but overall, very suspsenceful and very captivating for the entire family, great show.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

The movie was awesome

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

it was exciting,suspensful and all around great fun

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Although Johnny Depp is amazing . . . the movie itself was boring.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

The special effects were superior to that of the first movie. I guess my biggest beef was the way in which the second movie never really had an ending, only a lead in to the obvious next movie. That kind of spoiled it for me. Johny Dep, however, was at his best.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Never a dull moment!

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man`s Chest was an amazing movie. It had an excellent plot and the characters remained real yet wacky from the original movie. This movie is great and may even be better then the original all together. Rarely are sequals so good!

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

great fun & good special effects. i enjoyed it as much as the first one.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Amazingly fabulous. Much better then the first. Became a thiller with on-edge of your seat moments but still remained to keep its witty and unique fun loving feel. Deffinatly a five star movie in my opinion.

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

I had high expectations, but this was really over the top amazing! It definitely surpassed all of my expectations

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

I voted this movie: rate 4! I really liked Cars better then Pirates of the Caribben: Dead Man`s Chest. I voted rate 3 for the first one. The 3rd one should be better. I can`t wait. Cars Rules Pirates Rools

User review rating: 0 July 17, 2006

Not nearly as good as the first one. I actually dozed off a few times. My date did as well. Even the guy next to me was fighting to stay awake. The only thing keeping me awake were the special effects!!

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