Open Water - User Reviews

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2.71 / 5

User rating: 2.71

Based on 2394 votes and 192 reviews

  • User rating: 2.71 33.68%
  • User rating: 2.71 7.54%
  • User rating: 2.71 4.97%
  • User rating: 2.71 3.62%
  • User rating: 2.71 50.19%

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Showing 51 to 100 of 192

User review rating: 0 January 01, 2005

My husband and I thought it was a good movie. My husband said, though, the only thing he got from this is he would never ever dive into the ocean, relying on someone else doing a manual count. I think it was scary.

User review rating: 0 December 31, 2004

not to bad. the storey could have been better written but for a low budget film quite well done and suspensefull

User review rating: 0 December 29, 2004

It was very very boring and very very slow. Acting was terrible, I had to keep myself from laughing as it was so ridiculous

User review rating: 0 December 03, 2004

I have no idea what happened at the end, and it really really really really was bad.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2004

I want my money back, plain and simple. I fell asleep, literally.

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

This film has been overrated because it is something unusual. This does not make it good. Overacted - somewhat boring and bothersome. C.

User review rating: 0 October 14, 2004

This movie was definately too long and too slow moving....the shark scenes made my heart race and I hated the ending and It`s hard to believe that this happens more often then we know. I`d wait to see it in the cheap theatre but it`s worth seeing.

User review rating: 0 October 11, 2004

open water is a very bad movie

User review rating: 0 October 05, 2004

boring dialogue, strong message that could have been done in 5 minutes, shaking taping

User review rating: 0 September 20, 2004

my initial reaction - very bad... but then, since this actually happened in "real life," perhaps this needs to be aired and publicized. the trailers were deceptive.

User review rating: 0 September 20, 2004

very deceptive trailers..... initially a cross between an infomercial and reality TV gradually transitioning into pain and suffering. not recommended.

User review rating: 0 September 19, 2004

It is a good movie and seems to be true. Jaws were a hyped up version. This seens to be much more convincing.

User review rating: 0 September 17, 2004

It was very frightening to see the complete lack of control that people actually have over the environment, especially when in danger. I was also interested in the dynamic occurring between the couple starting with banal and lighthearted conversation, then tension and anger, to displays of affection, finally erupting in the sheer terror in knowing that they were doomed.

User review rating: 0 September 17, 2004

A well crafted movie with brave (and I mean brave) performances from its leading stars (the actors, not the fishes). I suspect some audiences are used to overblown effects, OTT cgi sharks et al and wont switch on to how scary the films premise actualy is. Increasingly bold sharks, stuck in the open ocean, with night falling... Excellent ending. Plus, the bit with the camera eating mako puts a bit of perspective on shark attacks. ..and finally Ms Ryan is gorgeous!

User review rating: 0 September 14, 2004

Hmmmmm, I figure the money I spent on two tickets and popcorn would equate to the amount of money budgeted for this movie. If you want to feel cheated, robbed, and suckered spend the money to see this movie! I should have walked, but it was so horrible I only thought there was a catch and that it would get better. I could have made this movie with a camcorder and two friends outfitted with scuba gear at the end of my dock at the cottage over a long weekend.

User review rating: 0 September 11, 2004

The only thing scary about this show was the dialogue, the poor cinematography and the fact I thought it would never end.

User review rating: 0 September 07, 2004

What a waste of my money and time. I considered walking out, and now wish that I had.

User review rating: 0 September 07, 2004

Solaris just got bumped to #2 worst movie ever....this one is in at #1

User review rating: 0 September 07, 2004

It was the worst movie ever. A waste of money and time!!!!

User review rating: 0 September 07, 2004

I hate sharks with such a passion and had to be dragged there kicking and screaming. Two weeks later I`m still terrified of that movie. It was very well done. Except I`m not sure if was what really happended at the end.

User review rating: 0 September 06, 2004

79 minutes of my life that i will never get back. Really it`s a domestic dispute on the high seas with some sharp teeth....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

User review rating: 0 September 06, 2004

Worst movie ever... the story was acceptable but they made the movie really bad.. I don`t see why this movie is playing in theatres..

User review rating: 0 September 06, 2004

What kind of movie is this? No seriously wut kind of movie is this? Is this even directed by a human? man this movie was pure trash, people dont even waste ur money on this, not even ur time, dont even rent it, if ur friends say its good then their jus trying to make u throw like 9 bucks down the sewer,I thought it was very chessssssssyyy

User review rating: 0 September 05, 2004

This movie was a huge waste of time and of $7.00! The quality of the film itself resembles that of a porn movie (at best). The "actors" were awful. After all the build-up, this was the largest disappointment in years.

User review rating: 0 September 04, 2004

I am a true shark fanatic...Love shark week etc;...We haven`t had a real shark movie since JAWS...So I was so looking forward to seeing an action packed movie based on a true story....Well, after watching the first ten minutes I was disappointed...because I had no idea it was a low budgeted film...But in the end I appreciated the film... It really left u thinking, how helpess u can be against nature... And these kinds of situations in life can really happen!! This is definately a movie for adults and not for teens...They have not experienced life enough to appreciate this film..

User review rating: 0 September 03, 2004

Complete hype. No plot, story or skill.

User review rating: 0 September 03, 2004

Worst movie ever made DO NOT GO SEE THIS. This makes my home movies look like Oscar material. This movie cost $120 000 to make with no special effects. They are lauging all the way to the bank because some doughheads at a Sundance festival.

User review rating: 0 September 02, 2004

The movie was really bad, especially with the amatuer filming and bumpyness of the whole movie. The plot was drawn out to make the regular 20 minute movie, over an hour long. Over all it was the worst movie I have seen.

