Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 - User Reviews

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3.78 / 5

User rating: 3.78

Based on 148 votes and 54 reviews

  • User rating: 3.78 62.16%
  • User rating: 3.78 4.05%
  • User rating: 3.78 5.41%
  • User rating: 3.78 6.76%
  • User rating: 3.78 21.62%

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User review rating: 1 August 19, 2024

One of the worst movies put out in the last year. Into the dustbin of movie history it goes.....,thump.

User review rating: 5 August 17, 2024

Kevin Costner is a wonderful film maker. Loved the story lines and you had to pay attention.

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

Great insights on human history and destinies in the west, this once may be considered a masterpiece in depicting the life native and migrant ancestors lived back in the beginnings of the country’s history. A must see, hopefully we get the next chapters released soon !!

User review rating: 1 August 01, 2024

Terrible, disjointed, dumb and boring.

User review rating: 5 July 24, 2024

I watched the three hour Saga and liked the movie. However apparently too many movie goers were not abstract thinkers and were not interested in trying to follow the beginnings of multiple stories that did not appear to them to be related. So it appears, like Yellowstone it will most likely never be finished. I would love to buy the complete Horizon saga on DVD, but that is probably never going to be available. Oh well, gallant effort, but I guess it will be more profitable to produce films like High Planes Drifter or The Magnificent Seven. Or if business had not gotten in the way The Yellowstone series could have gone on for 10 more years. If this is the end of the saga I have to give this magnificent film a farewell five stars.

User review rating: 3 July 22, 2024

It sure doesn’t stack up with the many good westerns of the 50’s, 60’s or even some made in the 70’s.

User review rating: 5 July 20, 2024

Multiple story lines covering many aspects of the western migration.

User review rating: 5 July 19, 2024

This movie challenges our intellect and sharpens our focus. It is an excellent way to make 3 hours fly by in an instant. Today more than ever the wild west is forgotten and our freedom and priviliges enjoyed today are taken for granted. Thank you Kevin Costner for making this must see American Saga!!! Can't wait for the next 3 to be released!

User review rating: 3 July 19, 2024

It was very hard to follow with so many story lines. It was confusing and I had expected a better movie. Movie kept jumping between story lines. I may go to next one to see if it makes any sense.

User review rating: 5 July 18, 2024

I just dashed to my local theatre to catch the last showing of Horizon before it left the cinema. I thoroughly enjoyed the first chapter, and seeing it on the big screen definitely does the film justice, as the cinematography and scenery are sensational. In parts, it actually has a 3-D feeling. Six separate storylines are introduced, and then revisited and further developed in an ongoing cycle. You absolutely must pay attention, but the development is excellent, and I liked the fact that I needed to think as I watched. I'm confused by some reviews that couldn't follow the storylines and felt it jumped around randomly. It all made total sense to me. It revisited each story in the same repetitive order, and ended the first chapter with me anxious to see Chapter 2 to see the new developments. Mr. Costner has created a classic, timeless piece, that will probably not reach its peak until we see the correlation between the Chapter 1 characters, deaths, and storylines in the ongoing saga. As in any suspenseful series, this will take time and patience from the audience. The actors are great, and skillfully develop their characters as much as possible for an introductory chapter. I couldn't believe it when I realized the film was over. I usually make several washroom and stretch runs during a long film, but this one is so action-packed, I didn't budge. It honestly felt like an hour. Phenomenal film-making! Can't wait for the next chapter!

User review rating: 1 July 18, 2024

Waste of time and money !

User review rating: 1 July 17, 2024

This brings to cinema what Trumpers bring to intellectual conversations. Not a whole lot. What a ridiculous mess. And guess what rednecks? They pulled the August release on 2. Boo yah!

User review rating: 3 July 17, 2024

It went too long, was a little hard to keep track of all the places, people and so on, but I think #2 will tie it together. It was just not as awesome as I hoped or expected. I will give #2 a change and will go from there. I loved the scenery, and the history...so let's see what's next! I'm hopeful !!

User review rating: 1 July 17, 2024

This movie was way too long and there was like 5 storylines going on at the same time. There was a very little bit of excitement with a lot of boring in between.

