
Mifune Movie Poster
User rating: 3.5 8 votes and 1 Reviews | Write a Review
In Theaters:
  • February 25, 2000 (limited)
  • February 25, 2000 (limited)

R | 1h 41m | Comedy, Drama, Romance

On his honeymoon, Kresten (Berthelsen) finds out that his father has died. He returns to his homeland to deal with his mentally disabled brother, the farm, the cleaning lady and the enemies of his family. But the problem only begins with these new responsibilities.

Embarrassed about his family connections, Kresten has never told his friends or his wife about them.

Director: Soren Kragh-Jacobsen
Studio: Sony Picture Classics
Producer(s): Morten Kaufmann, Birgitte Hald
Cast: Emil Tarding, Jasper Asholt, Anders W. Berthelsen, Iben Hjejle
Writer(s): Soren Kragh-Jacobsen
Official Site: www.dogme95.dk/mifune/forside/forside.htm
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