La Peau et les os après...

La Peau et les os après... Movie Poster
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1h 30m | Documentary

In 1987, director/writer Johanne Prégent filmed a docu-fiction, La Peau et les Os, which focused on an illness not much talked about: anorexia. Hélène Bélanger-Martin appeared in the film and was inspired by her own struggle with the affliction.

Having since become a director and a mother, she gets together with other friends who’ve gone through the same thing. With frankness, and often for the first time, Isabelle, Marlène and Annie, whom Hélène knew at the time she was making Prégent’s film, speak about what they’ve gone through.

Their return towards the past is put in prospective by testimony from Charlotte, 17, who tells of her own daily hell living with anorexia.

Director: Hélène Bélanger-Martin
Studio: Christal Films
Producer(s): Christian Larouche, Pierre Gendron, Colette Loumède
Cast: Annie Vincent, Isabelle Bédard, Marlène Duchesne, Charlotte Leblanc, Hélène Bélanger-Martin
Writer(s): Hélène Bélanger-Martin
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