Justice League - User Reviews

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User rating: 4.00

Based on 2072 votes and 238 reviews

  • User rating: 4.00 64.29%
  • User rating: 4.00 10.99%
  • User rating: 4.00 3.85%
  • User rating: 4.00 2.38%
  • User rating: 4.00 18.50%

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User review rating: 5 November 20, 2017

SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 2 November 20, 2017

for the record I luv both marvel and dc comics collected both when I was young, for the record l like superman, batman and wonder women but I would hate to agree with the dc haters on this as one movie critic says it a big giant mess as I saw it today at the Imax, it was done wrong in so many ways that I forgot about the Imax experience as it was hard to pull out the good stuff when their was so many bad things happening, lame main villain, hated the over kill effects when their was any action and it was disgusting how they brought superman back to life and the plot was lame too, disappointing to say the lest and that a shame as dc should of took a page out of the marvel book to learn how to make something good, the only dc hero's films I like is superman 1978, superman 2 1980, Christopher Nolan batman saga and wonder women, no more zack movies please...... Justice League two and half stars

User review rating: 1 November 20, 2017

I did enjoy DC but I agree Zack Snyder has to stop and get someone else to take over the dc movies. Maybe they will get better. Heck let Christopher Nolan make the movies. I bet those will be good

User review rating: 1 November 20, 2017

Anyone that liked this movie is a dc fanboy that is only wishing it was any good. Nothing but crap. Go back and hire the guy that did the Batman trilogy and Patty Jenkins and maybe the crap will stop. Crap Snyder needs to stop.

User review rating: 1 November 20, 2017

You think the movie was good. Well I know this movie is garbage. I couldn’t name one thing that is good about it. I want my money back. Bad plot and you are left with questions in unanswered like what happened to the boxes at the end. Why bring superman back. Why did the boss suck. Why is there no back story for any of the characters. There is one answer to this I am a marvel fan. They would not leave us hanging and create a boss that is terrible. Waste of time. Good bye DC until you smarten up which probably won’t happen

User review rating: 5 November 20, 2017

The Netflix user same lady. lol I think the movie was amazing.

User review rating: 4 November 20, 2017

All the nay sayers please stay home and watch reruns of what ever you approve of. Great movie with lots of action.

User review rating: 1 November 20, 2017

Don’t listen to the review under this one that practically raved about this movie. Terrible. Slow plot and the characters are terrible. The boss was garbage. BVS was good but I had low expectations for this one and it still didn’t meet expectations. Sad. It was that bad. I agree with the one review that this should have skipped theatres and gone straight to Netflix and DVD

User review rating: 5 November 20, 2017

Don't believe what people say, they are truly not a moviegoer or super hero fan. Shame on them. No movies is perfect, but this is entertaining, never got bored. I love this movie so much, can't wait to buy it on blu ray. If you want to see bad movies, watch ghost rider 2, now that was bad. If you follow the story of this movie, what Zack Snyder did and what Josh did, and the story explanations (comics), you would understand more. I hate people who are so negative. Trust me, go see it, you wont be disappointed.

User review rating: 5 November 20, 2017

People who walk out of movies make me laugh.

User review rating: 4 November 20, 2017

If you let Rotten Tomatoes make decisions for you on what movie to see you will miss many good movies. I find tribute.ca to be a better measure. Justice League was fun and filled with good action. The characters had good chemistry together and the movie moved at a brisk pace. I really enjoyed it but then I like BvS as well so what do I know?

User review rating: 2 November 20, 2017

wonder woman was really good. the rest of the movie was not.

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017


User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

Was a fan of DC and Marvel but now I am officially a hater of DC. Needs a better director that is true but this movie is still trash in my books. The DC characters need a back story. DC is supposed to be dark I get that but this is just stupid. This movie is meant for teenagers. Not for adults. You will hate it as much as I do and will forever. Until DC smartens up I will not watch there movies ever again. How they brought superman back is pathetic. Movie makes no sense and is all over the place. Sad. MARVEL is still king and it will always be king in my books. They at least know how to bring comic books to the big screen unlike DC

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

It was a great movie...........the critics are idiots. WW is amazingly sexy.

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

Gal Gadot did a great job as Wonder Woman

User review rating: 4 November 19, 2017

Great movie.... Great action.... acting pretty good. Typical super hero movie...

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

Loved this movie......Ben Affleck did a great job as Batman

User review rating: 4 November 19, 2017

Don't listen to the critics they seem to have a higher standard for DC than MARVEL? I like MARVEL but they haven't blown me away with their story lines. They are both comics brought to the big screen enjoy them for what they are!

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

Go see it for yourself and decide, if you're a fan you'll enjoy it.

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

Awesome movie! If only idiots would understand difference between DC and Marvel maybe they would get it. Marvel is campy fun and DC is supposed to be dark. What DC needs is a better director with a better plot like Batman trilogy and it doesn't have to be light like marvel! I love both regardless.

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

The Batman gadgets are awesome and The Batmobile is cool.

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

Saw in 3D and a complete waste of money just like the movie waste of money. Wish I waited till it came out to rent for a couple dollars. If I rented it would have been tempted to throw it in the garbage

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

Seen in 3D. Loved it!

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

Another money grab! The 1950-1960's had acting and story plot because they didn't have major special effects.

