Open Water - User Reviews

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2.71 / 5

User rating: 2.71

Based on 2394 votes and 192 reviews

  • User rating: 2.71 33.68%
  • User rating: 2.71 7.54%
  • User rating: 2.71 4.97%
  • User rating: 2.71 3.62%
  • User rating: 2.71 50.19%

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Showing 151 to 192 of 192

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

I thought that someone slipped druggs in my pop. Not five minutes into this show it took all I could muster to keep my eyes open. Luckily someone elses snoring woke me up.

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

Loved it.Wondering why so many people are dissing it, oh wait, it`s because they wanted something like Anacondas or Deep Blue Sea.Ignore the childrens bad reviews and see it for yourself. JC

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

Bad bad movie!!! don`t waste your money on this.

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

Amazing movie! Sad that so many people don`t get it.I guess all they want to see is stuff like Without A Paddle and AVP.I`m thinking maybe it was the fact that they used real sharks.Kids today would rather have CG sharks that move at super speed, are cartoonishly large, and have freakin lasers on there heads! Sam A. Vancouver

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

um i thought it was really good and well done.....and the person who said that they died in real life when it happened...they didn`t.

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

This movie was good, yes, not a lot of drama, no real shark attacks like the ole jaws type.. But it was a reality of what happened to two people lost in the middle of nowwhere. Also what can happen when you decide to do a tour.. it appears the tour people were at fault, Can you picture this happening to you or I?, I don`t think either of us would.!! The movie had some down parts as far silence of the movie it self. The show was packed even though I had read the reveiws. So go and see it ....

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

It was ok but I didn`t like the ending at all!!!

User review rating: 0 August 22, 2004

THE worst movie ever!!!!! Listen to me, do not spend your monie on such a cheap, boring, stupid movie like this. Everything about it it was horrible. I`m telling you right now, do not watch Open Water!!

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Liked it quite a bit. Not truly as horrifying as it could have been, but it built up a nice bit of tension. If you have a short attention span and/or get fidgety, I wouldn`t bother. This movie is more build up and not really action packed. The people and I that went thought it went at a nice pace (and was thankfully short), but I know the young kids behind me were getting restless and annoying, probably expecting Deep Blue Sea or something (I don`t know but it`s sad when your attention span can`t even make it 10 minutes). I liked it more than I thought I would (I knew the critics liked it and knew why, but usually this kind of movie isn`

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

The range of emotional states portrayed as the characters progressed through their ordeal was well done and realistic. Otherwise, the movie was boring. The camera work was rough. The scenes were obviously shot under different weather conditions, but were joined without regard to weather, so shots would cut from sun to clouds to sun even in the same scene. The ending was intriquing.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

I`m not even going to explain why it sucked... cause there is not enough space to list all the reasons. Just trust me on this one. It had so much potential. They should have hired a scriptwriter with all they money the saved by not having special effects or good actors. I even dragged my friends Tom and Tamaras with me to see it (Very SORRY guys!)

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Not quite what I expected, it was not a bad movie just wished I had waited for the dvd version

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Alright movie, wait for it to come on the screen. If you`re a diver like me you might enjoy it more than others. It could happen to us. I still don`t understand who goes diving in an ocean with out a compass.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

The worst movie I have ever seen. Two people treading water in the ocean for hour (seemed like two). Gag me!

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Note to all those thrill-junkies of the X and Y-generations: This movie is about real life ! It is a low budget film shot on digital. This gives it a down to earth feel and realism. This is what might happen to you ! SPOILER AHEAD: This is BASED on true events, the interaction between the couple during their time in the water is most likely COMPLETELY fabricated for the sake of drama,(Their bodies seem to have been never found)and the director pulls it off well. It is also has a documentary-style feel to it. Bottom Line: It will have you appreciate the person next to you in your life and bring you in touch again with your mortality and remi

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

I waited & waited for a terrifying climax but all I got was impatient. The preview on t.v was as good as it got-no thrills, horror,or gory movie shots here. It was,basically,a love story. It was Romeo & Juliet, only with water & sharks. The preview should`ve said that in the first place & I wouldn`t have asked for my money back.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

I thought it was slow. The movie should have been edited to one hour. I found the scenes showing passage of time (shots of the water, shots of the sky) were long and unnecessary. It would have been a more complete movie if we were given an idea of what the diving crew did when they returned to the hotel`s beach. I wouldn`t recommend the movie to my friends.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004


User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

A renter!, save your money.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004


User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

having trouble sleeping? no need for sleeping pills! go see this movie and you will fall asleep for sure!

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

take my advice people! this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen. It was so boring, not scary or the slightest disturbing. If you want to see two people floating and yelling at eachother,this is for you.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004


User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Don`t waste your time or money. The critics are wrong.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

I liked it. It is a very disturbing film and reminds you of your own morality and vulnerability. But that`s what makes it worth seeing.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

This is the stupidest movie i`ve ever seen. The trailer for it was better, wait the previews before the movie were better. The only highlight of the movie was when the chick got naked, and this is comming from a female. I wouldn`t spend the $10+ to see this. People were actually booing after the movie.

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004


User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Worst movie ever!

User review rating: 0 August 21, 2004

Worst movie i have ever seen in my life..

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

I was happy that Kentis was able to get away from the typical "Jaws" killer shark story. This movie so beautifully captured the range of emotions of the young couple trapped in such a horrific ordeal.

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

HORRIBLE. The whole movie was the two of them floating and complaining. Just brutal.

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

Yap, ture... If you are draft away by the current....and your boat is too far away from you...

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

S T U P I D movie

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

Very dissapointing!! I can`t believe I paid nine dollars to see this movie! What a waist of money!!!

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

Wow this is the BEST comedie of the year i thought it was so funny when the shark came will he eat them or will they eat him????

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

don`t waste your money - not even on VHS or DVD....don`t

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

bad, bad, bad, bad, bad

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

this happened in real life and the people died. they never found their bodies. not sure if there were sharks though.

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

dad dont see this movie!!

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

One word... It sucks... Yea I Know It`s two

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

hello, i am just saying that this is the worst movie in the world

User review rating: 0 August 20, 2004

WOW, I couldn`t believe it i hanvent been able to sleep for 1 week right when this movie started i flew asleep thank you open water for lettin me catch up on sleep.

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