New Dawn

New Dawn Movie Poster

In Peau Neuve, Samuel Le Bihan plays Alain, who has a life many would envy. He has a wife, a son and a well-paying job testing video games. But Alain isn't happy, so one day he decides to quit and pays a visit to an employment office.

After diving into an impulsive liaison with one of the female employment counselors, he learns of a four-month residential training program for folks who want to drive heavy machinery. Alain likes the sound of this and signs up, despite his wife's decided lack of enthusiasm for Alain's new career path.

While Alain takes to the earth movers like a duck to water, one of his classmates, Manu (Marcial Di Fonzo Bo), is intimidated by the machines, even though this is the job he's always dreamed of. Alain tries to help Manu and build his confidence, even though his attempts to push Manu forward could be holding Alain back.

Director Emilie Deleuze cast several real-life earth-moving trainees and instructors alongside the professional actors to add a sense of realism to this film.

Director: Emilie Deleuze
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