User review rating: 5 July 17, 2024

Kevin Costner outdid himself! Excellent movie with awesome scenery! I can't wait for chapter 2

User review rating: 1 July 15, 2024

I can't believe we sat through three hours of torture! What a disappointment. Many other viewers made similar comments as we left the theater. Guaranteed we won't waist our time with "Chapter 2."

User review rating: 5 July 15, 2024

I hated to take a trip to the bathroom during this 3 hrs movie least I mis sone second of it - IT WAS THAT GOOD

User review rating: 5 July 13, 2024

An adventure that I was swept up in. I was able to escape from serious concerns that constantly consume my mind, every day. It was beautifully filmed and beautifully acted. I appreciated the history, the different story lines, the rawness, grief, pain and joy of the human experience. I loved the attention to detail and the allowance of the longer film length.

User review rating: 2 July 12, 2024

Left you confused and just plain let down

User review rating: 5 July 12, 2024

Everything about this movie is good—the plot, character development, interest/intrigue, acting, landscape (visuals). The three hours go by really fast. I would see it again, and can’t wait for the next chapters. Good job Mr. Costner!

User review rating: 5 July 12, 2024

I have seen twice and absolutely love it. I went into this knowing its chapter 1 of 4 so there would not be a 3 act type of movie and didnt expect it to "end" and any great spot. It left me wanting more!!! It really took time getting to know the main characters and developing their stories. Take the chance, you wont be disappointed.

User review rating: 5 July 12, 2024

This will be one of the best western movies of all time. Costner has done it again. Didn't seem like three hours at all. I wish I could have immediately watched the next installment. Hard to wait for the next one. Hurry to the theater before the critics ruin it.

User review rating: 5 July 11, 2024

a perfect outing on a rainy day

User review rating: 4 July 11, 2024

found the movie very well paced . There are a number of threads in this movie which are easy to follow can see that they will converge down the road. Found the movie interesting showing grey's and not just black and white characters. I would give the rating as a 4.5 did not find the movie dragging.

User review rating: 5 July 11, 2024

I really enjoyed this movie. I was worried about it being 3 hours long as I get bored when they are that long, but it flew by. It felt like a classic film, beautiful landscape, tying history from the perspective of the various people living in that age. Some say disjointed as it moved from the various story lines, but this is what kept it interesting. It was historical, but I really felt interested in the characters, and felt the actors did a great job. I didn't find it confusing at all. I can't wait until the next one comes out.

User review rating: 2 July 11, 2024

Very disjointed and jumps from location to location. I wanted to like it, but 3 hours was Too Much!

User review rating: 1 July 10, 2024

Too disjointed, characters didn't mesh well. I had to laugh at Kevin's clothing. While all the other costumes and people were dirty from being out on the range, understandable, but Kevin's clothes and face was always clean. Oh well, too much detail. Scenery was gorgeous though.

User review rating: 5 July 10, 2024

The 5 star reviews say it all; If you can only understand a simple plot, this movie is not for you. It was engrossing that the three hours went by quickly. Time permitting, I wouldn't hesitate to see it again.

User review rating: 3 July 09, 2024

I liked it well enough, but can't help but think it would have worked better as a musical.

User review rating: 5 July 08, 2024

Liked all of it. Based on history.

User review rating: 5 July 08, 2024

This movie was incredible. I get it that people are lost and unable to think outside the box on this tying together threads of what’s to come. It’s brilliantly done and the scenery and editing are epic. The bad reviews are sadly from people unable to grasp the concept of where it’s going. Bravo I can’t wait to see it again and I’m very much looking forward to the next episode in the saga.

User review rating: 1 July 08, 2024

Terrible movie. Scenery was beautiful. Content was weird. It made not sense.

User review rating: 5 July 08, 2024

I get it, some people are way over educated for their IQ which causes insecurities that are related in reviews as negative comments. If you are a linear thinker and never understood those topics that require abstract thinking, this movie is not for you. However, for the rest of us, it was a great start to an epic production. Kudos Kevin!