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

Hey who ever thought this movie was spectacular it was not. Far from it. I would have to agree with wonder women blocking all those bullets over done. Trash. Should not waste your money. Spend it somewhere better like marvel movies. They at least put there time and money into there movies and it shows. Marvel vs DC. Marvel would win a thousand times over. DC has no clue what they are doing so they slap this movie together. 3 strikes your out and this is the last straw. I don’t usually criticize a movie but this one deserves this bad review along with the rest I have read. Hey who ever said WONDER GARBAGE that is hilarious. Here is a new one call this movie JUSTICE GARBAGE. Enjoy your crappy DC movies everyone. This could have been a lot better

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017


User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

This movie is about entertainment yeah I don’t think so. Pure trash. Not entertaining at all. No plot and the movie does a lot of jumping around with no explanation. I like that person that said 3 strikes. I have to agree with you. I am done with DC. Marvel fan for sure. Wonder garbage ability to block bullets is stupid. That scene at the beginning where she blocked all those bullets over done. She would not have been able to save all those people. The boss at the end over done with super man punching back and forth

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

amazing master piece

User review rating: 4 November 19, 2017

I loved it! Some serious moments, some funny ones, especially with Flash.

User review rating: 4 November 19, 2017

Awesome movie I love you wonder woman

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

I think some of you had your expectations low to enjoy this crap of a movie. Most of the movie was spent getting the team together. Not much action just slow and boring. Fun to watch nah. If you have to watch this movie rent it instead. Save your money and time that you won’t get back if you watch this. GARBAGE MOVIE. LOL to that person

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2017

I am so glad I didn't listen to some of these bad reviews. I don't know what movie the people that didn't like it were watching, but appears it wasn't the one I saw. What an awesome movie.

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

Hey Marvel fan I have to agree with you in that because this movie was terrible. Wish I walked out on it because I would not have missed anything

User review rating: 1 November 19, 2017

The flash is as useless as superman. I wanted to enjoy this movie but at first I didn’t love it nor hate it but now as I think about it I hate this movie. Plot makes no sense because it does a lot of jumping around. The boss warps in for these boxes in 3 areas and every box he basically lasts in an area for about 5 minutes tops. Fight scenes are not very memorable. Wonder garbage being able to block bullets is overrated in this movie. I used to like DC but I hate to say this but this is the last straw. I am now officially a Marvel fan. Will never watch another DC film ever. They have no clew what they are doing. They try and copy marvels avengers and what does DC do they muck it up. Suicide squad was strike one. Wonder women was strike 2 and this movie is strike 3. SO LONG DC. HELLO MARVEL. Would not recommend this movie to anyone. COMPLETE GARBAGE

User review rating: 4 November 18, 2017

Great movie! I never listen to the critics.

User review rating: 4 November 18, 2017

Don't know what the Rotten Tomatoes critics are seeing because I found this movie to be almost as good as Wonder Woman – Its storyline moves along with a quick pace - has a lot of action & an ending that I won't spoil for you but if you are a fan of the DC characters you should most likely enjoy this film!

User review rating: 4 November 18, 2017

A pure comic book movie with lots of thrills. A little predictable, but FUN nonetheless. Brings out the kid in us for about 2 hours.

User review rating: 5 November 18, 2017


User review rating: 5 November 18, 2017


User review rating: 5 November 18, 2017


User review rating: 2 November 18, 2017

Minimum story - too much backstory to fill in left little room for a decent story. Bad guy comes to earth - heroes stop him. Gal Gadot was beautiful to watch, as was Connie Neilsen. A surprise was Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Jason Mamoa and Henry Cavill were exceptional as always. The two weak llinks in acting were Ben Affleck and Ezra Miller. Affleck acting left much to be desired, and looked more like he was doing a commercial for constipation mediation. Ezra, although i like his acting, was totally miscast in this role. The uniforms for Aquaman and Batman were a big disappointment. Batman's costume looked like it was made by someone in high school - still not sure why they made the cowl look that way. The Flash's costume was okay but still needed some work. Gal's and the amazons were increbly beautiful. The amazon scenes were the highlight of the movie. the Villain was pretty two dimensional, as was the story behind his reason for coming to earth. It was pretty much what i expected though sadly.

User review rating: 1 November 18, 2017

What a completely mindless plot leave your brain at the door. Not even Superman could save this crap movie.

User review rating: 4 November 18, 2017

My teenage granddaughter loved the movie. "It was awesome!". "Aqua Man was so cool!". "And, it had a very good story!!!" Even I enjoyed it.

User review rating: 1 November 18, 2017


User review rating: 1 November 18, 2017

Gal is gorgeous really another one of those comments. Give me a break. You need something better to do then just rate her. Rate the whole movie which I bet you would give it 1 star like I just did. That is what it deserves. Stand up to this movie and maybe they will make a better one. NAH no they won’t. They will stay in the hole they buried themselves in and never get out. Wish I never wasted my money. Completely wasted my time and I will never get that back. Sad :(

User review rating: 1 November 18, 2017

I agree with the haters. This movie SUCKS. Wonder garbage should be eliminated from her role and let another actor take her role. This movie is a mess. It feels like they are trying to catch up to marvel but they are doing a crappy job. Marvel rules and DC sucks. Will not support another one if there movies EVER.

User review rating: 5 November 18, 2017

Great movie

User review rating: 3 November 18, 2017

Isn't as good as the marvel movies but it had some good action

User review rating: 5 November 17, 2017

This movie was great fun and liked it better than thor. I'm tired of marvel..bring on more dc movies.

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