Kings of Pastry - User Reviews

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4.08 / 5

User rating: 4.08

Based on 26 votes and 8 reviews

  • User rating: 4.08 46.15%
  • User rating: 4.08 30.77%
  • User rating: 4.08 15.38%
  • User rating: 4.08 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.08 7.69%

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Showing 1 to 8 of 8

User review rating: 3 January 12, 2011

Not bad...

User review rating: 4 January 10, 2011

very interesting

User review rating: 5 January 10, 2011

Well done.

User review rating: 5 January 06, 2011

Well done, interesting. It kept my attention to the end.

User review rating: 4 January 06, 2011

amazing what people will do and how their jobs are their lives

User review rating: 4 January 03, 2011

hahaha, now i know how they pull sugar, makes me take a second before eating the creations!

User review rating: 4 January 03, 2011

Loved the film. The work these men were doing was visually stunning, and so painstakingly difficult to accomplish. When some of their sugar and pastry creations shattered at a critical moment in the competition they'd been preparing for for FOUR long years -- you just wanted to cry for their loss -- I can't believe that a documentary about pastry chefs in a competition would have that kind of effect on a person!

User review rating: 5 December 28, 2010

suspenseful and uplifting

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