Pendant que court l'assassin

Pendant que court l'assassin Movie Poster
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1h 10m | Documentary

Josée-Anne Desrochers' world changed the day her 11-year-old son was killed in a car explosion... Taken as a hostage by the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, waitress Helene Brunet thought her time had come when she took four bullets intended for her attacker... Michelle Laforest cannot get rid of the rage that eats away at her since the loss of her 29-year-old son, beaten to death by the two punks he expelled from his bar when they decided to deal drugs inside... Simone Chartrand has never recovered from the murder of her nephew, Marc-Alexandre, shot at the entrance of a club where he was waiting in line to get in.

These people have little in common, other than being victims of the Quebec motorcycle gang wars. Each one has experienced seeing newspaper headlines about their loved ones, the official statements of the investigators, and the public indignation towards the crimes; after which life goes on. Only, for Josée-Anne, Helene, Simone, Michelle and her son Maxime, nothing will ever be the same again. That's why, after the initial shock, after the rage, the desire for revenge and the feelings of helplessness, they took action. Their fight, initially carried out privately within the courts, frustrated them as they witnessed the slow process of the justice system and the impunity enjoyed by the criminals. They banded together to alert the public, to say with loud and clear voices that the time of inertia is past, that victims have rights too and especially, to confront organized crime so that it can no longer intimidate private citizens. They have crossed the wall of fear.
Director: Magnus Isacsson
Studio: Cinéma Libre
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