Inception - User Reviews

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3.94 / 5

User rating: 3.94

Based on 3389 votes and 887 reviews

  • User rating: 3.94 54.99%
  • User rating: 3.94 15.95%
  • User rating: 3.94 8.12%
  • User rating: 3.94 10.21%
  • User rating: 3.94 10.73%

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User review rating: 4 July 27, 2010

This has got to be one of the most convoluted confusing movies I've ever seen. Nevertheless I found it intriguing and I liked the special effects and action scenes.

User review rating: 1 July 27, 2010

Terrible concept and directing.

User review rating: 5 July 27, 2010

Well, what a incredible story. Congratulations to the people that created this movie. What an imagination!!

User review rating: 5 July 27, 2010

I can not wait to see this show, infact i am going to a movie tonight and if this is on i will be seeing it, I really enjoy Leonardo and just the whole concept of the movie looks great

User review rating: 4 July 27, 2010

Good, but not as good as I ANTICIPATED.

User review rating: 4 July 27, 2010

Absolutely fabulous movie! Very action packed and if you don't pay close attention you might end up terribly confused.

User review rating: 5 July 27, 2010

GREAT!! Really well done! This movie was smart, well-conceived and well-delivered. Someone said it was a "Cash Grab" - that is so wrong.... I will put no spoilers here to draw you in. Lots of action, and emotion, but keep your brain on to get it!

User review rating: 3 July 27, 2010

I liked but my wife hated it

User review rating: 4 July 26, 2010

Great-looking film, but I expected a little more in terms of the "dream" aspect. Mr. Nolan should spend a night in my dreams to see what "weird" is all about. Plus, the best set pieces were already shown in the commercials, so there weren't as many "oh wow" moments as I expected.

User review rating: 3 July 26, 2010

Neat Idea. It was an Okay movie. Not sure what all the fuss was about. It was very easy to follow. Matrix-ie fight by the end that was cool.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

This movie had me hanging on every word from the start. Leonardo DiCaprio is extremely persuasive and I love how much he delivers with so much confidence. Inception - the creation of living out dreams within dreams and then entering someone else's dreams to steal their secrets is such an incredible idea. Everyone dreams and remembers parts, most or none of it. I feel that this movie can relate to everyone. However, I did leave the movie theater feeling sad that the movie left where it began which may mean that inception is indeed impossible. A truely a'maze'ing story for the mind.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

Incredible movie, Ellen Page was kind of awkward and took me out of the movie at certain points, but Leo brought it back and his side-kick was good too.

User review rating: 4 July 26, 2010

Movie seemed out of focus, but that could be a problem with the projector or the projector guy's eyes. Special effects and action was good, the plot was rather convoluted though.

User review rating: 4 July 26, 2010

The effects, stunts and overall concept were amazing, however I felt the beginning to be a bit sluggish and slow.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

There's only two words I can say about the film Inception: pure-genius! I intentionally wanted to find obvious flaws as I watched Chris Nolan's new film, but the more I tried, the more I fell for this phenomenally scripted picture, which dares its viewers to re-examine Hollywood conventions, and rather, break into exciting, new territories of how-stories-are-told.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

Finally a movie that not only entertains the audience, but also makes you think, Leo deserves a long-due Oscar for this!

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

If you suffer from A.D.D please stay away from movies like this that require consentration!. Your comments are a tipoff.Few movies today actually are this intreging and DiCaprio can only make the story better.This is Oscar material and the best this year. Also, be patient in the middle, the movie unfolds beautifully, and the ending will not leave you disappointed.

User review rating: 4 July 26, 2010

Awesome movie! Thoroughly enjoyed it. Keeps you thinking....

User review rating: 4 July 26, 2010

very good entertainment!

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

Completely amazing! Some people say this movie is difficult to understand but its not. Just pay attention and it'll make sense. The ending was a great twist and/or cliff hanger. Every actor was superb and the effects was not over done like most movies now adays where they use so much 3D it looks fake. The effects in this movie was just enough to seem real and draw you in. See the movie people!

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

Great Movie, good for people who like to think and experience twits and turns. I dont know what the producer was on when he made this movie, but well done!

