How to Train Your Dragon - User Reviews

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How to Train Your Dragon Movie Poster

4.52 / 5

User rating: 4.52

Based on 3549 votes and 298 reviews

  • User rating: 4.52 73.50%
  • User rating: 4.52 15.09%
  • User rating: 4.52 5.30%
  • User rating: 4.52 2.42%
  • User rating: 4.52 3.69%

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Showing 1 to 50 of 298

User review rating: 1 November 24, 2013

What a dull and lifeless film....

User review rating: 5 August 12, 2013

An absolutely incredibly wonderful, exciting, beautiful film!!! Loved it Sooo much. Laughed, cried then laughed and cried some more!!!

User review rating: 4 June 19, 2012

the movie in the beginning was kind of boring, but the movie as a whole as touching and nice. i started to like it when hiccup and the dragon first connected.

User review rating: 5 May 14, 2011

my dad was in love with this was i.this should be an OSCAR WINNER

User review rating: 5 February 01, 2011

What a great, creative, funny movie! Loved every second of it! Visually appealing because of the fantastic animation!

User review rating: 5 December 05, 2010

Excellent Movie,Graphics and Storyline and really enjoyed it!! I loved the story between Toothless and Hiccup!! They were both wimpy at the beginning of the movie but became the brave hero's at the end! Great Family Movie!!

User review rating: 5 November 11, 2010

Funny roles, cute moments and enough action to keep yah awake what more could you want?

User review rating: 5 October 30, 2010

This was an excellent movie - one of the best which I have seen in the last few months.Great family animated movie and great for us big kids too! Toothless is a dragon which looks part cat and acts like a dog. It is a incredible story about the relationship which developed between a wimpy boy and a wimpy half wingless dragon. I highly recommend seeing this awesome movie!!

User review rating: 4 October 29, 2010

This movie was really entertaining. I like the animation and the story was predictable at times. Not the greatest but still a good time for children and adult alike (I am over 50).

User review rating: 5 October 22, 2010

excellent movie

User review rating: 5 October 20, 2010

Freakin' Amazing Movie!!! O Wow, Holy Cow! Epic Adventure! I love, love, love it! The entire cast, crew, producers, basically everyone involved making this movie a reality should be recognized for a job phenomially well-done! Fantastic! Just saw the whole movie early this morning.... WOW!

User review rating: 5 October 18, 2010

It's all fun and games until someone looses a leg, probably the best animated film since WALL-E. 5 stars.

User review rating: 5 October 14, 2010

Outstanding entertainment for any age

User review rating: 5 October 13, 2010

Great family movie and great for us big kids too.

User review rating: 5 October 11, 2010

good for the whole family

User review rating: 5 October 11, 2010

great family movie

User review rating: 5 October 10, 2010

best movie great story

User review rating: 3 October 10, 2010

The animated saga of Hiccup and his dragon friend,Toothless is bright,exciting with many aerial battles,dogfights(of sorts)and muscular,hairy English-speaking Vikings. Gerard Butler appears to be rechannelling his role from 300. All in all great fun for kids and the whole famn damily. If you see it only in 2D -I assure you,you will not be missing anything without the other dimension.

User review rating: 5 October 07, 2010

Really sweet without being too sweet. The dragon is part dog, part cat, part horse in the way it acts.

User review rating: 5 October 07, 2010

Amazing! So funny and good for the whole family.

User review rating: 4 October 04, 2010

Great movie for adults too.

User review rating: 5 October 02, 2010

Although the plot was familiar, it turned into a wonderful story, a very emotional experience.

User review rating: 3 October 02, 2010

I thought this would just be a kid's movie, but it's's totally something for everyone.

User review rating: 3 October 01, 2010

I don't get the mass appeal of this movie. It bored me. Maybe it was watching it in 3D that didn't sit well with me. The characters were likable enough...but it just seemed too simple. Maybe I'm too old to appreciate it. Yikes.

User review rating: 5 September 30, 2010

Wonderful family pick. Can't wait to own it when it comes out on DVD.

User review rating: 4 September 29, 2010

This movie was excellent. It seemed like only 5 min. long. It had my full attention right from the beginning, and all the way to the end.. Great job!!

User review rating: 5 September 28, 2010

Awesome! And, not just because of the voices of my two favourite Scotsman, Gerard Butler and Craig Ferguson, but the visuals were splendid and the story amusing and traditional. Who can resist a tale about a young man wanting to be himself and fit in then rising about his circumstances. The final battle scene is too intense for under-5s, though.

User review rating: 5 September 24, 2010

very good life lessons for both kids and adults.

User review rating: 5 September 23, 2010

Great story...not a fan of animation but could watch this movie over and over again.

User review rating: 4 September 22, 2010

Really enjoyed this family movie. A good story of a father and a son accepting who they are.

User review rating: 5 September 21, 2010

Great Movie especially in IMAX 3D. Funny and witty. Good for all ages.

User review rating: 5 September 20, 2010

Very funny

User review rating: 3 September 20, 2010

How can you not love a movie about dragons AND Vikings? It was great!

User review rating: 3 September 17, 2010

Such an original plot. Really well done movie.

User review rating: 4 September 16, 2010

Really Funny! This had a cute story and good characters. The dragons were different and all very unique. My cousins 7 and 12 really liked it as well. I gave it a four instead of a five becuase though I do think its a must see I could have waited for the video

User review rating: 3 September 15, 2010

Cute movie with a great storyline. You will love it.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2010

Really great movie. Much better than I had expected. Very funny and heartwarming. Easily enjoyed by the whole family.

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2010


User review rating: 5 September 12, 2010

I thought it was done excellently and was a movie for the whole family to enjoy. laughed all the way through it..

User review rating: 4 September 12, 2010

Energetic a true family movie - fabulous animation. A feel good film. Take the kids.

User review rating: 5 September 12, 2010

Wonderful movie, for the whole family, great story line, animation

User review rating: 5 September 12, 2010

excellent movie!

User review rating: 3 September 11, 2010

Really good movie...and vikings aren't something you see in your typical cartoon. Very creative.

User review rating: 5 September 09, 2010

Absolutley loved this! Wasnt expecting to, but the characters are so endearing and exactly what you would want in a story like this!

User review rating: 4 September 07, 2010

I thought it was a great family movie that could be watched with all ages.

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2010

Great movie with awesome animation.

User review rating: 5 September 04, 2010

Saw it twice in theater. As an adult, I can say it's one of my top five favorite kids movies of all time. So much more than just a great visual film; it has everything.

User review rating: 4 September 04, 2010

Great movie, saw it on the plane on the way to Frankfurt Germany. Wasn't looking forward to a "kids" movie, since I was flying with no children, but I really enjoyed it. Entertaining, and the animation was very good.

User review rating: 5 September 03, 2010

Great kids movie, with just enough adult humor to keep the grwon ups in the audience engaged! My kids want pet dragons now!

User review rating: 4 September 03, 2010

The whole family really enjoyed this movie...good animation, good storyline, a little out of the ordinary in a good way for an animated film.

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