User review rating: 5 July 08, 2024

Even though it was the beginning to the western saga and three more are coming, it was hard not to remember that this is a contributing factor as to why Yellowstone was never completed. That said, it was very well done and I find myself replaying the movie in my mind and I am anxious to see the other three episodes. Hopefully, this will educate the youth as to how hard life was in the new world in the late 1800's. It isn't called the wild west for nothing.

User review rating: 5 July 07, 2024

Costner nailed it again, screw the hater’s.

User review rating: 1 July 07, 2024

Zero effort was put into this movie to make any sense. Kevin K s directing abilities were non existing. This is more like the opposite of Dancing with Wolves. I hope to save a lot of misery for viewers not to watch. Worst movie I watched in decades.

User review rating: 5 July 06, 2024

No dislikes. Liked the feel of the movie, the different stories, the compassion for God's creatures, the beautiful cinematography and the flawless editing and last but not least the music. Could not believe it was three hours long. The time flew by. Will see it again. Can't wait for the next movie. Once again, Costner shines in his storytelling.

User review rating: 1 July 05, 2024

After all they hype of how good this flick is, I was greatly disappointed by how boring it was. Disjointed, tedious, a three hour ad for some historical movie that's supposed to be wonderfully made and tells it "the way it was".. "Saga" is an apt title for this... it's a tremendous saga just to survive the viewing. I was ready to leave after ten minutes of disjointed vignettes with nothing to say. Worse, I was embarrassed at having asked others to come see it with me, redeemed by knowing that at least I bought the tickets so they were only ouot three hours of productive entertainment.

User review rating: 5 July 04, 2024

Humans couldn't make it today; most don't understand what people went through and could never live through what others did.

User review rating: 2 July 04, 2024

It's all over the place and ends in the middle of nowhere. And it took 3 hrs to get there.

User review rating: 2 July 04, 2024

Are you kidding me a huge waste of money. No redeeming qualities very tedious nothing ties anything togetherID

User review rating: 1 July 04, 2024

A scrambled history of America West. None of it makes any sense. Feels like it’s just a three hour ad for the next series.

User review rating: 1 July 03, 2024

It is terrible! It is Too Long! Wish I could get my money back!! Should have seen “Something to Stand For”!!!

User review rating: 5 July 03, 2024

Great Movie can't wait for the rest of the series

User review rating: 5 July 03, 2024

It is way better than the negative critics are saying. A very good epic from Costner and you can tell he put his whole heart and experience into doing it well. He is a skilled story teller. The acting overall is very good and I can see Naomi Watts getting an oscar nomination, as well as Costner for direction. The cinematography is gorgeous and the flow of the storylines was well done. You feel like you are there witnessing the action firsthand. The child actors are amazing and are important to the stories. We are looking forward to seeing the next one in August.

User review rating: 5 July 03, 2024

Three storylines in the early West set in Montana, Wyoming and Kansas. The grit, brutality and boldness balanced by the earnestness and naïveté of those seeking a better life. How frail human life is and how easily disposable we are. How this rawness formed our nation and people survived is a testament to the human spirit. Finally, a candid story telling the Native American Indian perspective. Cinematography is stunning, ruthlessness is palpable and can’t wait for Chapter 2 on Aug 28th! Sat between two older couples who just didn’t get it, thought it was terrible, and they kept waiting for the plot. Don’t listen - it’s epic storytelling and beautiful.

User review rating: 1 July 02, 2024

Put all westerns in a meat grinder. Spew it out and this is what you get.

User review rating: 5 July 02, 2024

This is what movie making used to be. Epic adventure with great story, great action, great characters and truly incredible photography over vast vistas. It's on the lengthy side, but we were actually sad it ended. Definitely a must see on the big screen. Can't wait for the next chapter.

User review rating: 4 July 01, 2024

Bold, interesting and educational sweeping epic. Acting is excellent. It must be kept in mind that this is a "saga" in 4 chapters - there are many threads in chapter 1 which are unresolved at end of chapter, but it's clear where Costner is headed. The epic story requires all 4 chapters to be seen. This might be a challenge for Marvel Universe devotees - to the rest of us, it is well worth waiting for all 4 chapters.

User review rating: 5 June 30, 2024

I never thought Costner would give us a sequel to THE POSTMAN, but here it is...and it's glorious!

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