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

excellent movie!

User review rating: 3 July 26, 2010

good acting but a hard movie too follow. A little slow in middle. I like Di Caprio better in the Departed, and Titanic.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

the great aspect of this movie is that you forget who the actors are as you become drawn in and caught up in the maze of the story. the time passes quickly . overall a great movie.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

Best film of the Summer so far! Plot, cast and special effects combine for one satisfying movie experience. The plot twists and turns in so many ways you'll be challenged to keep up, but its absolutely worth it! Not a moment of down time here, the film starts and races to the finish. Bravo!

User review rating: 4 July 26, 2010

Great movie! Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

User review rating: 3 July 26, 2010

It's not bad. Please guys you are not a genius for getting the movie. But yes, you are an idiot if you don't get it. It's not some brilliant movie. I say it dragged on a bit too long. I would give it a 4.5 stars if they could cut out 45 minutes.

User review rating: 5 July 26, 2010

Wow!!!!! Loved it!!! Best movie of the year!!!

User review rating: 3 July 24, 2010

Excellent concept but was not executed well. I felt that 90% of the planning went into how Nolan could make the theme of the plot convincing to the real world without developing any of the characters. Everyone is one dimensional except for Cobb but even then I could not have cared less what happened to him in the end. If the audience cannot relate to the characters at all then what's the point? Disappointing and overrated to say the least.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010


User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

for those of you who did not understand or walked out its quite clear you are not very intelligent people! its fantastic and makes you think, like the Matrix in a way. cant complain. :)

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

Finally a movie for thinking, not vegging ( can you say grownups?). Well done, reminded me of Kubrick's 2001.

User review rating: 4 July 24, 2010

This is a very clever, multi-layered roller coaster. Brilliantly directed, there is little breathing space as we are taken on the thrill ride of the summer. The acting is intense and excellent. The special effects are mind blowing. Leave your incredulity at the door. If you do, you'll love this film

User review rating: 4 July 24, 2010

Very good

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

visually stunning .... unfortunately most movie goers need 3D to be entertained.... great story, doubt most movie goes will get it though

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

What kind of a mind dreams up something like this? Loved it!

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

i like it alot

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

Mindblowing. Literally.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

Better then Momento & The Dark Knight. Nolan's Masterpiece. It's like being alive for the release of Blade Runner, 2001 or Starwars.

User review rating: 1 July 24, 2010

You'll find yourself wondering what the heck you just watched. Great idea - poor delivery. Another cash grab movie.

User review rating: 3 July 24, 2010

Very interesting movie, but hard to follow.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

This movie is crazy good! Crazy because of the intricate plot that will keep you guessing. Good because of the special effects, performances and intelligent script. The Summer's best so far! Keep up the great work Mr. Nolan!

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

The movie was shrouded in mystery so I didn't really know what to expect. It was such a good movie! The idea that is central to the movie is mind boggling, and so cool. Definitely a great movie, with a great cast.

User review rating: 2 July 24, 2010

Clever concept which is clearly articulated. However, virtually no effort is put into character development or into making us care at all about the characters' quest. Consequently, the quest is boring. There is lots of "action", but you really don't care about the outcome because the characters aren't really interesting.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

Inception may be the most intelligent action film you will ever see.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

For those who didn't enjoy the movie - could it mean the person is too dump to understand and follow the movie?

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010


User review rating: 4 July 24, 2010

We've gotten to the point where a film that wanders remotely off the reservation stuns and wows us and leads us to believe it is great. "Inception" isn't a terrible movie. It is certainly better than anything else Hollywood has to offer this year. Neither, however, is it great.

User review rating: 4 July 24, 2010

If you find this movie confusing but you get it, well then you are in that smaller percentile for which it was intended. If you didn't get it then you should have gone to see The Karate Kid; and if you didn't get that then rent Godzilla 1955 and stay home.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2010

By far, one of the most interesting films I've seen all year. BTW If you don't understand a film, can't follow the plot line or it makes you stop and think, it does not make it an average film, it just means that you have to stop munching on the popcorn and pay attention for more than 15 minutes.

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