In Theaters: |
2h 17m | Action, Adventure, Drama
This gripping action thriller follows Akira Sharma (Sonakshi Sinha), a college girl whose life revolves around being financially, socially, and emotionally self-sufficient. However, her life spirals out of control when she unwittingly finds herself embroiled in a crime involving four corrupt police officers. Now she must undertake the ultimate act of self-sufficiency — face off with law enforcement single-handedly in order to prove her innocence.
Hindi w/ English subtitles.
Director: | A.R. Murugadoss |
Studio: | Fox Star Studios |
Producer(s): | Sheel Nimbalkar |
Cast: | Sonakshi Sinha, Amit Sadh, Urmila Mahanta, Mukesh Hariawala, Teena Singh, Anurag Kashyap |
Writer(s): | Kumar Santha, A.R. Murugadoss, Karan Singh Rathore |