In a small coastal town, where the lives of the residents revolve around the sea, the livelihood of a poor man’s family is entirely dependent on fishing. However, their peaceful existence is shattered when a dark shadow of evil, driven by greed and malice, threatens the life of his family. Who shall rise to vanquish the forces of inequity and safeguard the unwavering flame of faith?
Director: | Suman Suvarna |
Studio: | |
Producer(s): | Sarath Kumar AK, Sharath Kumar AK |
Cast: | Arjun Kapikad, Sushmitha Bhat, Gopinath Bhat, Manasi Sudhir, Jyothish Shetty, Vijay Shobharaj Pavoor, Shlagha Saligrama |
Writer(s): | Suman Suvarna |