Of Games and Escapes

Of Games and Escapes Movie Poster

A serious man, Patrick McBride is a salesman who dreams of making a difference in the world. Feeling trapped, and wanting to come up with an outlet for his creativity, he creates a board game that expresses his view of the world. Unfortunately, it becomes clear that his thoughts and views of the world are toxic and as Patrick isolates himself, he descends further and further into his tormented mind.

Director: Bevan Klassen
Studio: 40 Below Films
Producer(s): Bevan Klassen, Frank Zappia
Cast: Lyle Morris, Kristen Harris, Jon Ted Wynne, Ernesto Griffith, Frank Zappia, Daina Leitold, Emily Hamonic
Writer(s): Bevan Klassen, Andre Laplume
Official Site: ofgamesandescapes.com
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