Green Book - User Reviews

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4.78 / 5

User rating: 4.78

Based on 454 votes and 155 reviews

  • User rating: 4.78 90.41%
  • User rating: 4.78 4.57%
  • User rating: 4.78 1.37%
  • User rating: 4.78 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.78 3.65%

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Showing 51 to 100 of 155

User review rating: 5 February 06, 2019

Awesome movie

User review rating: 5 February 05, 2019

We need to be reminded of how it was in the south and how it still is to some degree. A wonderful film!

User review rating: 5 February 05, 2019

I loved this movie! Go see it! Wonderful characters and a wonderful story! Best movie I've seen in a long time!

User review rating: 5 February 05, 2019

Really enjoyed this film. Great story and well played on both sides of “not really knowing” the other side. Our teen son enjoyed it too.

User review rating: 5 February 04, 2019

Beautiful story & wonderful message. They helped each other. Just loved loved loved this movie.

User review rating: 5 February 03, 2019

Wonderful performances in a beautiful story.

User review rating: 5 February 03, 2019

This was a great movie. I would recommend it to anyone. I was unsure my husband would enjoy it but he did and has already told a friend he should see it!

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2019

This movie gives hope for our time, even if it tells the story of a friendship from 57 years ago. The acting is excellent by everyone.

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2019

Best picture I saw in 2018. Very redeemable message in a true historical story.

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2019

One of the best movies we have seen in a long time. Mahershala is divine on the piano and Viggo ( without a mask of makeup) transforms himself. Both actors should win for their nomination for their performances. It is beautifully written and one that will be remembered by many who see it.

User review rating: 5 February 02, 2019

Awesome movie & extremely humorous!!!

User review rating: 5 January 30, 2019

Excellent, points well made with good humour.

User review rating: 5 January 29, 2019

Filmmaking at its best! I loved every aspect of this picture. It’s destined to become a classic! What a great experience at the movies. Truly unforgettable. Thank you Peter Farrely.

User review rating: 1 January 28, 2019

Unless you're a classical musician, you won't appreciate the music!!!!

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2019

Excellent movie! Loved it!!!!

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2019

Loved it from the moment it started to the very end! Simply fantastic!

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2019

Wonderful true story... movie kept me engaged the whole time: funny at times and so heartfelt. Definitely hope the actors win the Oscar. Superb acting.

User review rating: 5 January 27, 2019

loved it! Good laughs, and seemed realistic.

User review rating: 5 January 27, 2019

Learning experience and engaging

User review rating: 5 January 27, 2019

Acting was exceptional. Wonderful movie!

User review rating: 5 January 26, 2019

Loved it! Mahershala Ali is fantastic! Highly recommend.

User review rating: 5 January 23, 2019

This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Both of these lead actors deserve an Oscar. Best performance ever by Vigo! I am buying the DVD when it comes out! It’s full of drama,typical Bronx humor, and it’s so poignant.

User review rating: 5 January 22, 2019

Outstanding. Incredible acting. Awesome story.

User review rating: 5 January 21, 2019

Best movie this year ! Great true story, funny, sad . Great acting ! My choice for best movie, best actor and best supporting actor !

User review rating: 1 January 20, 2019

Predictive programming and an insult to your intelligence, but that's typical of Hollywood rubbish these days.

User review rating: 5 January 20, 2019

Terrific movie.

User review rating: 4 January 19, 2019

Terrific movie, well acted - good insight into what it was like in the past - It is horrible to think how some people were treated!

User review rating: 5 January 19, 2019

Stunning, funny, feel good plus biting social commentary. Best movie I have seen for years. No empty seats in the theatre.

User review rating: 5 January 18, 2019

This was a real feel good movie. It's a movie you would like to keep going on. Beautiful real life story.

User review rating: 5 January 17, 2019

Excellent from beginning to end.

User review rating: 5 January 16, 2019

This is the best movie we have seen in ages, it's funny, lets people see how things really were years ago and how far we've come, it's heart warming.