User review rating: 0 September 02, 2004

I think it had a profound message about how we isolate ourselves even on land surrounded by people. The couple had everything but didn`t realize it until they were taken away by the sea. Also it shows that when we choose to stray from the safety of the group we risk death. They entered a real hell when they realized they were lost and that it was avoidable. I can`t say It was a fun movie to watch but I think the filmmaker did well at creating a powerful movie that reminds us how wild and desolate the world around us can be.

User review rating: 0 September 02, 2004

Put yourself in the couple`s position for a minute... miles away from land, isolated, scared, with absolutly no hope. how can anyone see this movie and not be affected by what these people went through??? Perhaps the frontal nudity was on the gratuitous side, but besides that, this a definatley a film worth seeing. A nice break from the usual high budget "teeny-bopper" movies that are so full of cheesy special effects and bad writing/acting that you can`t even see the lack of artistic substance. I felt the suspense was second to none, and cinematography made me feel I was right in the water with the victims. To me, though the best part of

User review rating: 0 September 02, 2004

This movie had to have been one of the worst movies,, I actually complained to the manager of the theatre,, that is the first time I have ever done that.. it was so unproffesional,, the filming was very childish and wasnt even in par for a documentary.. horrible....

User review rating: 0 September 02, 2004

Garbage. The begining looks exactly like a home made movie, way to short, and you have to be some kind of Moron to miss two scuba divers. Save your money for this trash movie........

User review rating: 0 September 02, 2004

This movie was very bad. I was quite annoyed because it was hard to hear. The acting is poor and the movie is dull. A waste of time.

User review rating: 0 September 01, 2004

was ok. not the best but wroth seeing! pretty good.

User review rating: 0 September 01, 2004

A little note for those of you writing off people who DID NOT like this movie as young and immature. Get off your high-horses and come back to reality! I can see this movie winning some film awards for students. It may have actually been a decent `short`, but spare me the arrogance, please. Only people of your maturity and artisitc depth can appreciate this film? My fiance and I wasted two hours of our life waiting for something interesting. It never came! We asked for our money back and were given free passes. What a joke! This movie should have never been released in major theatres! Somebody was returning a favour on this one. By

User review rating: 0 September 01, 2004

I agree with the person that said only immature people will not like this movie. You have to appreciate the fact that this couple made this film on a very low-budget (with their own money) by themselves without any help from a movie company. The sharks are all real and untamed. Thats very impressive. You can`t expect action every minute. The dialogue between characters is whats more important. And if you dont think so then you probably shouldn`t see this movie because you will find it boring. It has some very intense and scary moments. It is really a great movie. Good job Chris Kentis and wife for making this movie on your own without

User review rating: 0 September 01, 2004

What a brilliant movie. Not since Jaws have I seen a shark movie that actually scared me. The camera shots were excellent -- made me feel like I was in the ocean with the two divers. Let me really identify with the characters and their sense of fear being stranded in the middle of the ocean. And the sharks were fantastic, much better than the computer-generated ones that are so fake looking they are more funny than scary. Loved it, loved it, loved it -- can`t wait to buy it on DVD!!

User review rating: 0 September 01, 2004

This movie was supposed to be scary....I have seen scarier episodes of "flipper". The only reason I stayed for the entire movie without walking out was the fact that I thought and prayed that something interesting would happen. Please, save your money do not see this movie, don`t even rent it!

User review rating: 0 August 31, 2004

Please read the story on how the movie was made. When I first watched it , I like it but not that much. After I read about the diretor/producer couple put this movie together, I was quite impressed on hwo they put this movie together with such low buget. I am not against those that hate this movie. It`s kinda like a genre movie. It is an independent movie, what do u expect? JAWS?!!

User review rating: 0 August 31, 2004

If your looking for a no brainer action film, skip this one. If your looking for a thought provoking film that covers several levels go see this. This is an adult movie all the way.

User review rating: 0 August 31, 2004

for those who thought only immature ppl didn`t like the movie obviously was not watching the movie. i personally thought that open waters was not worth the money, half the time we were just watching 2 ppl bobbing up and down in the ocean, and as for the filming itself, it looked like a home movie and it also seemed like the camera guy was drowing half the time

User review rating: 0 August 31, 2004

wonderful thought prevocking film

User review rating: 0 August 31, 2004

Go Shark Go!!!

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2004

Without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever (sadly) paid to see. Do not go to this movie!!!

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2004

I want to point something interesting out as I finish reading all these comments. Those like me point out that only those immature are bad mouthing this movie. We could not be more right.... the negative comments are coming from young people talking about how the only good part was the naked "chick" and using stupid slang like waz. I definately agree that for those immature this movie was a waste of time and money. By all means enjoy terminator and your home collection of porn. Open water was an excellent movie and brought something instense to the surface. I applaud the makers of this movie for bringing something new to the front. And

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2004 MEE! DONT SEE IT!

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2004

I can`t believe some people actually LIKED this movie. It was the cheesiest, boring, cheap, stupid movie I`d ever seen. I should have known it was bad when I counted only 10 people in the whole Theater. Don`t waste your time and money people. Trust me on this one.

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2004

Worst movie ever seen in my life!! Don`t pay money to see this! Even if someone pays you money don`t see it! Trust me when I say this was the worst movie ever!

User review rating: 0 August 30, 2004

BEST MOVIE!!! I LOVED IT...IT KEPT ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT i love shark movies...and it gives u the feeling of being alone and being in that posision i loved it!! its better than jaws its better than Deep Water its better than any shark movie for the simple fact this actually happens to people its actually what its like and it was real filmed it wasnt robotic sharks or anythin GO SEE IT!

User review rating: 0 August 29, 2004

stupid stupid stupid

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