User review rating: 5 January 15, 2019

It was funny at moments, touching at moments. Go with an open mind, it's a beautiful story. I loved it.

User review rating: 5 January 15, 2019

The actors were brilliant, especially Viggo Mortensen. There's lots of humor, some suspense and a joy to watch. Don't pay attention to the nay-sayers who are saying the story isn't true. Who cares? It's a well-acted, entertaining film. Enjoy it.

User review rating: 5 January 15, 2019

20 years from now film students will study this picture. The screenplay is solid. The performances are impeccable. The direction is confident. The cinematography is sublime. Everything works in this film. I was reminded how emotionally powerful cinema can be. So rare are these films to arrive in our theatres and into our lives. Peter Farrelly has given us a classic for the ages. We thank you for this deeply moving masterpiece.

User review rating: 5 January 11, 2019

I wanted to watch it again before it was even over. This is a captivating piercing human story of two men, who have had completely different influences and experiences in the world. Their experiences have defined them. As they share an 8-week road trip together, they not only share new experiences in this slice of 1962 America, but they learn new truths, gain understanding and empathy, and come to new definitions of what is most important in life. This is a layered, character-driven story, excellently acted, told and shown on the screen.

User review rating: 5 January 08, 2019

Must see to understand where were from and where we are going.

User review rating: 4 January 08, 2019

very entertaining and enjoyable - tough to imagine the way black persons were treated back then.

User review rating: 5 January 08, 2019

Best movie I have seen Saw it three times already. Loved it. Urging family and friends to see this.

User review rating: 5 January 07, 2019

A very powerful movie on racism. Acting was perfection. I loved the combined drama and comedy. Being of Italian decent, I could relate to the Italian comments and mannerisms. Well worthy of an Academy Award.

User review rating: 5 January 07, 2019

Fantastic movie. We knew it would win best Golden Globe award. It was real to life and the acting was Great. Best movie of the year.

User review rating: 5 January 06, 2019

Fantastic, so funny. Best movie I have seen in a long time!

User review rating: 5 January 06, 2019

Just beautiful, loved it !! Vigo is excellent as always.

User review rating: 5 January 05, 2019

WOW! Great movie, fantastic performances and a better message.

User review rating: 5 January 03, 2019

The entire movie was excellent. I may go see it again.

User review rating: 5 January 03, 2019

Absolutely everything!

User review rating: 5 January 01, 2019

Arguably, the year's best. Excellent performances. An unusual road buddy biopic. Suspenseful, funny, heartwarming.

User review rating: 5 January 01, 2019

Excellent movie! great acting, great story, very well developed. the movie moves at a very good pace to keep you very interested in the events. I definitely want to see it again. I read a lot of good reviews about this movie which made me want to go see it for myself, and now that I did, I can say I agree, it was a great movie to watch. The auditorium was almost completely full! the movie appears to be very popular, and for a good reason.

User review rating: 5 December 31, 2018

Very good movie!! Oscar worthy!!

User review rating: 5 December 29, 2018

I've seen this movie twice and plan on seeing it again in the coming days. The acting was amazing and the music of Dr. Shirley a historical fact I am embarrassed I knew nothing about. I have since ordered his music, and just received a copy of The Negro Travelers' Green Book because I plan to include it in my planning for coming semesters in my classroom. The film and the Green Book are a great springboard for conversation among all of us as we exist in this time of renewed racism and ethnocentrism. The humor in the movie adds to its appeal as entertainment, but doesn't detract from the importance of the story and the depiction of the era--that's a tricky thing to do. I can't remember the last film I saw that ended in applause by the audience, but this one did (both times). Kudos to the creators, producers, actors, and the families of the two main characters who decided their friendship might serve us all. This story leaves me hopeful that each of us has within us the possibility of evolving beyond what we are and toward what we might become.

User review rating: 5 December 27, 2018

Vigo Mortensen, what a breakout performance. To take on a story which was basically the unknown or taboo subject was very courageous. I hope this movie is rewarded and praised for the screenplay and acting.

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